if money disappeared would there be chaos?

2014-12-06 12:49 am
Is money a tool for survival or a tool for oppression? Does money have a true value? Or is it the resources that can be purchased/accessed with money that make it rellavent? And if so if a new generation was raised in a free society would they be able to use resources responsibly? Or is money important to keep a stronghold on who has access to resources to keep civilization flowing smoothly? The philosophical point of view shows it to be very interestingly inquisitive. Whats your views on money ? We know its designed by a control system ti control the flow of people in society whats your thoughts?

回答 (1)

2014-12-06 1:18 am
I can't answer that. I would guess that if food stamps disappeared , there would be chaos in the ghetto.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:57:58
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