
2014-12-06 4:21 am
我同Mary 講"You are nice." 當我講完最後一個字"nice" ,我就講"I have just told
Mary that she is nice." ,想問下lee 句有無錯誤既地方。

回答 (6)

2014-12-07 6:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"I've just told Mary that she's nice." ~ conversational English:

My comment:
"I have just told Mary that she's nice, my friend. "

因為是講話, 講得快, 句子容易誤解 "Mary is my friend"
不同書寫, 講話時, 人們看不見那個 comma.

My version:
Hello, my friend. I've just told Mary that she's nice.

如果句子要包括招呼 (salutation). 最好放置在句子前面

As a matter of interest, examples of addressing different kinds of people (informal spoken English)

Hey, buddy! I've just told Mary that she's nice. ~ 老兄, 【非正式】朋友

Honey, I've just told Mary that she's nice. ~ 美語(親愛的﹐寶貝〔用於稱呼心愛的人〕)

Sweetie, I've just told Mary that she's nice.~ 小巧[漂亮,可愛]的人

Hello, son. I've just told Mary that she's nice.~ 孩子〔長者對男孩或年輕男子的友好稱呼〕

Hello, mate. I've just told Mary that she's nice. ~ 【英, 非正式】朋友﹐夥伴

Hello love. I've just told Mary that she's nice. ~ 英 cockney English

To 意見者:Julie :
Using different names, 發問者 has asked a similar question many times .
His/Her questions sometimes defy logic and common sense.
知足常樂 ( 知識長 ) is a man of infinite patience. I still have a lot to learn from him.
If my memory serves me right, 知足常樂分析過, "發問者已經很辛苦了"
You are well besought to forgive the shortcoming of 發問者.
Thanks for your comment.

2014-12-11 02:32:42 補充:
To Rocketman:

It takes guts to voice out the grievance on behalf of us. I am not sure if the 發問者 is firmly stuck with tense, especially from an innocent child with obsessive behaviour, or he/she takes us for a ride. Answering such question cruelly exposes one’s incompetence in the language.

2014-12-11 02:35:46 補充:
It is infuriating and disheartening to see a 回答者 who irresponsibly churns out all kinds of gibberish you can think of. 越講越錯. 自以為是.Whether you agree or not - 有網民說是 ”language-handicap”. I try to learn tolerance, to understand the limitation of our abilities and hence regain my sanity. Thanks.
參考: Yahoo Dictionary
2014-12-16 3:55 am
You are nice."- corect - tell Mary direct

I have just told Mary that she is nice." - correct- tell somebody else that you have told Mary that she is nce.
2014-12-09 9:46 am


2014-12-08 5:17 am
I admire the patience of those who answered. I have not been here long and I only come when I have absolutely nothing to do. Even then, I got annoyed seeing the same type of questions being asked over and over again. And possibly by the same person?

2014-12-07 21:17:59 補充:
Come on. Who cares about the difference between a short period of time? Just write what you feel is right and stop drilling on the different between of a few seconds/minutes/days. What are you writing anyway that require these perfect timing you have to ask every time you write?

2014-12-07 21:22:36 補充:
I will kick myself out now and sorry if you are offended. I find it necessary that someone has to do something to get you out of this trap. If you have the energy, there's a lot more to English then what you have been focusing on.
2014-12-07 9:55 am

It's really weird repeating the speech to somebody standing next to you and it's even crazy to repeat it to yourself if nobody around except Mary.

For grammar (not sanity), you are right to use Present Perfect Tense for something "just" having happened.
2014-12-06 6:07 pm
Since you use present result of past action to somebody, the object should be mentioned.
eg:-I have just told Mary that she's nice,my friend.

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