Maths 百分法

2014-12-05 4:11 am
8416. Themarked price of a book is 20%abovethe cost price. If the book is soldata discount of 10% off the markedprice,what is the gain per cent based onthecost price? A.8%B.10%C.12%D.18%E.None of the above. 8841. Xsells an article to Y at a profit. Y tensellsit to Z for $60 at a profit of 20%.IfX had sold the article directly to Z for$60,how much MORE profit would hehavemade? A.$10B.$12C.$48D.$50E.It cannot be found

回答 (3)

2014-12-05 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
The answer is: A. 8%

Let $c be the cost price.

The selling price
= $c × (1 + 20%) × (1 - 10%)
= $c × 1.2 × 0.9
= $1.08c

Gain per cent based on the cost price
= [(1.08c - c)/c] × 100%
= 8%

88. 41.
The answer is: B. $12

Let $p be the profit when X sells the article to Y.

When Z sells the article to Z at $60, the profit
= $60 × 20%
= $12

When X sells the article directly to Z at $60, the profit
= $p + $12

When X sells the article directly to Z at $60, the amount of extra profit
= ($p + $12) - $p
= $12

2014-12-04 23:38:14 補充:
Sorry, amendment of 2.

The answer is: A. $10

Let $p be the profit when X sells the article to Y.

If Z sells the article to Z at $60, the profit
= $60 - $60 ÷ (1 + 20%)
= $10

If X sells the article directly to Z at $60, the amount of extra profit
= ($p + $10) - $p
= $10

2014-12-04 23:39:45 補充:
Thanks to 感恩貓
2014-12-05 6:17 am
Now I know what to do.

Thank you for your answer !
2014-12-05 4:39 am

Selling price = Marked price * (1 - 10%)

Selling price = Cost price * (1 + 20%) * (1 - 10%)

Selling price = Cost price * 1.2 * 0.9

Selling price = Cost price * 1.08

Selling price = Cost price * (1 + 8%)

The answer is A.


Some information may be missing, otherwise you should answ

2014-12-04 20:39:31 補充:

Some information may be missing, otherwise you should answer E.

[I checked that the answer is A.]

2014-12-04 22:09:11 補充:

Cost of Y = $60 ÷ 1.2 = $50

Therefore, Profit = $10.

The answer is A.

2014-12-05 00:59:04 補充:
You all are so welcome.


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