conjunctions 後面必定要連接 SVO?THX

2014-12-03 12:28 pm


例如:She face seems stiff, as if with a mask.

(正常as if後面加svo, 佢得一個phrase)

又例如:Peter did not finished his assignments last night, but still went to school
this morning.

(正常but後面跟SVO, 佢得VO)

上面句子可能有錯其他grammar, 因為我係自已作出黎, 但上面既句型我就一定係小說同economist見過,謝謝回答!萬分感謝!

however只係adverb.. 咁係咪姐係conjuctions後面最多可以跟VO (省略suject), 而唔可以淨係跟個phrase?

回答 (2)

2014-12-03 5:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
當conjunctions後面唔係連接完整SVO,而係得VO,係因為個 subject 係被省略了

2014-12-04 14:33:40 補充:
A conjunction can be used to link two items together.
I went to the show with Mary and two other friends.
Here the conjunction 'and' is used to link two items, 'Mary' and "two other friends', together. 'Two other friends' is a phrase. So in this case, there is a phrase after a conjunction.

2014-12-04 14:35:47 補充:
2014-12-03 4:41 pm
What are conjunctions:-
(1)Her face seems stiff (and) masked in Central.-----------(SVO and VO).
(2)Filled with fear (and) not knowing what to do.-------to join two phrases (VO and VO); she marched in Central.
(3)Her face seems stiff (and) as if on with her mask.------(SVO and VO)----join clauses together.
(4)Her face seems miserable (but) stiffened with an iron-phantom mask.-----(SVO and VO).
(5)Peter did not finish his homework (however) he still went to school.------(SVO and SVO)-----two ideas.
Conjunctions are words that join other words, phrases, clauses or ideas together. If of equal value together co-ordinating type of conjunctions, the main subject should be mentioned once only..Hence SVO---VO.

2014-12-04 07:46:24 補充:
(6)Peter did not finish his assignments,and is on an assignment now!(SVO---VO)
While wearing a mask in Central,her face seemed stiff.
Stiffened with mask,her face had stiffened up.

2014-12-04 07:46:47 補充:
(6)Peter did not finish his assignments,and is on an assignment now!(SVO---VO)
While wearing a mask in Central,her face seemed stiff.
Stiffened with mask,her face had stiffened up.

2014-12-04 07:47:47 補充:
(6)Peter did not finish his assignments,and is on an assignment now!(SVO---VO)
While wearing a mask in Central,her face seemed stiff.
Stiffened with mask,her face had stiffened up.

2014-12-04 07:47:48 補充:
(6)Peter did not finish his assignments,and is on an assignment now!(SVO---VO)
While wearing a mask in Central,her face seemed stiff.
Stiffened with mask,her face had stiffened up.

2014-12-04 07:48:35 補充:
(6)Peter did not finish his assignments,and is on an assignment now!(SVO---VO)
While wearing a mask in Central,her face seemed stiff.
Stiffened with mask,her face had stiffened up.

2014-12-04 07:49:23 補充:
(6)Peter did not finish his assignments,and is on an assignment now!(SVO---VO)
While wearing a mask in Central,her face seemed stiff.
Stiffened with mask,her face had stiffened up.

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