HELP kitten lashing out at two year old niece?

2014-12-02 7:44 pm
my new roommate just moved in with my sister and me and her kitten (a year old) is attacking us but after a few days she settled down a little but still attacks my two year old niece my sister is pissed as she has right to be but if the cat dose not stop we will be forced to get rid of her please dose anyone have any ideas how to help the cat calm down, ill give a description of the cats behaved below;

the cat is a year old and not fixed, she is a torta color cat . so the cat will rub up agents us and play with us but then randomly start attacking , we give her treats when she is calm and pet her plus use soft calming tones, but sometimes when my niece walks by not yelling or being loud or disruptive in any way the cat will jump at her grouling and hissing claws out and try to scratch her. my niece has not yet been seriously scratched but got a few here and there mostly because of swift reflexes on our part ( grabbing my niece or catching the cat mid leap) my sister and I have been bitten and deeply scratched wile stopping the cat from getting my niece. we are looking to help this once mellow cat to feel safe and calm in her new home and stop attacking us. if it dose not stop soon we will have to get rid of the cat for the safety of my niece.

please if you have any ideas that might help us please comment we don't get rid of this cat just because its having a hard time adjusting but the baby comes first!!

回答 (3)

2014-12-02 8:30 pm
Get her fixed first thing.
the vet can show the owner how to cut the claws off of the cat. It is easy to do . Do not declaw the cat since if the cat should get out, it can not defend itself by climbing a tree.
The cat is in a new home with her owner. Ask the vet for some tips in helping the cat adjust to the new home, smells and people. Keep the cat in one room with the door shut until things calm down. Most cats like cat nip . Spread some loose cat nip on a sheet of newspaper away from the child .
Try something like Feliway. It a pheromone that does calm down cats. It is a plug- in like the Airwick plug ins are. Your vet carries it over the counter.
2014-12-02 8:05 pm
Hahaha good luck with a tortie!

Just keep the baby away from her until she calms down a bit. Don't let her sit on the floor with the cat in the same room. Scold the kitten whenever she attacks someone. It's basically training the kitten to know what's right and wrong. She needs to learn that using her claws to play is wrong.

Getting her fixed is a start as well.
2014-12-02 8:07 pm
cat should be fixed AND declawed

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