
2014-12-02 7:14 pm
1. xx壞帳十月份為-100k,是什麼原因導致?
是否:Would you please kindly to check why bad debt provision of XX was at -100k?

2. YY收入十月份較往常相比上升了不少,如與十月份相比增長了100k,是什麼原因?
是否: Would you please check why revenue of YY could significantly increase in November? If compared with October 2014, it increased by 100k.


謝謝! Thanks in advance!


是否: Please kindly remind someone who forgot to switch off your car's light whose identified number is 12345.

回答 (4)

2014-12-03 7:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. xx壞帳十月份為-100k,是什麼原因導致?The October bad debt provision for xx is 100K. Would you explain why it is so?簡單敘述事實。然後針對此事實發問,是最清楚的問法。中英文都一樣 2. YY收入十月份較往常相比上升了不少,如與十月份相比增長了100k,是什麼原因?YY’s income rose significantly in October – 100K, year over year. What are the reasons behind such increase?十月份何必又與十月份相比 – 語意不清。是否是與去年十月份相比? 如果我這兩個問題一同發問,又可以怎樣連貫在一起?I have noticed that the October bad debt provision for xx is 100K; and the yy income rose significantly in October, 100K year over year. Would you kindly provide me with the details behind those two items? 若要問:哪位同事忘了關車頭燈,車牌號碼為12345。==》The headlights of a Lexus RX350, license #12345, are on. Let me know if you need to call AAA.

2014-12-06 3:11 pm
答 案在 這裡
2014-12-03 6:41 am
same doubt here... #prisoner26535
2014-12-02 8:57 pm
> "Would you please kindly..."

Wow! why? Is the Queen here?

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