Why people hate royalty nowadays despite the fact that some still tell their children fairy tales??

2014-12-01 12:53 pm
I want an answer about this. Nowadays people think that royalty is no longer reality. But why are people still adoring stories about monarchies (e.g. fairy tales like Rapunzel) but in reality hate royalty and the concept of monarchy? Shouldn't they hate it?

回答 (10)

2014-12-01 6:37 pm
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They do more than tell their kids fairy tales.

As a citizen of an actual kingdom - Canada, which is a constitutional monarchy - I find it utterly bizarre how my southern neighbours the Americans are so obsessed with royalty when they fought a revolution to create a nation without any.

The US media goes nuts over everything actual royalty does.

Their TV and movies repeatedly feature royalty - everything from TV shows like Once Upon a Time to animated films like Frozen to the upcoming big-screen, live-action epic Cinderella.

Their children are raised on Disney movies, whose prevailing themes almost all includes royalty.
And their iconic Disneyland and Disney World each have fairytale royal castles as their centrepieces.

The dichotomy of this is how they take such an interest in royalty then sit around claiming royalty is archaic when republics are so old and decrepit a system of governance that they were invented by the Ancient Greeks thousands of years ago.
It's oxymoronic to the extreme, and even more pronounced when exhibited by republican-agitators in kingdoms like Canada, Australia, Britain and etc.
(I've yet to meet one that won't let their kids watch Disney films. Those old enough to have kids, that is.)
2014-12-01 1:43 pm
Not everyone hates royalty - certainly not in the United Kingdom; they are capable of distinguishing between fantasy of fairy tales and the reality of a constitutional monarchy.
2014-12-01 1:53 pm
We know it is reality here and many would like a change for the future of our kids...
2014-12-01 3:35 pm
The problem with your is question is that you have got it wrong in the UK at least the
majority support having a Monarch
2014-12-01 1:57 pm
You might as well ask, why do people decorate their homes with hunting scenes when they hate hunting, or enjoy war stories and movies when then last thing they would actually want to do is fight in a war. it's because fantasy and reality are quite different things, and most people know it.
2014-12-01 4:13 pm
Why are anti-royals on this forum if they hate royalty so much....Lol

I can understand foreigners but so called British..???
2014-12-01 1:55 pm
yes they should, when bringing up kids it pays to be consistent. also...we are told to tell them, to tell the truth, I can see no truth in the monarchy at all . so our kids have been told the facts...as we see them.
2014-12-02 9:12 pm
The British royal family is just as real as the British government.

And how many people in the UK hate royalty anyway ?

The anti-royalty people make lots of noises in public but how many of the masses agree with them ?

10% or 20% of the population ?

Here's a history lesson for you to consider about the Royal family.

Queen Elizabeth 11 is the head of state of the British and 16 commonwealth govts.

All have adopted the westminster form of govt which can be compared to the US constitution as a blueprint for democracy and the personal and religion freedoms for its citizens.

The Queen or monarchy are defenders of the westminster system which guarantees the UK and its commonwealth protection from any future rogue govt.
2014-12-01 7:16 pm
When times are difficult, people in power and the very rich are targets of disdain. The modern monarchy is constitutional--there are laws that limit powers held, and the monarch works with an elected government. In the UK, the monarchy funds itself through revenues earned through the Crown Estate investments and Parliament determines what amount to give yearly--eventhough the money is the monarchy's and not the elected government's to spend on official expenses associated with running that branch of government.
The UK monarch is not paid for doing her job;she has private investments and various businesses that earn her personal money.

Many elected governments aren't working, by the way. In the US, sadly , too many people rewarded one party--the GOP, the spoilt-tantrum-throwing -do-nothing GOP for it's bad behavior. Perhaps the scorn should be directed at ignorant people who think that they know everything, but in reality no very little.
2014-12-02 10:38 am
Quite right, dear Hurricane. It is one of life's mysteries, indeed. I believe it may be because those people have some sort of deficiency in their brains. I'll wager it is related to a lack of organic produce in their diets.

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