急 請問有冇英文好既人幫手翻譯

2014-12-01 6:09 pm
現在內地經濟增長放緩,打貪腐亦削弱訪港旅客購買力,加上中港矛盾,亦令內地旅客訪港人數增幅顯著減少,打擊本港消費市場, 反貪腐對香港部份高檔消費構成影響,但有部份豪客購的買力仍然很強,惟只是都跑到歐洲消費。
由於內地訪港旅客人數增速過快,政府正研究減少內地自由行的人數, 受各方面的因素影響, 內地人士來港的數目會減少
因此,君悅的主要客群不能強調在於內地旅客, 現在有很多外國旅客來港的次數上升,例如南韓,有12.8%的增長率。君悅兼顧內地旅客的同時亦可以掌握新一群的客戶源。


回答 (2)

2014-12-02 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案

現在內地經濟增長放緩,打貪腐亦削弱訪港旅客購買力,加上中港矛盾,亦令內地旅客訪港人數增幅顯著減少,打擊本港消費市場, 反貪腐對香港部份高檔消費構成影響,但有部份豪客購的買力仍然很強,惟只是都跑到歐洲消費。
由於內地訪港旅客人數增速過快,政府正研究減少內地自由行的人數, 受各方面的因素影響, 內地人士來港的數目會減少
因此,君悅的主要客群不能強調在於內地旅客, 現在有很多外國旅客來港的次數上升,例如南韓,有12.8%的增長率。君悅兼顧內地旅客的同時亦可以掌握新一群的客戶源。

Hong Kong Immigration Department figures released in May, the Labor Day Golden Week, a total of three days and even fake mainland visitor arrivals 388,000 passengers, 394,000 passengers over last fall. In terms of the first day of vacation trips computing, mainland visitors to Hong Kong plummeted by nearly 12 percent over last year. In June the total value of retail sales for five consecutive months of decline recorded year, fell 6.9 percent to 37.131 billion yuan, the number of people in the Mainland visitors a significant drop.
Slowdown in economic growth in the Mainland now, playing corruption also weakens the purchasing power of visitors, plus Hong Kong and contradictions, Yiling significantly reduce the number of mainland visitors increase, to combat domestic consumer market, the impact on Hong Kong's anti-corruption constitute part of the high-end consumer, but buying power to purchase part of the Hawker remained strong, but have come to Europe just consumption.
Due to the rapid growth of mainland visitors to Hong Kong, the government is considering reducing the number of free exercise of the mainland, by various factors, the number of mainlanders to Hong Kong will be reduced
Therefore, the main customer base can not be stressed is that the Grand Hyatt Mainland visitors, there are often a lot of foreign visitors increased, such as South Korea, 12.8% growth rate. Hyatt both Mainland visitors can also learn new group of customers source.

Dear 匿名

Here is the perfect translation BUT NOT GOOGLE TRANSLATION!

現在內地經濟增長放緩,打貪腐亦削弱訪港旅客購買力,加上中港矛盾,亦令內地旅客訪港人數增幅顯著減少,打擊本港消費市場, 反貪腐對香港部份高檔消費構成影響,但有部份豪客購的買力仍然很強,惟只是都跑到歐洲消費。
由於內地訪港旅客人數增速過快,政府正研究減少內地自由行的人數, 受各方面的因素影響, 內地人士來港的數目會減少
因此,君悅的主要客群不能強調在於內地旅客, 現在有很多外國旅客來港的次數上升,例如南韓,有12.8%的增長率。君悅兼顧內地旅客的同時亦可以掌握新一群的客戶源。

The Hong Kong Immigration Department figures released in May, 51 golden week, 3 day vacation a total of 388,000 visits mainland visitors, down from 394,000 passenger trips last year. If calculated on a first day of holiday visitors, mainland visitors to visit Hong Kong fell sharply from a year earlier to 12%. In the value of total retail sales in June for 5 consecutive month of annual declines, fell 6.9% to 37.131 billion yuan, mainland visitors to Hong Kong visitors marked a drop. Slowing economic growth in the Mainland now, fight corruption also weakens the purchasing power of visitors, together with Hong Kong conflicts, increase in the number of mainland tourists visiting Hong Kong also decreased significantly, to combat domestic consumer market, corruption adversely affecting Hong Kong some of the high-end consumer, but some of Hawker Beechcraft's buying power is still strong, but just went to Europe. Due to the fast growth of the number of mainland visitors to Hong Kong, the Government is to reduce the number of Mainland tour, under the influence of various factors, number of mainlanders coming to Hong Kong will be reduced accordingly, Hyatt's main customer base cannot be stressed that mainland visitors, now has many of the rising number of foreign visitors to come to Hong Kong, South Korea, for instance 12.8% growth. Grand interests of mainland visitors also can learn new group of customers.


收錄日期: 2021-04-15 20:07:08
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