
2014-12-01 10:28 pm




The lab has noted that there are 2 scenes in the movie that contained burned in subtitles for JUST BUSINESS.However, textless elements (these scenes without the subtitles) will be supplied at the end after the feature so that you can simply edit and replace the scenes yourself.請問意思是影片上有字幕但我可以由後製進行編輯

回答 (9)

2014-12-02 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案


"Is it just like some words in the red frame on the picture?"
參考: Yoyo
2014-12-05 8:33 pm
體育●真人●現場●彩球●電子 -->投注站
2014-12-03 8:53 pm
There are better answers by CCT and 有倫。 in red 【frames】 不是 frame, 因為框架有4個,不是單一。而且,應該是 【in】 the picture, 不是 on the picture! 就好像 in the book 指書裡面的東西,如果 on the book 那就變成書本上面放的東西之類...
2014-12-02 3:42 am
Simply and verbally put:
You mean the words in the red box on the picture?
2014-12-02 3:16 am

Are they like the words in the red box shown in the picture?
2014-12-02 12:53 am

Are they just like the words in red frames in my photo?

Are the words just like those in red frames in my photo?

2014-12-01 18:48:01 補充:
in red frames 也可考慮換成 in the red box (紅色小視窗)
2014-12-01 11:09 pm
May I know is it similar to the wording in this red column?
Please kindly let me know, thank you!

2014-12-05 13:38:13 補充:
其實你選的那個解答 用字真的不正確
some words 是指你不知道的一些字,不是有具體出現的才能用

in the red frame?紅色框的話要說red column, red frame 真的是指相框的意思,所以不會有在紅色相框裡面, 而應該用 within the red frame, 因為相框是平面的。他的裡面只有平行的中間點。

第三點是 on the picture.在圖片上。這些都是直譯,根本不是英文原本的用法
on the picture? in the picture 才正確吧

2014-12-01 10:54 pm
as the words in the red box shown on the picture
2014-12-01 10:38 pm

2014-12-09 11:24:20 補充:
嗯... 沒錯 與小魚兒同感.. 問主選的正解 其實不那麼正.. 母語為外國人的人 讀起來應該有點怪。。有倫和Max的答案其實比較ok.

2014-12-02 12:21:20 補充的部份,對方的意思應該是說,有兩個畫面有字被馬賽克掉,他們後續會在提供沒字的版本 你們再自己替換即可 (不需自行後製馬賽克)
參考: myself

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