Problems in the work place advice please?!?

2014-11-30 10:10 pm
I'm 16 and I got my first Saturday job at the start of October 2014, I actually quite like the job however there's a women who works there full time and she's awful! She's really bossy and picky and just plain mean, she picks up on any tiny error and constantly patronises and undermines me and she actually smirks when I do something wrong or have to ask for help! This is a grown women! I like the job when she isn't there but she is there most of the time, I was thinking about leaving but I don't know what to do! I've only worked there 2 months and three of those I had to have off as I had existing holidays/commitments booked where would I stand in terms of leaving and giving notice? Or does anyone have any advice whether I should stay/go or what I should do in this situation?! Thanks

回答 (3)

2014-11-30 10:49 pm
Welcome to the work place, you will have this problem for the rest of your life at every place you work, so get use to it now
2014-11-30 10:31 pm
smile as often as you can when you see her; ask her how her day is going; be a good listener - maybe she is cranky because no one is decent to her
2014-11-30 10:26 pm
There is someone like this in every workplace. Stay put. You could get someone worse in another job.

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