幫手翻譯為英文 ~~Please!~~ >o<

2014-12-01 2:12 am

回答 (3)

2014-12-03 3:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
In this course, I learned a different motivation, understand the importance of learning more motivation, because it is possible to have an incentive to push us more positive, so that we may become loose because of motivation. Like me, I'm out of work after graduating from high school, they did do a three-year, one day I took a decision to resign all my savings, is used to enroll in the course fees. Up to now, I still feel very stupid behavior was, because I do not like reading. Then I found out the reason I decided to enroll, that is, I find myself worse than other people, that can not go on like propionate, and therefore the value themselves, increase their knowledge. Although I still feel silly behavior, but I do not regret it, because I feel they have a progress compared to the previous.
Dear Melody:

Here is the translation:

在這個課程中,我了解到不同的學習動機,更加了解到學習動機的重要性,因為有動機所以能夠推動我們更加積極 In this lesson, I learned a different motivation, more aware of the importance of motivation because of incentives can contribute to a more positive

也可能因為動機令我們變得鬆散。就像我,我中學畢業後便出來工作,一做便做了3年 May we become loose because of motives. Just like me, I graduated from high school after working out, doing it for 3 years

某日我毅然決定辭職將我所有積蓄,用作報讀課程的學費 One day I decided to quit all my savings, courses for tuition

到現在,我還是覺得自己當時的行為十分傻,因為我是不喜歡讀書的 Up to now, I still feel that his behavior was very stupid, because I don't like reading

之後我找出了我決定報讀的原因了,就是我發現自己比其他人差,覺得不能丙這樣下去 Then I found out the reason why I decided to enroll in, and is inferior to others I find myself, it can't go on like this

因此要增值自己,增加自己的知識 And to value yourself, increase their knowledge

雖然我現在還是覺得自己的行為很傻,但是我沒有後悔過,因為我覺得自己比起以前的自己有進步。 Although I still think your behaviour is silly, but I have no regrets, because I think they are stronger than ever before you have progress.

Hope I can help you!
2014-12-01 2:27 am
In this course, I learned a different motivation, understand the importance of learning more motivation, because it is possible to have an incentive to push us more positive, so that we may become loose because of motivation. Like me, I'm out of work after graduating from high school, they did do a three-year, one day I took a decision to resign all my savings, is used to enroll in the course fees. Up to now, I still feel very stupid behavior was, because I do not like reading. Then I found out the reason I decided to enroll, that is, I find myself worse than other people, that can not go on like propionate, and therefore the value themselves, increase their knowledge.
Although I still feel silly behavior, but I do not regret it, because I feel they have a progress compared to the previous.
參考: google翻譯

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