Maths S.1-S.3 question

2014-12-01 12:31 am
Solve (1/3)b^(3)+2b=15

I don't know how to do/_\
Is it use factor formula? Or some methods taught in s.1-s.3?
Please help, thanks!

回答 (3)

2014-12-01 4:18 am
岩岩睇錯仲以為係 ² ~.~
2014-12-01 12:34 am
I think so, factor theorem, or trial-and-error.

The answer is b = 3.

2014-11-30 16:37:02 補充:
b³/3 + 2b = 15

b³ + 6b = 45

b³ + 6b - 45 = 0

Let f(b) = b³ + 6b - 45 is a polynomial in b.

Try f(3) = 3³ + 6(3) - 45 = 0
(b - 3) is a factor of f(b).

b³ + 6b - 45 = 0
(b - 3)(b² + 3b + 15) = 0

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