
2014-11-29 11:19 pm
Why the following sentences contain more than one verbs?

1. The government has to take the right remedial steps, including starting to encourage citizens to refuse taking vehicles driven by friends or relatives who have had just a drink considering that drink-driving endangers the life of a passenger.

verbs: including, starting, considering

2. There were often cases of nursing for the elderly becoming abusing them.

verbs: becoming, abusing

3. The elderly usually being more conservative put up resistance when they had to be given a bath naked with the help of someone but they were given a chest attack instead.

Verbs: being, put up, naked

4. The nursing home for the elderly involved in this case is run by a non-profit making religious group.

Verbs: involved

5. The parties concerned should enhance elderly respect content in training courses.

Verbs: concerned

回答 (1)

2014-11-30 1:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Each clause (e.g. a single sentence) contains one and only one finite verb (main verb), but can have any numbers of non-finite verb (i.e. verbal: participle, gerund and infinitive).

Please take note that some words with V+ing form are used as other part of speech, instead of verb.
Example: interesting (pure adjective), including (preposition), considering (preposition), making (pure noun), and etc.

1. The government has to (finite - modal) take (bared infinitive = base form) the right remedial steps, including (preposition) starting (gerund) to encourage (infinitive) citizens to refuse (infinitive) taking (correction: to take) vehicles driven (participle) by friends or relatives who have (finite - auxiliary) had (participle) just a drink considering (preposition) that drink-driving endangers (finite) the life of a passenger.

2. There were (finite) often cases of nursing (gerund) for the elderly becoming (participle - linking) abusing (gerund) them.

3. The elderly usually being (participle) more conservative put up (finite - phrasal) resistance when they had to (finite - modal) be (aux.) given (participle) a bath naked (participle) with the help of someone but they were (finite - auxiliary) given (participle) a chest attack instead.

4. The nursing (gerund - as "home for nursing") home for the elderly involved (participle) in this case is (finite - aux.) run (participle) by a non-profit making (noun) religious group.

5. The parties concerned (participle) should (finite - modal) enhance (base) elderly respect content in training (noun) courses.

2014-11-29 17:18:29 補充:
grammar note:
refuse to take (correct)
refuse taking (incorrect)

2014-11-29 17:24:12 補充:
"Nursing for the elderly" (gerund phrase as subject of sentence) became (finite - linking) abusing them (gerund phrase as subject complement - nominal).

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