
2014-11-29 9:50 pm
People in western countries think that they are more superior than people in
Asian countries.


我上邊有野寫錯左,應該係People in western countries think that they are more superior to people in Asian countries.

回答 (5)

2014-11-30 3:37 am
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現在式是用來描述事實, 恆常都做既野
事實上西方的確優秀D 人地早你幾十年發展 科技教育政治都好過你
中美俄法英 5大常任理事國 有3個都係歐洲 就知咩事啦


而用過去式就唔同 講以前係 而家唔係 已經比人反超 可能指日本,中國
People in western countries thought that they were more superior than people in
Asian countries.
參考: 我是中學英文教師
2014-12-03 11:40 am
In Latin “superior” is a comparative adjective meaning higher – which has consequences for its use in English. One is that superior should not be further compared with “more” (which would make it a double comparative).

2014-12-03 03:42:56 補充:
Another is that when superior expresses comparisons, the preposition link should be “to” rather than “than”.

純正英文, more superior 或 superior than 都是錯
詩人, 作曲填詞例外 (poetic licence)

2014-12-03 03:46:59 補充:
In the language of marketing, superior is used as a kind of blind and absolute comparative. (= above the average; of good quality)
e.g. made of superior leather; superior wines

superior 可用 adverb 加強語氣 far/vastly/clearly/distinctly/greatly + superior
或者 technically/morally superior

2014-12-03 10:05:00 補充:
Present perfect continuous.

Subject 西方國家的人
It means that an idea or a thought came to their minds some time in the past and it continues being in their minds in the present.

用這 tense, 動作應該是暫時, 不是永久, 可能隨時停止
應用在許多不同的人, 不知 think 何時開始, 停止每個人不同
Generalization 不會用這 tense, especially without adverbial.
2014-12-01 11:39 pm

這句的主旨是西方人認為的是xxx(不論你認為那xxx對你是否對或錯),這句表達的記述/講述那xxx是由一般西方人所認為的(think),所以除非這想法或認為從沒有出現過,那麼才不是"事實",所以本句重點不是這想法維持了多久或者現今或纣來是否適用,它只是講出一個"事實"。你最多只可以推論,他寫這句的含意我會覺得是「西方人現在仍然保持這xxx想法」會比"一直以來"更接近原意。因為"一直以來"英文動詞式裏是有另一個寫法:People in western countries have been (holding on to the) thinking that they are more superior to people in Asian countries.
2014-11-30 5:48 pm
People in Western countries think that they are superior to people in Asian countries.
superior,adj. vastly superior=eg:-The westerners are technically superior to its counterpart , the Asians.
arrogant=a superior manner, status :-eg:-Westerners always look so superior in Tech.Ed.Politics to Asians.
Hence the present tense is an eternal truth,general facts, habits,expressing abilities(=Westerners) in adverb clauses of time and condition in the Tense.
2014-11-30 1:35 am
"superior" is an adjective with [no comparative], so you can't put "more" in front of it.
People in western countries think that they are superior to people in Asian countries.

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