cross 和 across 的分別

2014-11-29 1:54 am
cross 和 across 有甚麼分別?


回答 (5)

2014-11-29 11:38 pm
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cross 可以當noun, adjective and verb用

across 只可當adverb and preposition用
參考: me
2014-12-01 9:31 pm
cross is a verb.

eg. I cross the road.

across is an adverb.

eg I walk across the road.
across modifies the verb walk.
2014-11-30 9:22 am
Cross 是十字,Across是 在對面、穿過和從一邊到另一邊(from one side of something to the other )。

1.going, looking etc from one side of a space, area, or line to the other side 橫過﹐穿過

flying across the Atlantic 飛越大西洋

We gazed across the valley . 我們注視山谷的對面。

Would you like me to help you across the road ? ( = help you to cross it ) 要我幫你過馬路嗎?

2.reaching or spreading from one side of an area to the other 從一邊到另一邊

a deep crack across the ceiling 天花板上從一端到另一端的深縫

the only bridge across the river 跨越這條河的唯一一座橋

Slowly a smile spread across her face . 慢慢地她的臉上露出了微笑。

Do you think this shirt is too tight across the shoulders ? 你覺得這襯衫的肩部是不是太緊了?

3.on or towards the opposite side of something 在對面; 向對面

My best friend lives across the road . 我最好的朋友住在馬路對面。

Jim yelled across the street to his son . 吉姆向街對面的兒子喊叫。 every part of a country, organization etc 在全部…﹐在整個…

a TV series that became popular across five continents 在五大洲廣受歡迎的電視系列片


含義的動詞 verb 而被使用的 Eg.: You have to be careful when crossing the railroad tracks. Across 在外形上看與 cross 很相似, 但它卻是作為有( 橫穿) 含義的介系詞preposition
2014-11-29 5:29 am
across 是 preposition 和 adverb
cross 是 verb, noun 和 adjective
兩個字不能對換, function 不同

I walk across the street. (across ~ preposition)
I cross the street. (cross ~ verb)
2014-11-29 3:12 am

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