Help again! 三角學

2014-11-28 9:32 pm
I need help.
Here are my questions

1. Two sides and an angle are given below. Determine whether the given information results in one triangle, two triangles, or no triangle at all. Solve any triangle(s) that results.

The height of a radio tower is 700 feet, and the ground on one side of the tower slopes upward at an angle of 10°.
(a) How long should a guy wire be if it is to connect to the top of the tower and be secured at a point on the sloped side 100 feet from the base of the tower?
(b) How long should a second guy wire be if it is to connect to the middle of the tower and be secured at a point 100 feet from the base on the flat side?

Thanks a lot !

回答 (1)

2014-11-29 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The given information is "SSA" (means "Side, Side, Angle").
Since b is shorter than c, C can be an acute angle or obtuse angle, the SSA results in two triangles.

b=4, c=5, B=10°
By The Law of Sines,
sin(C)/c = sin(B)/b
sin(C)/5 = sin(10°)/4
sin(C) = [5×sin(10°)]/4
sin(C) = 0.2170...
C = sin^−1(0.2170...)
C = 12.5364...° or 167.4635…° [note: sin C=sin (180°-C)]
C = 12.5°or 167. 5° (to one decimal place)
A= 180°-B-C =180°-10°-12.5°=157.5° or
A= 180°-10°-167.5°=2.5°

By The Law of Sines,
sin(A)/a = sin(B)/b
sin(A)/a = sin(10°)/4
a= 4*sin(157.5°)/sin(10°)=8.82 (to 2 decimal places) or
a= 4*sin(2.5°)/sin(10°)=1.00 (to 2 decimal places)
The two triangles are: {a=8.82, b=4, c=5, A= 157.5°, B=10°, C = 12. 5°}, {a=1, b=4, c=5, A= 2.5°, B=10°, C = 167. 5°}

2. (a) The slope formed an angle of 90°-10°=80° with the tower, let this angle be A.
The first guy, the top and base of tower formed a “SAS” triangle.
A=80°, b=100, c=700
By the Law of Cosines,
a=√(b^2+c^2-2bc*cos A)
a=√(100^2+700^2-2(100)(700)*cos 80°)
a=689.70 (to 2 decimal places)

(b) The second guy, the middle and base of tower formed a right-angled triangle.
Let L be the length of wire which is the hypotenuse.
By the Pythagorus Theorem,
L=√[100^2+(700/2)^2]=364.01 (to 2 decimal places)

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