Why are American police officers so evil trigger happy maniacs who love to kill innocent people?

2014-11-27 7:56 pm
Are you a police officer I hate them especially U.S police kipping innocent people.

And why are they such cowards 20 police officers with a gun kill a one man and they walk really slowy towards dead person like he's going to come back to life and attack them?

I hate corrupt cops who kill people and coward police all 6 of them pointing guns at man with no weapons cowards!

Death by Officer: An American Epidemic of Police Shootings and Brutality

回答 (12)

2014-11-27 8:46 pm
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The media makes all that up. The police approach the dead guy with their gun on him so that in case he pulls a gun or something they are ready. Police officers are trained to not lower their gun or guard until every possible threat is gone. He is still a threat until he has been confirmed dead or handcuffed. Cops don't enjoy killing people. They are trained to shoot to kill. When a person tries to take their gun, hurt someone, or something bad, the officer is trained to kill the person doing harm. Cops are not evil like the media portrays them as. They are our friends. The incident recently were the cop shot the black kid was because the black kid was trying to hurt the police officers and take their guns. The cops defended themselves. They did not kill him because he was black. They killed him because he was putting lives in danger so they had to kill him before he killed anyone who did not deserve to die. Cops are not evil. They are our friends.
參考: Stop watching the news.
2014-11-27 8:51 pm
Who you ought to be hating is the media who brainwash those that are small minded and ignorant and believe everything they read or hear (You know the type of intelligence I am talking about don't you)
2014-11-27 9:11 pm
You are stupid if you think all cops are bad. There are plenty of good cops but the media only likes to exploit the bad ones. Then stupid people think that because one cop was bad then every police officer must be bad.
2014-11-27 8:01 pm
I guess they have friends that have died and they have seen it so they are over the top cautious, also they,re profession dictates that they do almost all they're work involving evil people like rapists peodiphiles and killers and twitchy drug addicts and dealers so i think if your in that environment dealing with those kind of people all day your going to turn into a bit of a dick
2014-11-27 11:21 pm
The vast majority of police officers are not corrupt nor trigger happy but it only take a few bad ones to mess it up for the rest of them. Concerning trigger happy, they need more training, it is easy in the heat of the moment to empty an 18 round magazine and six officers all feeling compelled to do the same at one person is just a bit over the top. Better psychological screening along with more comprehensive firearms training with a little stress thrown in would go a long way toward preventing unnecessary shooting deaths. Aside from the weapon and the badge, police officers are just like anyone else, but held top a higher standard because they are expected to walk in harms way and always carry a weapon.
2014-11-28 12:50 am
Were I live I have not heard of the police shooting any one yet this year. In a city of 1 million. Not to say a few have not been shot here. Very few. But every one has a gun here. And return fire is allowed here. Could be the reason. Here a police officer is fired for disgraceing the uniform as well. They don't get to the mental point of murders or bad cops. Different attitude here. Cops still spend part of there day on foot patrol and talk to people and ride motorcicles. They do not have the privlage of hiding out in there bulet prof car here. So lack of contact with the tax payer and infernal afairs covering for there missdeeds in America. They are allowed to be that way.
2014-11-29 3:57 pm
Sorry but your argument is invalid. I studied that case. When they release the dog the k9 officer (gun holstered) went up and grabbed the dog while the man pulled the knife so the officers defended their brothers. Even when he was on the ground he refused to drop the knife and they didn't want to go in and get killed. The second the suspect pulled a weapon and the officer defended himself. Then the woman came out and they didn't want to approach because the weapon was next to her. The third I admit does look like officer curuption but the video is somewhat bad quality. Forth shooting how does the officer know he's deaf. With all the shootings and stabbings lately he did his job. And when he turned around to face the officer he probably took a step forward the cop defend himself. The fifth if you look it does kinda look like a gun. I would do the rest but I'm out of room. Yes there are corrupt officers but they aren't all corrupt. Very similar to not every black man has commited a crime
2014-11-29 7:53 pm
You are an idiot. Cops don't go around killing people. If you haven't been a cop don't make these assumptions. You're making yourself look like an idiot. Cops have a very dangerous jobs. If you have not served you will never be able to tell exactly how dangerous it is. I'm done. If I keep going, i'll get into a huge argument with you.
2016-02-16 11:37 am
because idiots like u always violate the law and bringing harm to others
2014-11-27 10:58 pm
ILets see you try to do that job.

They carry guns to shoot people who aredangerous.

Most cops are prettys good blokes and gals

They are tryimg to help make us safe.

So what if a racoon gets his rearend bulletized. Who cares about some boarhog who doesnt have a job anyway?

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