what career or job type fit best for saggitarius?

2014-11-27 5:46 pm
My cousin is a Sagittarius she cannot fit into anything. I would like to know of any ideas that can get the train in motion

回答 (3)

2014-11-27 5:50 pm
zodiac signs have nothing to do with anything - both my grandfather, my father and I all worked as accountants and we were born in different months
2014-11-27 5:49 pm
First let's talk about the fact that star signs affect your life..... Oh wait they don't. Does she have any talents? Or maybe she is unhappy with her life in general and so is restless and nothing works.
2014-11-27 5:48 pm
Have her read "What Color Is Your Parachute?" for ideas that fit her.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:51:49
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