what to do if your conversations get boring with your woman friend?

2014-11-27 5:29 pm
If you are running out of things to talk about you have two options: find out what she is useful for whats her purpose in your life.second option just stop talking too her she is obviously not a good match.if you have to "werk" at a relations with people then they arent meant to be in your everyday road path

回答 (1)

2014-11-27 5:51 pm
When you seek constantly to use a person,
And they must have a function,
You have the relationship polarized, You see them as opposite to you.
This means you think you are their employer.


Since you asked, I suggest looking up the terms in your question commentary.
Use a webster's dictionary.
I would write myself an essay in my journal, I could start with... A friend is....

If you seek to use the person's time for your entertainment, then be entertaining.
If you get "bored" it has been said that makes YOU "boring"
since it is a matter of perception and opinion.
Putting on airs, and omitting your feelings to "entertain" does not serve us, it rather, stifles us.
Discussing your feelings and friendship values can be healthy to jog your ideas to the forefront of your mind.
If you have a safe place to air out your feelings, it is healthier.
You may find more things you have in common.
But honestly consult your true motives.
successful relationships can be a little work,
meaning, it takes effort you did not expect because of things you think you know that just arent so, but you "heard it somewhere".
Learn to BE a friend and make self assertions to love yourself.
She may pick up on the idea that you need more

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:52:03
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