Will new amnesty-excused immigrants get licenses, be able to vote, and legally own guns?

2014-11-27 4:22 pm
I've seen it mentioned that the NRA is planning to aggressively pursue registration of newly documented and legalized immigrants, to encourage them to use their new licenses and legal status to join the millions of responsible gun owners and defend their American right to bear arms. Supposedly they are also going to be allowed to vote, so it's actually a really smart move to get them on board politically.

They'll have legal driver's licenses, legal social security numbers, and have the legal right to vote, so they should also be able to get a legal carry permit, and that will set them up perfectly to join the NRA.

It would certainly change the outcome of having 10 million new voters... might not go the way Democrats planned. It would definitely be sweet irony.

回答 (4)

2014-11-27 4:27 pm
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They won't be able to vote. They will be able to own guns and get driver's licenses. They will also be able to legally work.
2014-11-27 4:48 pm
I would also like to add that an executive order can be removed by executive order. The next president will have the ability to remove the protections granted. Also, if the congress is so dammed upset about it they can get up off their butts and pass a law.
2014-11-27 5:31 pm
The boss of the federal government telling his federal employees not to deport a certain group of people for 3 years and ordering them to pay income taxes while not being deported has nothing, not a thing to do with amnesty.

No illegal alien will be able to purchase a gun, hold a gun, fire a gun, all of which requires at least permanent residency, and since voting is a right reserved for citizens, we don't even have to talk about this.

I'm as unhappy about Obama's executive order as many Americans, but that's no reason to ridicule the discussion by pulling bullsh*t arguments out of your a*s.
參考: An immigrant from Europe, I now live on the American Rivera and work as an attorney in Santa Barbara, California.
2014-11-27 4:39 pm
Your question is a great example of why the word amnesy is a misnomer for the executive action to temporarily not prosecute and deport a particular segment of the immigrants.....people are under the assumption that they (approximaely 5 million, not 10 million) will have all the rights and benefits of legalized citizens......they won't. The irony is that the can purchase guns but not vote.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:14:46
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