oh god I sent a question and I still waiting for answer?

2014-11-27 1:03 pm

回答 (11)

2014-11-27 2:14 pm
You have eaten a clown at breakfast, haven't you? This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private. God bless all Americans of every color, culture and creed. Madness has grown to astronomical heights. I hope you all find the piece that you're looking for. It cannot be denied. We are near the end of time as we know it. When the time is right, you will know without a doubt. The US government is a highly funded terrorist organization. The British monarchy stole my family crest during the Crusades. Bio-holograms exist and they use them to seduce us. Fear is protecting itself against us by making us afraid. Lucid dream windows are open. The windows are hinged on the left. In a moment when you think not, love makes everything way beyond stupid. I never left. I just have forgotten myself. In the digital world, nothing truly exists unless it exists in at least two places. The quality of attention determines the quality of understanding. There is a spiritual battle going on right now. Maybe it's something internal you're looking for? What could it mean if for no reason your nose bleeds? They made me the keeper of the vineyards carrying a large scythe and clothed in a black cloak with a hood. My shadow is as fast as me, but if I am in the dark, I am faster. Stealth bomber and Star Wars technologies are obtained. Follow the Yellow Brick Road. The path to the abyss is paved with good intentions. Like a bottomless pit, we are full of questions. If you see elves and fairies dancing in the street, don't doubt what you see. You'll wish it was only make-believe. Street lamp interference is caused by intense feeling. Life's not all beer and Skittles. All your friends think you're satisfied but they can't see your soul. Forgive everyone but yourself and be your own worst critic. Torture is not wrong unless it's done to you. Just let it go. It's in the past, but it doesn't have to be the future. You are sorry and I'm sorry you feel guilty and I feel guilty. There is only one of you and no one can take your place. I'm so tired of living is already in here so I guess I'm not alone at least. I have to come back. Everything you say about me is exaggerated and false. Your memory is driving me crazy. May as well call me Xavier, psychic at Inner Voice Enterprises - Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement & Logistics Division - Cosmic Multidimensional Being representing the Sovereign Communications Network (Novus Ordo Seclorum in 3rd dimension & Even-Thinking Wand Arrangement in 4th Dimension). Computer games are one reality; life is another. Here to save your butt, not kiss it. There are no silly questions, only stupid answers. Sometimes the wrong answer is the right. Uranus is missing; Venus is here. Jump on it like you own it. Where's the KABOOM?! There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering KABOOM! . . . . . but really, it's Lucifer. Did I mention my army of werewolves?
2014-11-27 1:57 pm
Are you an examiner and do you think God is one of your examinees??
2014-11-27 1:32 pm
either god gave you the answer which was no or your not following god or worshiping him.
2014-11-27 1:26 pm
To get an answer from God, one has to really Believe in God! Not pretend and not mean it!
God's answers come in different ways and different times! Not always as the person thinks it will come. Sometimes the answer may have come and the person not realize it until later on! Sometimes the answer may effect things too neg. for the time; so the answer could be decades off!? Depends on each prayer
2014-11-27 1:09 pm
No you didn't.
2014-11-27 1:08 pm
i am waiting for your proper questions
2014-11-27 1:06 pm
God doesn't reply to e-mails or text messages.
2014-11-27 1:18 pm
You will be waiting a long time or at least until either coincidence or some on-the-fly explanation can be fit into your request.
2014-11-27 1:15 pm
You rang?
2014-11-27 1:14 pm
Don't feel alone. Others have been waiting 2000 years and still, no answer.
So don't hold your breath.
2014-11-27 1:08 pm
I guess that means you need to learn patients or your faith is not strong enough or he works in mysterious ways or he has answered your question but you were not listening. Check your spam folder and be sure to add him so you don't miss any future messages.

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