what is my astrology zodiac sign?

2014-11-27 9:58 am
my name is Ajoy Basak born 10-01-1996

回答 (4)

2016-03-09 12:23 pm
My best advice is to keep going. I was the same way and still am since August, although the constant thoughts have died down quite a bit :) Whenever i see someone i know and their sign, I catch myself watching to see if they are like their sign or more perhaps like their (unknown) moon/rising. Astrology is a very fun hobby and i have missed some due dates because of it but it gets better FOR SURE! I have started going back to old habits/interests but i still form questions in my head to enter at the top dailly, which i can sometimes hold off but my resistance is still forming haha If you are still stuck this way after you read tons about your own and others signs, ask this again and say how long its been going on. Good Luck :) hopefully your jupiter is a good one lol
2014-11-28 12:33 am
Is that 1st October? - Libra
If it's 10 January - Capricorn
2014-11-27 10:58 am
sorry i dunno whether ur date format is american or british

If ure born on October 1, ur sign is Libra
If ure born on January 10, ur sign is Capricorn
2014-11-27 10:54 am
You are a Capricorn. Cardinal (cardinal signs are good leaders, initiators and like to be in control) and an earth sign.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:30:38
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