
2014-11-26 7:19 pm
請師兄幫忙翻譯以下為英文 :

本公司暫時未能抽空落標, 抱歉!

回答 (5)

2014-11-26 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
本公司暫時未能抽空落標, 抱歉!
We're sorry that our company was unavailable to submit a tender.

參考: 自己翻譯的 ^^
2014-11-27 2:55 am
Sorry, our company temporarily unable to find time to drop standard.

2014-11-26 18:56:45 補充:
I hope I can help you......
2014-11-27 2:37 am
Regreted that we have no interest to place tender!
2014-11-26 11:48 pm
翻譯為英文本公司暫時未能抽空落標, 抱歉!
翻譯:For the time being, this company is not able to spare time to submit a tender. My apologies!

2014-11-26 9:12 pm

本公司暫時未能抽空落標, 抱歉!
The company temporarily unable to find time to drop standard, sorry!


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