what's the point of life?reasons to live?

2014-11-25 3:39 pm
Pls don't tell me bullshit..i have always been so empty i may have friends and ppl who want to be with me but nobody understands me i can't trust anyone here..the only one was my ex and that's the most important reason i chose him the reason we broke up was distance we met in a summercamp..1,5 year ago i am good at nothing no matter how Much i try i always make wrong choices and mistakes...what will i do in the future?(im a high school student) i have nothing so whats the point my life?i would commit suicide but im afraid and nobody knows this side of me cause i don't want people to tell me oh you say this to make us tell you nooo your so pretty and you have me and you're good at...etc..

回答 (5)

2014-11-25 3:53 pm
I've always believed that the meaning of life is to give your own life a meaning. But there's one thing that I've realized about your way of thinking that isn't correct. Relationships should not be a reason to love life or hate life, relationships are things that come and go and sometimes they come and they stay but you should never let another person affect your happiness in such a great way that you feel like suicide is the answer.

Reasons to live? Think about your future. You might be scared, you might freak out, you might panic. But just think about it. You'll find a job. Find a partner. Start a family. And one morning you'll wake up and you'll realize that you aren't so sad anymore, and you'll look over and you'll see your partner in the bed beside you and you'll be happier than you can ever imagine at this point in your life. Think about the sunsets there are to see, the places there are to visit, the new food there is to try, the books there are to read, the songs there are to discover, the adventures there are to live through.

This is a low point in your life and I know that it's going to be really hard to get out of this hole you've fallen into but things will get better. I strongly urge you to get help, to reach out to people that will understand this isn't an act and people who will give you help and support you through your journey of recovery. You have a whole life to live, don't throw it away at such a young age. I believe in you.
2014-11-25 11:02 pm
You have to find your own mission and succeed at it, you have to get to the end and have learnt and helped otherapy, to bring as much positive to the earth for beings to come, then your essence will be restored to a new body to begin a new learning curve until you are the perfect being and become an angel
2014-11-25 3:41 pm
If you feel you have nothing to live for, how about doing a good deed for someone else. For instance, teens are great volunteers. Lots of people really cheer up around young people.
2014-11-25 5:34 pm
To keep cheating death.
2014-11-25 4:45 pm
I live for the family I'm going to make, the next awesome meal I create, the next physical challenge, the lame dirty jokes that are unavoidable in my life (if you can't escape it, learn to love it am I right), and the day when I take up a robot body, and the day after that when technology and biology are perfectly fused to create the most ethically agreeable and eternally capable form in all the universe, and the moment when I use said living robot body to instigate the next big bang so that the universe doesn't end in cold silence.

But for now the pleasure of sunlight and a breeze on my bare body is plenty. I have a few friends, too, but I try to love myself and them more than they love me. It's important to learn to love yourself. You shouldn't go without that cosmically awesome experience. After you've felt it once, you won't be sad anymore. Not all the time, at least.

Emma and I believe in you, buddy.

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