Do you believe that dreams do come true?

2014-11-25 2:42 pm

回答 (833)

2014-11-26 3:23 am
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Depends on if you mean dreams that you have when you hit REM sleep or dreams as in something that you truly want. Either way it's possible. I haven't had an account of something I really wanted, except for one thing, to ever "come true". However, I had a dream months before I dated this girl named Lindsey Troxel, and the dream was that I arrived at this wealthy looking house, walked inside and I saw a heavy set woman and a girl whose futures I couldn't tell exactly as in her facial futures or her what she was wearing, but I knew that she had blond hair. a few months later I arrived at the same exact house, the girl happened to be Lindsey, everthing happened exactly as it did within the dream, the chirping of the birds, the facial expression of her mother, the sunlight on her hair exactly as it was... Yes, I believe that some REM dreams do come true.
2014-11-26 7:25 am
If you mean dreams that occur during sleep. Yes. I have had more than one dream come true with the real-life event matching the dream exactly. Remarkably, I was able to find two long-lost coins buried in the ground for years, by following the sequence of a dream I had the night before.
2014-11-26 6:25 pm
One time I dreamed about our broken oven. I dreamed that I took out all the tools of the door and fixed it right back. The whole time in my dream I was nervous and very worried that I'll end up breaking the glass or not being able to put the parts back. So right when I woke up, I decided to make my dream come true (to fix the oven). I dismissed the consequences and the thought of how angry my dad would be if I broke the glass and started my work. Gladly, I did fix the oven! It's not the oven that I was happy about, but that I was able to make my dream come true even if it's a small as fixing an oven. Answering your question, yes dreams can come true, but sometimes you have to do something to make them true.
2014-11-25 9:55 pm
It's a nice thought when you are younger "do dreams do come true?" 10 years ago I would have said, yes. But no. Now I do not think dreams come true. You can work your whole life and still **** up in the end.
2014-11-25 2:46 pm
No. I don't. And I'm glad they don't..

I had the weirdest dream last night that some demon/ghost was haunting my attic and stealing all the kids in the neighborhood and taking them up there. Then they all disappeared into nothingness / another realm. Lost and stuck! There was this raggedy-a$$ cloth puppet doll standing at the doorway of the attic and the only way to bring the kids back was to BURN this doll. So I had someone distract the demon/ghost/thing and I took the doll and was running like hell outside to burn it. Then I woke up.

Is that gonna come true, too?! *gasps* :-o
2014-11-25 7:34 pm
This word is not appropriate for all dreams some come true and some are at all not, depending on the reality.
2014-11-26 7:01 am
Yes i believe in that dream do come true because my dream always true for me specially, morning dream.
2014-11-26 12:07 pm
Yes. I believe that dreams do come true. But all of are dreams has not come true. Some of the dreams do come true.
2014-11-25 4:37 pm
I think in a way yes my sweet buddy,mind you,I still have not woke up next to Sharon Stone yet,lol,but its a nice dream.
2014-11-26 8:02 pm
It depends on what a dream is. I can see little teenie high school girls going gaga over "barbie" type of thoughts. To me, I dreams were reached. I was married. owned a house, had two cars, and hit a high credit score rating and I was not even rich at all. The cars were fully purchased too. I still did not get that boat before I got divorced. That was the American Dream that most American's have. To own their own property and pay some of it off.
2014-11-25 10:02 pm
I think that its important to think that dreams can come true, because if you didn't where would you be? Would you feel free without dreams? Would you feel lost without them? I would definitely feel lost because all my life I have dreamed and dreamed for my dreams to be true as I advance in life, I can understand people not wanting to think that dreams can be true for such reasons, but to me, if I had no dreams then I wouldn't be me.
2014-11-25 3:36 pm
Some of them really do if you really believe in them.
2014-11-25 6:50 pm
Damn , I Sure hope dreams come true because if they don't I'll forever have no life.. xD

in my dreams I am married got a job and oh damn a lot of good things happened for me in my Dreams..but in reality..none of this would happen.. :(
2014-11-25 8:55 pm
No because if it did I wouldn't be here.
2014-11-25 2:57 pm
“Life is not a lottery of chance successes.” Hard work with a goal makes dreams come true ☺
2014-11-28 11:23 am
Since most dreams are metaphors, it would be very hard to really know this answer. No I do not believe dreams come true, it is your mind working out issues. Also keep in mind dreams rarely last beyond 5 minutes, typically 1-2. There is not much time to assemble much information for the problem...we cheat. *Your coworker is threatening in some way, but you associate a T-rex with fear, hence your T-rex in the dream is actually the coworker.

If anything, you create a new reality toward that outcome subconsciously to make it fit. Which also answers the other kind of dreams, many daydreams can be attained with a plan, and a willingness to direct your reality toward them.

Think about red cars today....did you notice there seem to be alot more than usual? same principle, the idea spawns focus. (This is the core of the power of suggestion)

All said, dreams are not always dreams...the distinction is not something we are accustomed to, but I do think humans do have some telepathic/neurological mysteries to consider, separate but similar to dreams.
2014-11-27 8:18 am
There are two kind of dreams. One is from God which is good and another is from devil which is bad. Dream is all about what you use to think in your life.

Finally, dreams never come true.
2014-11-26 10:55 am
I hope not because i have some weird ass dreams .
2014-11-26 7:51 am
If it's a goal or dream that you want to aspire then there are two answers. If a person says they can and another says he can't, then they're both usually right. If you want your dreams to come true they wont. If you wish for them to come true they won't. If you think you can reach your dream then there's only one answer to make it a reality. Hard work. Dreams don't come true in your sleep. You have to work, practice, ect. everyday to reach your dream. But most importantly the main focus: Never let go of your dreams. If you really believe that that dream can be a reality then you need to hold on to it and don't let anybody take your dreams away from you.

Yes... dreams are real... only if you make them to be
參考: Inspiration
2014-11-26 5:09 am
You can make anything you want come true. The Law of Attraction! With out dreams we wouldn't have any of our modern inventions and technology. Our minds are very powerful, but so many people do not use them. Dreams do come true.
2014-11-26 1:18 am
If you are referring to dreaming: as in a cherished ambition. Then yes, I do believe dreams can come true.
Eg. If you dream to someday be in the NBA and work very hard and give it your all, then it's possible you will make there and possibly even strive.
However, simply wishing for something to happen is not going to work. Your dream will be exactly that; a dream. It will be something that you want but won't ever get. Dreams never just "happen". They take hard work, dedication and the will to keep going. So yes, I believe that if you work for what you want, dreams do come true.

HOWEVER: If you wish for something like someone to adopt you, that's a whole other story. Some dreams we may have are for things that are out of our control.
Eg. Dreaming that your cancer test is wrong.
Some things just happen and no matter what we dream, it may or may not come true.
This topic is very broad and covers a lot of psychological matter. However, this is what I have learned in my short lifetime and thought I would share my knowledge.
2014-11-25 11:32 pm
Reality is stranger than fiction it is up to you to believe me when i say that . our whole being has 2 segments . body & Soul / Dreaming body .... these two are seperated when we enter the state of dreaming and remain connected by a thing white line .. depending if you are a "Double Being" if you are , there is 2 of you currently existing in parrallel lines/universe ... you the pysical one is on the physical realm and your spirit/ soul /double is on the spirit side . curently living almost the same exact way as you are know. and sometimes the events are the same and you experience what you just asked . parrellel lines never intersect , but one can be ahead of the other giving glimpse of what is to come if you follow your routines ..
2014-11-25 5:19 pm
Am starting to wonder:(
2014-11-25 2:46 pm
.......I think some do.
2014-11-25 2:43 pm
Many of my dreams, symbolic and otherwise, have come true.
2014-11-29 12:54 pm
To be honest with you, the answer I think is No but who knows. I just can see this happening. Well certain things I can such as falling over in your dream that happens a lot in my dream and when I'm up or seeing a cow etc...

Apparently a dream is all the things you have seen in a day. Example I had a dream I was in a field with my cousin and there was lots of cows to the left of us and a big barn where the cows must have gone at night. I then got home and it was on the news about slaughter houses making horse meat. My mind put this together and I had a dream that barn been a slaughter house the the cows was getting killed.

Same thing again when you watch a horror movie before bed you will have a bad dream.
2014-11-28 11:29 am
I believe that dreams come true for proving this I have one instance here it goes I dreamt that I will be scolded once when I am watching TV while eating my crunchy food and it happened the same. So sometimes it happen... And I have many dreams that came true exactly the dream I saw.
2014-11-28 10:29 am
Definitely they do.

In such case, what you'll see in dream could be a symbol or a sign or the perfect description of your future work.

Once I dreamt that I was in a place where there was only water. Just after a couple of days, I really fell into a pond near my grandmother's house. It's mentionable that I dreamt about it on the night before the day when I along my family visited grandmother's house.

Whatever you've dreamt of, try to remember it and analysis it. Sometimes, it might come handy to you.
2014-11-25 6:39 pm
Dream always true as long as to understanding the DREAM.
2014-11-25 3:01 pm
Yes , only if you dream with eyes open , not night dreams ;p
2014-11-27 5:54 pm
It depends on what kind of dream is it, if it's just a normal, asleep dream, then I don't know it would become true or not. But if the dream is some kind of ambition which we want to achieve then there have lots of possibilities to make it true.But as usual one thing is very important to make it true that is hard work,hard work and hard work.
2014-11-25 7:56 pm
Well mine do...It's weird like my dreams only last for a few seconds but then that thing actually happens and I'm like "I had a dream about this". Yeah..its weird. Some people say I'm like that girl from Final Destination but I don't see people dying, just like a short part of a conversation or I just watch something happen like idk I dream some guy tripping and falling into the road, a few days later it happens (he was fine though).
2014-11-26 9:49 am
It depends. Any way did u tell ur dream to some one else. It is said that dream u tell to people sometimes become a reality
參考: My Aunt told me
2014-11-25 5:47 pm
Dreams in the sense of life-long dreams can come true if you have education and determination nightly dreams can also come true if . You have Psychic ability
2014-12-01 8:38 am
Somewhere over the rainbow.
2014-12-01 6:30 am
Yes. Sometimes.
2014-11-29 6:29 pm
Some dreams, yes. That is because many of mine have. Many. My problem is trying to determine which ones will and which ones will not come true - some are more easily done than others. I have always been able to predict the future, by dreams and just by knowing.
2014-11-29 5:58 pm
2014-11-29 6:23 am
In my case i strongly believe yes
2014-11-28 2:13 pm
Dreams are a projection of what is in our mind, so yes they can come true if we are worried (or happy) about something in our life.
2014-11-28 7:36 am
Yes, but the premise is that you should try your best to make it come ture
2014-11-28 7:04 am
Of course not ,
If the dreams that I had dreamt had occured in my life , I would have died in the past .
2014-11-28 3:29 am
Absolutely... dreams can come true.... you have to believe in them and be willing to work. They won't happen with out work, but a little hope, a bit of work, and a commitment to the achievement and you will have success. All you need is some motivation and believe.... watch Digimon Data Squad, The Polar Express, Air Bud, and Once Upon a Time. These are all good for motivation and the morals taught in all of these are great for helping to achieve dreams no matter how large. If you have questions, let me know... I would love to further explain.... dreams, motivation, etc. is something I am rather skilled at talking about.
2014-11-28 1:45 am
Not if you don't want it to. SO if you are sitting at home wondering if my dreams will come through true then at the moment no it won't.
2014-11-28 12:10 am
No- not really..Sorry
2014-11-27 7:42 pm
Yes, It happened to me many times. One time I have seen one of my friends in a dream telling me that she and her fiancee had broken up. Some days later I have learnt from her what I have seen in my dream.
2014-11-27 6:33 pm
Dreams don´t tell the future.
They express
your fears
your insecurities
your aspirations
2014-11-27 6:03 pm
Yes, dreams can come true. Its called prophecy and its happened to me half a dozen times in my life. I am part Indian and from what I know, they are the rulers of the dream world. Sometimes the dreams play out in exact sequence, other times they are symbolic. Here is an example of mine.

I fell asleep on my couch one night and instantly started dreaming of a funeral. All I saw was a stone church and people dressed in black going inside. The dream was very short and ended with the bell at the top of the church going off in three's. I woke straight up...kind of panicked, but then heard the same bell for almost 2 minutes going off in my living room. I was very very upset and woke up my partner, but he could not hear the bell. This was scarey because I thought something was happening or I had completely lost my mind.

I was crying at this point because I didnt know what was happening and my partner had wrapped a blanket around me to lay me down and was trying to calm me. Every time the bell would ring, I couldnt hear my partner talking...and I couldnt tell him what was going on because it was too loud and I couldnt even hear myself talk to him, thats how loud it was. I was just kept saying over and over...I think somebody is going to die.

He wanted to take me to the hospital, but after about 2 or so minutes the bell faded away and I was crying so hard that he was just trying to make sure I was okay and hadnt lost my mind. I fell asleep and the next day...he went to work and I got up. I put the incident in the back of my thoughts because I couldnt make sense of it. At noon, my dad called me and told me my moms side of the family was coming up because my great grandpa died last night.

They live out of state and I hadnt seen most of them in a long time.
Now, my grandpa and I were very close for the first five years of my life, but I was in my early 30s at this time and hadnt seen him in 25 or so years. The Cherokee Indian Organization brought his body up for burial and I went to his funeral a few days later. So yes, dreams can come true. Thats a fact.
2014-11-27 2:13 pm
Do dreams come true? That is a good question. Are they day dreams or sleepy time dreams. In either case, it is good to dream. Sleepy time dreams bring you guidance, when followed lead to amazing success and happiness. Day dream are the challenge you face as trials of faith in oneself. If you have sufficient faith in yourself, you will find the courage and the strength and the wisdom to manifest your dreams on a path of success and happiness.
2014-11-27 9:40 am
First of all, I have to set the parameters of my answer. There are 2 different types of dreams. One is a waking dream, conscious dreams if you must call them that, and they are also called daydreams, wishful thinking that you conceptualize and envision and want so much they are almost real to you. Then there are sleeping dreams. These occur when you are sleeping and a lot of times they are disjointed, hard to understand and may even be scary or absurd.
I personally believe that your daydreams become so embedded in your subconscious that your actions in reality push you to make those dreams realities. So my answer is yes. Given enough TIME, you can achieve and fulfill those dreams. Sometimes fate is kind and luck might lead you to chances that play out to become opportunities.
2014-11-27 6:42 am
yes. If you believe and trust God. Putting God first in all things.
2014-11-27 4:40 am
Hell yeah. Seems to happen a lot with me. Even small stuff I dream about has come true.
2014-11-27 12:05 am
Nope. Not at all
2014-11-26 7:41 pm
Not really. Dreams are the minds way of shifting through events of the day and past and hope of the future. Some times they are negative but mostly on the positive side. When decisions are to be made, one of those decisions could come true though.
2014-11-26 6:00 pm
Absolutely 1000% yes. It was love at first sight. Then my ultimate dream came true when I married my wife.
2014-11-26 4:39 pm
I do believe in because i have experiencing it now...
2014-11-26 1:54 pm
Dreams when we sleep i am not sure about it,but Dreams which we see except sleep,everyday,every time.I am sure its comes true.
2014-11-26 12:54 pm
yes, I really do! go reach your dreams!! dont be afraid
2014-11-26 11:19 am
Yes! Your day dreams do come true.
2014-11-26 10:57 am
Yes. I had a dream come true which wasn't very nice. I have a friend who has very prophetic dreams.
2014-11-26 9:19 am
if they were premonitory dreams...YES!

but it does not mean that the "whole dream you had with everything that happened" will actually happen. it could be like an advise, a way to guide you, or a "situation" or even just "a message"
2014-11-26 8:25 am
Yes...i believe...your dedication makes god give u the dream...he too see how desperate we r...just keep trying...i believe trust the fact that dreams do come true...:)
2014-11-26 8:22 am
Once in a while. I also believe that we structure our dreams be the good or bad.
2014-11-26 8:01 am
If you push your luck maybe your dreams come true and be a successful person.
2014-11-26 7:57 am
Yes. But it takes time for people to achieve it. Dream does not come true itself. We need to fight for it.
2014-11-26 7:56 am
Only when the dreamer is strong and perseverant enough to achieve it. Dreaming and doing nothing will get you nowhere.
2014-11-26 5:52 am
It depends on what you mean by "dreams". If you mean literal dreams, then no I don't,; however, if you're referring to dreams as in goals and ambitions, then I believe that if you work your ass off you can make whatever it is happen.
2014-11-26 5:25 am
Let me say this, and say it once loud and clear. **** NO.
2014-11-26 2:53 am
You must wake up for your dreams to come true my friend!
2014-11-26 2:31 am
I believe that if you really want something to happen, you have the power to try. Making an attempt for a good cause is always better than sitting around and doubting yourself. It's important to try, especially if you have a chance of failing because you can learn from your mistakes. If you want something to happen that may sound crazy to most people, who cares? Try it anyways! Just don't be reckless... believe in yourself though
2014-11-26 2:30 am
yes dreams do come true as long as you believe in yourself and believe theres nothing that cant happen on this earth
2014-11-26 1:18 am
Of course. if you give it all you got, have a plan, and try every opportunity given.
2014-11-26 12:25 am
From my personal experiences they can. My father used to say things will always work out. They might not happen they way you expect them too, but when one door closes another one opens.
2014-11-26 12:01 am
Yes, sometimes it also takes hard work.....!!
2014-11-25 11:05 pm
If by dreams one means hopes and aspirations, the answer is a strongly qualified "yes" based on one's choices and decisions. If one wants to be a large animal veterinary, then make the right educational choices and other life choices that enhance one's chances, it can happen.

If one means dreams that one might have during sleep, then the answer is a lightly qualified "no" based on relationship to current specific stresses. If a person has been given a diagnosis of terminal pancreatic cancer and one dreams during sleep of dying, then it is true but only as a reflection of one's own knowledge.

The universe is full of things we cannot control so it is an illusion to think if we can control destiny.
2014-11-25 11:03 pm
What the mind conceives you can achieve.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-25 11:01 pm
Yes, I often have dream visions and many of them (good and unfortunately, bad) have come true.
2014-11-25 11:01 pm
I don't believe that my dreams will ever come true because all my dreams involve being abducted by attractive female humanoid aliens to another planet. Another dream I am the young virile captain of a starship set in the 25th century.
2014-11-25 10:52 pm
Nope. So happy they don't. I have either horrifying dreams or disgusting dreams. I only have good dreams when it's a great day
2014-11-25 10:35 pm
Yep. Hold on tight to your dreams, believe in yourself, and never let go of hope.
2014-11-25 8:37 pm
I do BELIEVE that dreams come true. I also BELIEVE that dreams come from Truth.
Knowing the difference between dreams, and nightmares, visions(foresight), etc is super important.

Do I KNOW that something will happen in a specific time frame in the future? No. I haven't confirmed that yet, so I don't KNOW some specifics yet. I cannot see the sky with my eyes, but sure as eggs are not snakes, then the sky shall be there when I set foot outside.
I've read of maybe one or two people on here foreseeing events by dreams; yet I don't read the dream forum that often.
I had a vision that specifically happened some time later on. I KNOW this happened some time later on.
I've been confused about the difference of a dream, nightmare and vision, but I've learnt they're actually completely reliable and useful and from Grace.
In the past I've thought some dreams were nightmares and vice versa. But specifics grew and onto family :))) already done annointing. #Rapturing

Thanks. Grace towards Dreams, so as to keep the dream.
You are a pearl... I beseech you fervently that you don't give them to flesh who trample on the dream inside, please.
True Love not flesh.
There are consequences.
I do care.
Consequences remain.
Stay safe, stay happy. If you can't stay happy, stay safe! :))) :)).)

Godspeed. God knows my limitations.
God has many Names.
2014-11-25 7:48 pm
Dunno I've had wet dreams come true.....................
2014-11-25 7:05 pm
Mine didn`t !! .............. there are STILL *N**l*G**G*E**R*S** in America !!
2014-11-25 5:48 pm
Only if you're rich...
2014-11-25 5:47 pm
yes very man has its own dream.
2014-11-26 6:48 pm
the bad dream won't be come true, good dream will be come true
2014-11-26 2:03 pm
It depends on you. If you believe that you can achieve them, then you'll have a good chance of achieving it. Though sometimes it could be hard and there are trials and difficulties along the way, but once you succeed the rewards are priceless. Once you succeed, strive for more. Success is continuous, and you must not settle for mediocrity, once succeed in something, have another goal so you could succeed more in life. Believe in yourself and believe in your abilities, and nothing can stop you from achieving it. But if you doubt yourself, there's less chance you will succeed because you won't even dare to try.

On the other hand, if you're talking about dreaming while asleep, probably not. They are just figments of our imagination that comes into our mind when we are unconscious or resting. What appears there are just things that you may have done or probably thinking a lot of lately. Things that happen in real life that were in your dreams could be sometimes a matter of coincidence.
參考: Me.
2014-11-26 10:39 am
Actually dreams are very much related our emotions, ideas and sensation that comes in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
2014-11-26 9:37 am
i had a dream about shrek and he came into my room when i was praying to him. he inserted his penisd into my bum hole. it hurt soo much but i did it for shrek. he let out a mighty ogre roar and put his love into my anus. i wish this dream came true.
2014-11-26 9:27 am
DREAM meaning could be hear thinking about the future(aim).
If we try heart fully,definitely become ture.
2014-11-25 5:18 pm
Sometimes i wish dreams could come true and sometimes i wish they don´t but it all depends on you if you want a dream to come true you should make it come true so it all depends on you.
2014-11-25 2:56 pm
They can, but usually it takes a lot of help and effort.
2014-11-26 2:37 pm
I've seen dreams come true for some people but they had a plan and some assistance like networking and money or money donated, and direction to get where they wanted to go.
2014-11-26 12:56 pm
Dreams cannot come true if you dont try.
If you dream of anything and you want to achieve it , then you must try
2016-01-30 11:43 pm
Apparently a dream is all the things you have seen in a day. Example I had a dream I was in a field with my cousin and there was lots of cows to the left of us and a big barn where the cows must have gone at night. I then got home and it was on the news about slaughter houses making horse meat. My mind put this together and I had a dream that barn been a slaughter house the the cows was getting killed.
2014-12-01 2:38 pm
Yes.I do.
2014-12-01 2:18 pm
Yes! Espacially if you do something to make it come true.
2014-12-01 1:52 pm
Yes! But sometimes. It happened with meme-3 times. They don't exactly happen as it is as what we saw! But just in vague. People say dreams are interpretation of our thoughts and thoughts leave an effect on our surrounding, they can come true
參考: Experience! ;)
2014-12-01 12:10 pm
Yes, so I still keep my dream.
2014-12-01 10:52 am
its a Yes and No .if u dream that 1 day u will become a website developer , u can be if u work hard and in other case dreams like monster or beast comin' and chasing u is just "no true" .so no one can say dreams do come true
2014-12-01 7:21 am
One night when I was 12 years old, I dream my parents has bought me a bicycle and hidden it in the garage as a surprise for my birthday.
And when I woke up in the morning I rush to open the garage to find out there was no bicycle in there and that I was just dreaming about something I just really needed so bad.
From this experience I will say we only dream about what we think of or wish we had
2014-12-01 6:05 am
As in your goals and ambitions or the images in your head when you fall asleep? My answer for #1 is: only if you work for it, and make it realistic. For #2: I wouldn't assume so.
2014-12-01 4:34 am
yes i believe.
2014-12-01 4:17 am
They are not dreams they are visions. I have visions all the time. I have had three recently and I don't know what they mean. So I do believe VISIONS come true.
2014-12-01 2:55 am
Dreams are a wish your heart makes. Yes, they can come true.
2014-12-01 2:21 am
If you want them too
2014-12-01 2:02 am
My mom had a dream about me that did actually happen a little while later. So I believe they can happen.
2014-11-30 11:36 pm
for sure!
2014-11-30 11:31 pm
of course! if you believe it !
2014-11-30 9:50 pm
it depends
2014-11-30 8:53 pm
Yes if you work hard, and believe in yourself
2014-11-30 8:42 pm
Dreams shouldn't come true.... Once they become true, you stop dreaming. Ambition should be released, desire should be fulfilled, but dreams are an escape, a land of fantasy and make believe. A place where man can fly, a place where rivers flow with beer, a place where there's no war or famine. :)))

2014-11-30 8:19 pm
Lol I thought you meant dreams in the non physical sense.
And then all the answers are physical.

I think dreams in the physical sense are true but they happen in other dimensions or something. Haha or at least I like to think of it like that.
As for dreams that's nonphysical, they could come true if you work hard.
2014-11-30 7:11 pm
You have to work hard if you want to make your dreams come true. If you sit back and wait for your dreams to come true magically, it's not happening. You have to go out there and make your dreams come true.
2014-11-30 6:13 pm
Only if you work hard for them. In trying to answer your question in an objective manner, I would say that if you work hard, sweat and strive for success you may probably realize your dreams. Some people just dream, and dream, and dream, and stay on the phone all day and all night just texting or watching videos, playing games or on facebook, all day without really taking that first step to become what they dream that they should become when they grow older. Then one day they wake up and realize they never did anything and their shhtty life passes by and they convince themselves that "that's the way it is". But if you work hard towards your goals you stand a chance to becoming anything you may dream of.
2014-11-30 4:04 pm
Yes mine did but it took 40 yrs
2014-11-30 3:12 pm
I'm not sure
2014-11-30 2:41 pm
In some ways more than others, yes, depending on the reality of things and the circumstances then it may or may come true so we will never know.
2014-11-30 1:28 pm
Yes I do believe in that..I believe that dreams come true when we work on it to make it real..
2014-11-30 1:04 pm
yeah I believe that but we must have to work on that then our dreams will must true..
2014-11-30 12:53 pm
i hope so lol
2014-11-30 11:28 am
Bad dream comes in true in my like. But what think in your day or night or spare time you will see that kind of dream.
2014-11-30 11:02 am
Sometimes they become nightmare.
2014-11-30 10:34 am
No. Maybe yes
2014-11-30 10:23 am
yes dreams come true
2014-11-30 9:21 am
2014-11-30 9:20 am
No. Nothing good ever lasts.
2014-11-30 7:15 am
Since we mostly dream about things we think about most while awake, at least on a sub-conscious level, we tend to cater to those things.
The process of catering to them causes us to focus our efforts and extra attention on them.
(aka: we think about and dream about the things which we lust after or the things which impact our sub-conscious most).
As we focus on the things we dream about we will tend to be more likely to do the things that make them a reality.

However, studies have more or less substantiated that dreams are not, in and of themselves, any form of precognition.

Most trained Psychoanalysts will tell you that most, if not all, dreams are just the brain re-balancing it's inner workings.

There are shelves full of books on the subject of dreams.
I am sure you can find better answers than you will find on Yahoo.
2014-11-30 6:57 am
One answer- they do if you try. If you use enough effort and never give up, you can do it. That's what I like to believe. If you think no and never take any risks and have any dreams, you won't have anything. but if you constantly chase a dream, theres a 50/50 chance of it coming true. If you don't put effort, you definitely wont get anything, but if you try your hardest, your dreams could come true. I think it's better to try, but don't get too caught up. and if its entirely impossible or ridiculous, such as finding a unicorn, you may want to find a better dream. in other words, would your dream be worth your life? finding a unicorn, don't think that's important enough to spend your life on. But hey, (shrugs) some may think it is worth it.
2014-11-30 6:28 am
If they did I'd be dead in so many different ways
2014-11-30 6:20 am
2014-11-30 4:56 am
Well somtimes cause i dream that a girl loves me it it came true proboly cuse i dream about it alot
2014-11-30 4:09 am
sometimes they do. Mostly dreams try to tell you something. whenever i see something in my dream i look it up on dream and see what it means :)
2014-11-30 3:07 am
They can if they seem real enough to make them come into reality.
2014-11-30 3:03 am
Yes it you try your best to achieve them!
2014-11-30 2:25 am
Hmm yes, but I'm not sure that it's actually advisable to achieve your dream. What do you after that?
2014-11-30 2:11 am
Future Dreams.. where you dream about something from the future and it becomes real. I don't know how, I thought the person that told me was FOS, but I've only had one so far. I was SHOCKED!!!!!
2014-11-30 1:47 am
I only believe that dreams will come true if someone works for it.
2014-11-30 1:28 am
2014-11-30 12:59 am
Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve :)
2014-11-30 12:29 am
No, because i believe that dreams are connected to things we've already done in life, yet all mixed up giving one false hope.
2014-11-30 12:06 am
Yes, it may not happen to everyone, but follow your beliefs and embrace your dreams
2014-11-29 11:51 pm
i more believe in achieving my dreams, like goals in life
something happens to me in the day that i remembered dreaming of
my dreams never came true, like th ethings i see while sleeping
2014-11-29 11:09 pm
Yes, I believe dreams are true.
I had this weird dream about my best friend leaving me and going to another person that was blonde, and guess what, it exactly happened. She was best friends with a blonde girl..She ignore's me now and pretends I don't even exist anymore. :(
2014-11-29 11:06 pm
it depends, I believe some dreams come true but you have to be realistic if it is a dream where you have superpowers then no.but if it's a dream where you become famous or something or get what you want then yes it is possible for some dreams to become reality.
2014-11-29 10:51 pm
2014-11-29 8:14 pm
Not in all cases , but if you work hard enough for your dreams , they'll come true.
2014-11-29 7:14 pm
2014-11-29 6:58 pm
Dreams, as in sleeping, no. Dreams, as in aspirations and goals, yes.
2014-11-29 6:47 pm
yes I believe in that dreams come true ..dreams are messages or signs for us ...most of my dreams came true .
2014-11-29 6:36 pm
No, but I do believe in life after love.
2014-11-29 5:57 pm
Sometimes its fake. The chance of getting come true is 20%.
2014-11-29 5:45 pm
yes, but for your dream to come true you need to work on it hard. You don't just dream and receive.
2014-11-29 5:34 pm
i suppose it is possible
2014-11-29 5:32 pm
I had a dream that once actually sleeping and the actual dream as in wanting something .. and It happened.. But ended horribly.. and ended up as a nightmare :?
2014-11-29 3:54 pm
Anything can come true, however it depends on the environment, work ethic and a little bit of luck which can make that possibility a reality.
2014-11-29 3:49 pm
some times they do ....................
2014-11-29 2:35 pm
Depends on what you mean by that? Do you mean, like, your goals and aspirations, or your actual dreams? Actually, it doesn't really depend for me, but it depends for most people. I believe so. I think you can make anything you want come to life with the right amount of effort. And as for dreams and premonitions? Yes, those happen, they are real. You can see a snippet of an upcoming event of any kind while you are asleep. It happens to me, to friends and family. You don't have to have some kind of super power, it's a natural part of human life. And the event you see may not even be important in any way. But you can see it, and that's what counts. So there is my opinion. Yes, dreams can come true.
2014-11-29 2:22 pm
yes. if u believe in it, only then.
2014-11-29 2:21 pm
This is fully depends on your mantle position was what?
2014-11-29 2:19 pm
If dream would come true then I ,actually we all would be a billionaire.
2014-11-29 1:32 pm
Maybe. Sometimes they do, sometimes they dont
2014-11-29 1:00 pm
2014-11-29 12:39 pm
They do, if you really want them to and you have to make them happen
2014-11-29 12:34 pm
every thing is permitted
2014-11-29 11:33 am
reality became dreams
2014-11-29 11:26 am
Well there are various types of dreams.
One type of dream is from God,
Another type of dream is based on your desires,
Another type of dream is based on your fears
and Another type of dream is based on your subconscious.
2014-11-29 11:20 am
Yes, Sometime your dream is become true and that dream will ruin your life into new beginning.
2014-11-29 11:08 am
Yes they do But if u r not thinking of something possible then in your dreams.
2014-11-29 11:07 am
If you believe.. It will..
2014-11-29 11:02 am
Yes I do. This may be a little confusing so I will begin by saying this is one of those dreams where you dream you are asleep.
A couple of nights ago I dreamt that I had fallen asleep in our car parked outside of our house and when I woke up in the car I couldn't see and my speech was all slurred. I managed to get out of the and stumble into the house calling out for help but no one could understand me.
The next morning when I woke for real and came down to breakfast my mum informed me our neighbour next door had had a stroke in the night. His wife found him in the front room(the window faces our parked car) his eyes were closed but he was muttering garbled words and she couldn't wake him.
I am a tarot reader by profession and I believe that everyone is psychic to some degree or another and when we are asleep that part of us comes awake from our unconscious mind.
2014-11-29 11:01 am
some times it is fine to believe, but if you are going in depth then it is bad, because you are the creature of your future.So believe on you not on morning dreams.
2014-11-29 10:54 am
Absolutely,.. I had a dream that my Pizza oven exploded and week later it blew
2014-11-29 10:38 am
They do my friend. They do, dreams tell us something that is most likely to happen in the future
2014-11-29 10:32 am
Only Realistic Dreams Can Come True :) Its Not That You Thought If Creating Universe And You Did .But Yeah If U Dream Of Marrying Someone You Wished So You Can:) Only Realistic .
2014-11-29 10:00 am
I do.
2014-11-29 9:58 am
i dreamed once I attack and eat LION :o
2014-11-29 9:53 am
2014-11-29 8:56 am
Yes, dreams can come true. I agree with Troy, If we look at dreams as desires or premonitions............ then our dreams can come true. Our dreams are not our everyday life. But our dreams do tell us what we desire............ whether or not we pursue our dreams is up to us. The future is open....
2014-11-29 8:22 am
2014-11-29 8:09 am
2014-11-29 7:46 am
2014-11-29 7:23 am
Of course. I believe that dreams do come true. But all of are dreams haven't come true. Some of the dreams do come true.
2014-11-29 7:18 am
In my case NO
2014-11-29 6:42 am
oh oh oh its magic... you know... never believe its not sooooooooo
2014-11-29 6:33 am
Maybe, not sure.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-29 6:06 am
No , in my case not a single dream of mine come true .
2014-11-29 5:09 am
I have deja vu from my dreams many times
2014-11-29 4:46 am
No, because I can't let go of hurts from the past, I have dreamed more than once of those particular people getting hurt and dying and watching bad things happen to them while I am happy. I have prayed for years that if I couldn't get revenge on people, that god would do it for me. I can't let it go.
2014-11-29 4:25 am
I CAN ONLY SEE NIGHTMARES, I never had a good dream!

but most of the dreams are based on the end of the world /apocalypse or my dead!

hows that sound to you?
2014-11-29 4:23 am
2014-11-29 3:51 am
If you work hard to get it, it will come true!
2014-11-29 3:49 am
2014-11-29 2:37 am
Yes. If you work hard, and believe in yourself, then dream do come true.
2014-11-29 2:29 am
Yes, just live in your dream!
2014-11-29 1:59 am
i believe
2014-11-29 1:50 am
Ofcourse................dreams make you aspire for a higherlife!
2014-11-29 1:25 am
Sometimes, only the real ones that happen.
2014-11-29 1:17 am
Yes. I believe that dreams do come true.
2014-11-29 12:16 am
i do. but you have to do something to make that happen. when you have a dream it wont just magically come true right in front of your eyes. you have to do something. have to have the will to do it. have to have the drive to get it done. dreams can come true but you have to get it started
2014-11-29 12:08 am
They might, with hard work....
2014-11-28 11:50 pm
When there is a will, there is a way, but not all dreams come true. for example if you have a deceased member in the family and you dream to have her/him back to your life, it does not come true, at least not in this era, maybe in future we find a way to bring dead to life, but not today.
So you should realized that your dreams are potentially may come true, but not all of them can come true in this time, you should dream freely but plan to get them responsibly.
2014-11-28 11:42 pm
yes i guess if you want something really much and keep doing something for it, why not..
2014-11-28 10:30 pm
I KNOW dreams come true, just might not be how you expect
2014-11-28 10:15 pm
2014-11-28 10:12 pm
If you truly want them to come true then they will but keep in mind what you think you want will be very different from what you expected
2014-11-28 10:00 pm
it depends...some can become true..some don't they are just random dreams like falling from a does not mean someday you I guess it just depends.
2014-11-28 9:52 pm
2014-11-28 9:42 pm
2014-11-28 9:34 pm
dreams are something that can only come true when you want it to.
but this depends on what your dream is.
sometimes dreams stay as dreams but othertimes they will come true
2014-11-28 9:25 pm
2014-11-28 8:55 pm
Yes, If you work for it. No, If you think you it was just a dream. Cheers :)
2014-11-28 8:48 pm
2014-11-28 8:33 pm
no i dont think so unless you can make them come true
2014-11-28 8:29 pm
2014-11-28 8:11 pm
some do, but certainly not all
2014-11-28 7:38 pm
yes if you believe enough it will and make it happen on your own
2014-11-28 7:32 pm
I don't think neccessarily that all dreams will come true, but i sometimes dream about the football scores, and more often than not they are right
2014-11-28 7:04 pm
2014-11-28 7:00 pm
Sometimes dreams come true - as has been the case with me.
2014-11-28 6:50 pm
I sure hope so, I drempt about Obama dieing in a plane crash
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-28 6:48 pm
once i had a dream about a broken ankle 4 years ago in the same year i broke my ankle in my house and i was rushed to the hospital
2014-11-28 6:43 pm
no soory they dont
2014-11-28 6:42 pm
Sometimes they really do when you are deep in your thought looking for the right answer. In this case you can find the necessary answer quite unexpectedly in your night dream.
參考: Modern Psychological research.
2014-11-28 6:41 pm
Sometimes it seems to me as real.
2014-11-28 6:32 pm
if u work at it
2014-11-28 6:24 pm
Only if your dream is that you died. Then yes.
2014-11-28 6:22 pm
2014-11-28 6:15 pm
Not every,some dream comes true,I believe.
2014-11-28 6:14 pm
2014-11-28 5:59 pm
i think u should go for "THE SECRET" book or movie...its good., and yes of-course dreams come true.
also remember the five C's
conviction(most important)
2014-11-28 5:44 pm
Which dreams?

It is just a coincidence if night dreams come true.

Only with hard work do day dreams come true.
2014-11-28 5:36 pm
yes I belive that sometimes dreams do come true.
2014-11-28 5:32 pm
2014-11-28 5:26 pm
yes sometimes the dreams come true
2014-11-28 5:17 pm
It's a nice thought when you are younger "do dreams do come true?" 10 years ago I would have said, yes. But no. Now I do not think dreams come true. You can work your whole life and still **** up in the end.
2014-11-28 5:13 pm
I don't believe
2014-11-28 5:02 pm
2014-11-28 4:23 pm

I believe that dreams come true if you help it to happen. I don't think things just happen out of thin air etc, Maybe they do but I have just never seen it.
2014-11-28 4:13 pm
2014-11-28 3:57 pm
By dreams if you mean the ones that comes while you are as sleep then those mere a construction of our subconscious mind and is not related to reality... but if by dreams you mean the ones which you aspire to do then yes they can become reality if you are will to put in the hard work, dedication hope that helps ...
2014-11-28 3:53 pm
Define dream then ask this question again.
2014-11-28 3:19 pm
I guess. but never ones that you want to come true :(
2014-11-28 3:09 pm
depends on what type of dream. a dream you have in your sleep…probably not. OR a dream like a wish..maybe if you try idk.
2014-11-28 2:55 pm
Yes, I do
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-28 2:51 pm
Yes, thus is true.
2014-11-28 2:40 pm
2014-11-28 2:34 pm
Dreams are a representation of what is going on in your life at the current moment. Once you become adept at identifying the objects, settings, people and symbols in your dream, you will be able to read your dreams and find out what is truly bothering you in life and what you can do to fix it. Additionally, I've found that once you do this on a regular basis, your mind will move on and create dreams that will show you what you want and what you can do instead of just telling you what's going on.

So, to answer your question, dreams most certainly can come true if you follow them and their meanings.
2014-11-28 2:17 pm
2014-11-28 2:07 pm
Only if you have the courage to make them come true.
2014-11-28 2:01 pm
no.. i don't believe
2014-11-28 2:01 pm
Don't think so! that happened to me a few times but that doesn't make it ALWAYS the same! i dreamed about buying a fake phone the day before my first phone (i was young) it didn't happen, and it was the best phone ever ! i dreamed about so many other stuff and didn't happen, at same time few of them happened !

so unless there will be some sentience fact we will be never sure
2014-11-28 1:53 pm
well yeah simply if u you put in darndest effort
2014-11-28 1:45 pm
2014-11-28 1:36 pm
2014-11-28 1:36 pm
yesh.. m always my dream was that i became probationary officer in SBI bank... after one year from my hard work... I am PO in SBI bank.. :)
BEST OF LUCK... and do hard work as you do..
2014-11-28 1:36 pm
sometimes it may be true.
2014-11-28 1:22 pm
2014-11-28 1:09 pm
no soz m8
2014-11-28 1:05 pm
Not every time
2014-11-28 12:51 pm
Yes, because i had a dream when I was in elementary and it came true
2014-11-28 12:21 pm
2014-11-28 11:47 am
2014-11-28 11:26 am
YEs they do...Just do the effort to complete them..and never stop beleiving in them
2014-11-28 11:07 am
sometimes i do
2014-11-28 10:57 am
Yess sometimes. .. I often see various places which I have seen earlier in my dreams. !!
2014-11-28 10:56 am
yes i believe in that dreams
2014-11-28 10:29 am
2014-11-28 10:06 am
Yes i do. But it depends on your hard work to. Dreams don't come true unless you get up and start doing your best because nothing worth having comes easy, including your dreams
2014-11-28 10:00 am
Of Course
2014-11-28 9:55 am
Yes they do come true.
2014-11-28 9:47 am
There is definitely a feeling of "Deja Vu" sometimes, which means that we have visited the place or have gone through the same event or situation before. Not sure if it means dreams, or previous life.
2014-11-28 9:30 am
Only if you work hard.
2014-11-28 9:24 am
May be or may be not.
2014-11-28 9:23 am
My dreams come true all the time. I dream something and when that moment happens in real life it feels like I already experienced it. I did, I experienced it in my dream! So yes, Dreams DO come true at some point.
2014-11-28 9:17 am
Any time you necessarily suggest objectives who show up while sleeping. Absolutely. May very well found countless ideal becoming reality aided by the real-life circumstance match finder system typically the ideal fully. Exceptionally, I just surely could see only two long-lost funds ensconced in your earth for, from using the line from a ideal We the night previously.
2014-11-28 9:17 am
Yap i believe it but some are true and some are not.some dream who come last night when i sleeping.
2014-11-28 9:15 am
If you mean aspirations, then I believe they come true if your ambition to make them come true is strong enough. External obstacles notwithstanding.
2014-11-28 9:10 am
Dreams are sometimes something we wish that could occur. It depends on how determined you are to make that dream come true, if you believe it can come true then it can, only if the result is possible and achievable
2014-11-28 9:02 am
Yes I believe because when I saw about one of exam I fail it became true
2014-11-28 9:02 am
I often have dreams which occasionally end up relating to something that happens the following day, e.g. A few days ago I dreamt a fire alarm was going to go off at school and our 'exam drill' would mess up in some way or another. The alarm did go off, and they forgot to set the tables up for the exam drill. I don't believe in fortune-telling or what-not, so I consider this just a cool coincidence. Exciting but not exactly ground-breaking psychic evidence.
2014-11-28 9:01 am
Dreams truly can come true if you have the mindset to make it so
2014-11-28 8:40 am
Yes friend. I believe.
2014-11-28 8:27 am
2014-11-28 8:18 am
no no ... dreams during sleep are sometimes terrific
2014-11-28 7:28 am
Yes, some of them.
2014-11-28 7:16 am
2014-11-28 7:07 am
2014-11-28 7:06 am
Yes, strongly believe if you drive to achieve it.
2014-11-28 6:54 am
Yes, I strongly believe that dreams do come true. Dreams are mostly a part of our sub conscious memory. The content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood, though they have been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical and religious interest, throughout recorded history.

Practical people will only dream about things which are possible for them and ambitious people will make their dreams come true. ;)
2014-11-28 6:26 am
Every single one of my dreams came true (At least the ones i remember when i wake up in the morning) Im 21 now its its starting to scare me a little. My dreams would come to life no later then a weeks time of when i had the dream some have came to life as early as hours later in the day.
參考: About 18 years expierence
2014-11-28 6:24 am
Not unless you make them come true. I have this dream of one day asking out a friend of mine but you cant do something like that unless you make it happen.
2014-11-28 6:17 am
believe in self.
2014-11-28 6:05 am
2014-11-28 5:23 am
You gotta be eviL or a good lucky person :3
2014-11-28 5:20 am
yes.. I do think that dreams come true.. I have dreams that will happen the next few weeks or even days.. sometimes years..
like on thanksgiving day.. I had a dream a few nights earlier that we would be getting rid of my baby puppy.(he didn't listen and peed everywhere)... so on thanksgiving.. I woke up and my mother had token him and gave him to my uncles parents.. his name was padro.. lol.. he was a Chihuahua.. lol I loved him dearly

but yes dreams do come true
2014-11-28 5:02 am
Somtimes dreams come true...:)
2014-11-28 5:00 am
Only if you make them come true
2014-11-28 4:58 am
I don't see why not :)
2014-11-28 4:56 am
2014-11-28 4:53 am
no i don't
2014-11-28 4:29 am
I think some of my dreams comes true.
2014-11-28 4:27 am
2014-11-28 4:23 am
Sometimes, it is true, but not all the time.
2014-11-28 4:19 am
yeah truly
2014-11-28 4:06 am
2014-11-28 3:43 am
Dreams possible be achieved if found will
2014-11-28 3:42 am
I do.
2014-11-28 3:31 am
Yes I do.
2014-11-28 3:29 am
I believe they can.
2014-11-28 2:50 am
It's all a dream. Truth is the only reality. So if you accomplish your so called dreams then that is your truth and it was never a dream. It was meant to happen.
2014-11-28 2:46 am
I believe sleeping dreams come true since you hear about it all the time (not any of my personal experiences), and i believe if you have strong dreams or desires and work hard for them or believe in yourself enough, you can make it happen. The only thing like that which happened to me is this minor little situation of dreaming of making the high school poms team since it seemed really hard, but hey i made it! :D May not have made it this year..... but you know i didn't even want it so bad this year so it's all good haha. But clearly there are people who worked real hard for major life dreams and they were successful so YES i believe dreams come true!
2014-11-28 2:21 am
I do believe dreams come true if you just use the keys to success:determination,imagination,and loyalty.I am thankful for everything I have,even though it might not turn out 100 percent as I myself expected.Just telling you'What goes around comes back around".All you have to do is be yourself and believe in me,myself,and I.
2014-11-28 2:21 am
I think sometimes it is true as dream is a reflection of reality. I remember that one time I lose my pen in my garden and I can't find it no matter how hard I try and then, I had a dream that night, in the dream, the pen is stand biside a tomato tree at the end of the garden. I go to the place the next day and you know what, I do find the pen at the place excatly at the same place in my dream.
2014-11-28 2:05 am
They come true when people lie about a dream that came true without having that dream. A player says he dreamed of catching the touchdown pass after he catches it, but he never tells anyone know about the dream before the game.
2014-11-28 2:03 am
2014-11-28 1:52 am
2014-11-28 1:52 am
2014-11-28 1:37 am
2014-11-28 1:27 am
Sleep dreams are your unconscious trying to get through to you. Your dreams are metaphors, symbolic of the crap you've buried in your subconscious.
2014-11-28 1:05 am
No you'll never be hot, soz
2014-11-28 12:31 am
only realistic dreams
2014-11-28 12:30 am
Yes, I get Dejavu all the time
2014-11-28 12:22 am
All dreams come true if you wish upon a star
2014-11-28 12:08 am
some time
2014-11-28 12:01 am
accord to the book the primary marble appearently they do.
2014-11-27 11:59 pm
Yes... seen it happen!
2014-11-27 11:52 pm
whatever you believe and put your mind to n help
2014-11-27 11:36 pm
If your dreams are realistic enough, they might come true. Not because you dreamed them, though. Just because you dreamed something realistic enough to come true.
2014-11-27 11:20 pm
2014-11-27 10:56 pm
2014-11-27 10:21 pm
Ive had so many dreams, hardly any of them actually came true :)
2014-11-27 10:17 pm
only when you wish really hard.
just kidding - nope.
2014-11-27 10:17 pm
2014-11-27 10:02 pm
i find that sometimes my dreams seem to blur with reality. mostly because i do things when i'm asleep.

most of my dreams are very mundane, me living out an average day at school, as such i find that i get deja vu with conversations but thats because i know my friends so well.
2014-11-27 9:38 pm
if you have the determination to make them come true then they will. dont waste your talents on stupid stuff do what you dream of doing
2014-11-27 9:33 pm
yes but it dosnt make it a reality, belief and reality are seperate, i used to believe i could be the strongest man in the country, but reality kicked in
2014-11-27 9:24 pm
2014-11-27 9:15 pm
2014-11-27 9:13 pm
Yes, if you work seriously :)
2014-11-27 9:06 pm
2014-11-27 9:06 pm
2014-11-27 8:48 pm
They can.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-27 8:46 pm
I do it the only thing that get me through the day and hope for the best
2014-11-27 8:34 pm
If you ever get moments where you've seen something happen before. Its because you had a glitch in your memory system and not because you dreamed of it or something. But yeah dreams do come true depending on the situation.
2014-11-27 8:28 pm
anything can happen, if you believe
2014-11-27 8:10 pm
Dreams are weird. I've had messed up dreams about killing animals or gross stuff, and there's totally nothing wrong with me. They're purely coincidence.
2014-11-27 7:58 pm
2014-11-27 7:45 pm
One of the hardest things in life is to accept an answer that includes all of the following: Yes, No, and Maybe.

Yes. Some of my dreams have come true.
No. Some of my dreams have not come true.
Maybe. Some of my dreams have come true because both the dream and manifestation may have not been very clear.
2014-11-27 7:41 pm
dreams only come true if you work hard and are determined to make them become true (unless they are physically impossible)
2014-11-27 7:34 pm
Only if you make them happen
2014-11-27 7:28 pm
I only believe in death.I was a dreamer,know i am realistic
2014-11-27 7:25 pm
2014-11-27 7:20 pm
Yes. You just have to do it. Stop dreaming and start making the beginning of your dream.
2014-11-27 7:09 pm
2014-11-27 6:56 pm
Hmm not really
2014-11-27 6:56 pm
In the sense that I can retrace a dream if strong enough and find something that I saw in the dream yes. but not magic.
2014-11-27 6:29 pm
Only if you live in "Lah Lah Land"
2014-11-27 6:21 pm
Not always, but sometimes yes.
I dream't once that my grandparent had bought a green car, and the next day they did.
2014-11-27 5:52 pm
2014-11-27 5:42 pm
dream is just a dream & its suitable when eye is closed
2014-11-27 5:35 pm
Not always, much of it depends on the work you're willing to put in.
2014-11-27 5:26 pm
and then when dreams become reality one realizes nothing ever is perfect or exactly the way one wants it to be.
2014-11-27 5:23 pm
they can sometimes if they are more realistic then strange. if you dream about winning a contest it could actually happen, but if the dream is about being a centaur or something wild like that, it obviously won't happen. I've been having a crazy dream where i can breath under water. (no gills or scuba gear)
2014-11-27 5:06 pm
I dreamed before and then it has happened multiple times, and its very weird when it happens.
2014-11-27 5:04 pm
Yes. Dreams either come true or they are indicative of something (associated) that will come true.
參考: My spiritual side.
2014-11-27 4:30 pm
yes definately
2014-11-27 4:29 pm
no,they are mostly fancies.
2014-11-27 4:27 pm
yes, if you believe in them and work for them to come true. :)
2014-11-27 4:02 pm
do you mean dreams you have while your sleep or dreams like goals ? if the first, then no those dreams are just from your subconscious mind . if the latter , yes with hard work nothing is impossible :)
2014-11-27 3:49 pm
Nope. If they did, then my crush would've liked me back already.
2014-11-27 3:46 pm
pues a mi de los sueños que e tenido ninguno se ha echo realidad así que no creo
2014-11-27 3:35 pm
Yes, I do. But all of the dreams are not come true. There are some dreams which do come true.
2014-11-27 3:22 pm
exactly they are the reason to live..
2014-11-27 3:16 pm
i believe they do becuz one of my dreams came tru once
2014-11-27 3:11 pm
Im on the fence.... the psychologist in me says NOO! Never! But personal experience with me suggests perhaps they do.... However i think it helps iron out how you really feel and in that respect you can act on it and make it true.
For instance, for a fortnight i was having the same recurring dream about being pregnant and taking tests that were positive, I wasnt even thinking about it but everytime i woke up i was so disappointed it wasnt true, i decided from then that i would try for a baby with my other half. So my dream came true :)
2014-11-27 3:05 pm
2014-11-27 3:03 pm
of course
2014-11-27 3:02 pm
No I don't belive in that dream do come true.
2014-11-27 2:53 pm
yeah I do believe,
I had a so many dreams that came true!
2014-11-27 2:42 pm
yeah, your gunna die
2014-11-27 2:31 pm
yes, if not I get a way of
2014-11-27 2:27 pm
S.. if we do hard work,dreams can come true..
If u can dream and not make dreams ur master
2014-11-27 2:19 pm
2014-11-27 2:17 pm
Yes. I believe that dreams do come true.
2014-11-27 2:01 pm
2014-11-27 2:01 pm
yes ,sometimes they do
2014-11-27 1:59 pm
yes some of them but not all
2014-11-27 1:47 pm
If it involves a way to rip millions of people off then yup!
2014-11-27 1:46 pm
yes but not exagerated ones
2014-11-27 1:35 pm
If the dream is clear so maybe but my dreams never came true
But my mother's every single dream came true
2014-11-27 1:22 pm
No. you try untill you die
2014-11-27 1:19 pm
i guess not all dreams
2014-11-27 1:12 pm
One time I dreamed about our broken oven. I dreamed that I took out all the tools of the door and fixed it right back. The whole time in my dream I was nervous and very worried that I'll end up breaking the glass or not being able to put the parts back. So right when I woke up,
2014-11-27 1:09 pm
First of all which dreams? There are three types of dream I personally experienced so far. Dreams that reflect on my emotional condition thru the day. Dreams that are deja vu. Dreams which are not actually dreams but your sub concious telling you something obvious that you missed to capture.
If you are having the deja vu ones, well yes they come true. But normally you realize that after it occurs IRL.
2014-11-27 12:58 pm
yeah. In terms of literal dreams yeah and in terms of "dreams" for the future or about your future, yeah, dreams come true.
參考: experience, observations, talking with parents, listening to people, friends, family members and reflections
2014-11-27 12:45 pm
i wish they did
2014-11-27 12:32 pm
Nightmares come true too.
2014-11-27 12:32 pm
No, not at all.
Most of my dreams relate to things that have happened in the past,
a mix of memories and confusion whilst sleeping.
I have never had a dream that could be regarded as a premonition.
2014-11-27 12:24 pm
Yes, Some times dreams come true.
2014-11-27 12:19 pm
2014-11-27 12:07 pm
Yes, I believe that dreams comes true.
2014-11-27 12:01 pm
I think what you want to do in your life time, your aspirations , your goals, your mental state, etc. it all effects the way you dream. They might come true but only in lesser number of cases, I believe
2014-11-27 11:52 am
Yes.i do believe.dream is the inspiration of our life.
2014-11-27 11:35 am
I have known that dreams come true, but to myself it isn't happened.
2014-11-27 11:29 am
if you want it and then try it maybe it will come true

sometimes my dreams comes true
2014-11-27 11:19 am
Yes, sometimes dreams come true
2014-11-27 11:19 am
If you try hard, yes!
2014-11-27 11:01 am
2014-11-27 10:57 am
The God of Abraham talks to people in dreams and through the Prophets. Dreams come true when God is the One talking to us. But there are dreams that may or may not come true outside of God's will.
2014-11-27 10:56 am
yes, they do come true sometimes!
2014-11-27 10:38 am
I had a dream where I read this post and answered it. So yes they do
2014-11-27 10:25 am
I don't want to dash other people's hope, but the human brain is basically nothing but a very complex bio-computer. Dreams are just the product of the handling and processing of data the person in question has been gathering in the previous days or weeks or of his/her feelings. So when you dream, for instance, that you drive around in a red Fiat, you may have seen such a Fiat on TV or on the street short time before and your sub-consciousness simply stores the data of this sight. Or if you dream that your sweetheart has an accident, your sub-consciousness simply expresses its fear of losing the beloved one. So dreams are not prophetic at all. It is just about data and feelings. This does not mean that prophecy or the supernatural do not exist. I am anything but an atheist. But dreams are usually not prophetic.
2014-11-27 10:25 am
of course Yes. I believe that dreams do come true. But all of are dreams has not come true. Some of the dreams do come true.
2014-11-27 10:17 am
I believe our dreams are an excape from real life...
2014-11-27 10:16 am
sometimes x
2014-11-27 10:11 am
dreams exist in another realm already so they are already "true". Do the stories contained in them sometimes repeat in other conscious states.... probably sometimes as they are connected somehow through the "dreamer" or the rememberer....
2014-11-27 10:07 am
I dream of losing my iphone, losing my teeth more often. That **** better don happen
2014-11-27 10:00 am
No i never believe in dream, i think dream is dream because dream never match in reality.
2014-11-27 9:52 am
Sometime may true or sometime may not!
2014-11-27 9:40 am
which kinds of dream do you mean?
The dream you have in the night sleeping time, i do not think it will come ture
2014-11-27 9:03 am
Its all depends on what you do....
2014-11-27 8:55 am
I do
2014-11-27 8:52 am
but some time happen by chance
2014-11-27 8:51 am
Dreams is nothing but your unexpressed/feared inner thoughts.. if somebody narrate a horror story to you before going to bed, then you will get horror dream. Also if you are in love, you will get romantic dreams.somethings will come true and somethings don't. everything is beyond human explanation. so why worrying about this just enjoy the good ones :D
2014-11-27 8:51 am
Yes I do believe in Dreams come true unless one works hard to achieve it. I also heard that morning dreams come true usually.
2014-11-27 8:47 am
Some of them do but most of them not.
2014-11-27 8:44 am
Dreams are Infinitely true. The mind is a vast thing (and to say we map it) not likely. It depends on reality, or sub-reality. Physics and science tells us what we can calculate. But we have no knowledge why we dream. what is most frightening to most is a "bad dream" but the good dream is always encumbered by possibilities that "it's not so bad". The answer is- Why are we Afraid
2014-11-27 8:28 am
whether they come true or not but keep deaming
2014-11-27 8:25 am
It depends. Not all the dreams shall come true but some of them. And most of them I think are just coincidences.
2014-11-27 8:23 am
yes I believe it does, but to wish upon just that won't help you. Work, dedication, passion and longevity is what is needed to have your dreams come through
2014-11-27 8:12 am
i also agree dreams come true but in a way to i dont
2014-11-27 8:03 am
YES ! I believe.

As long as I think positively and have a faith to my God, there'll be a big possibility that my dream/s will come true. #kerwinjohn
2014-11-27 7:40 am
yes i truly believe as it has happened always
2014-11-27 7:30 am
2014-11-27 7:29 am
i think.... no no.. i believe that my dream will come true when i died... my dream is actually a great dream....
2014-11-27 7:24 am
2014-11-27 7:21 am
if you try and aspire for it to come true and don't have fear, take risks then sure ;)
2014-11-27 7:21 am
I believe I can make my dreams come true by the sweat of my brow.
2014-11-27 7:17 am
2014-11-27 7:16 am
For my part, it depends on your dream. If it is simple and you do work hard for it, you can achieve it.
2014-11-27 7:14 am
2014-11-27 7:06 am
yaa sometimes the things that are shown in dream can be real
so i do believe in dreams
2014-11-27 6:49 am
if you have strong and real dream definitely it will come true.
2014-11-27 6:49 am
God gave us this wonderful gift of dreaming and we can ask God so that our dreams may come true-only the good dreams. I do believe that dreams will come true.
2014-11-27 6:26 am
yeah,but you should stick to your dream
2014-11-27 6:08 am
"A dream come true" : This is a uttered expression to realize a fortunate instance known for its life changing experience. No then cause what we dream in sleep is random and there is no control for that which occurs and when good fortune does happen in real life though It is a phrase that comes out like this.: "OMG its like a dream come true."
2014-11-27 6:01 am
2014-11-27 5:52 am
2014-11-27 5:49 am
It might be by pure coincidence
2014-11-27 5:40 am
2014-11-27 4:51 am
2014-11-27 4:40 am
I have had MANY experiences where the dreams do come true, or something closely happened. Also, I am starting to be able to control my dreams. Its weird i know
2014-11-27 4:33 am
yes. my biggest dream in life came true.
2014-11-27 4:33 am
Yes and no. It all depends on the dream and how much you believe in it
2014-11-27 4:23 am
All of the time!
2014-11-27 4:17 am
2014-11-27 4:00 am
dreams comes true some times not all time dream is dream thatzt
2014-11-27 3:48 am
sure they do! if it's a dream about a goal you want to achieve, then sure! Dreams can come true. Unless, it's scary dreams or nightmares, then I'm glad those dreams don't come true!
2014-11-27 3:38 am
I do not agree that dreams come true, it is just our thoughts,which come in the form of video in our dream.As we are pictorising the thoughts while sleeping,our brain is not in the mental condition of pictorising it,so we see that in the form of dreams.If after all it happens,it will just be a coincidence ;.)
2014-11-27 3:38 am
Yes All my dreams should come true. Because i'll make it
2014-11-27 3:36 am
2014-11-27 3:31 am
yes, but only if you have the BURNING DESIRE to make them happen. you can't sit on your butt wishing for them, you have to take ACTION. i aced through two universities graduating at the second from the top of one of them--the hardest for me to complete--because i WANTED to. i had not attended college after high school: i went straight into marriage and raising a baby. then we divorced, having lived our dream marriage for a few years. then later i learned that i could get a source of money to go to school because i was a hard working single mom who REFUSED to have her dream of her child living successfully when he became an adult, and therefore i spent a third of what i made to send him to private school. in chicago back then, in the '70s and until just about now, kids that could not read a sentence were pushed up through the grades, graduating! if they WISHED AND DREAMED HARD of going to, and then finishing high school and college, they had to teach themselves how to READ! would i have that for my child? never, no matter what. and here is another way to have your dreams come true (if they relate to buying things):

pick up a pen and write, real fast, everything that you want. then peruse it. cross off the things that are not truly in your dreams. take a large index card and write down up to 10 of these wants (you dream of buying it). then place a number next to each one, prioritizing them. then find out what it takes to achieve the dream. do you want a brand new lexu? do you want to buy a house? do you want to keep your bar stashed with the best of the best liquors for your parties? that's right, you number them in order of priority. then you find out what it will cost you to ACHIEVE that dream. write it down. figure out then how long it will take you to save enough money to attain it. as for a house, probably the best thing you can buy for yourself today, find out the amount of money you need for a down payment and what you can spend per month for the mortgage. write it down. then, project what year you will attain that particular dream. write that down, then write down how old you will be by the time you can make that dream come true. now, begin to burn with desire to obtain the first of your dreams. do what it takes. now and then, take the card out of the drawer (i look at mine once a year) to determine whether or not you still want, for instance, number 5. if you no longer want it, just strike it off, but don't erase it, since someday you might change your mind back to wanting that. add another goal if you have dreamed of getting THAT since you first began to plan out your goals to achieve your dreams.

as to other dreams that do not pertain to money, how achievable is each one? say you have poor health, but you want your figure to be a size minus 10, so you can go to hollywood to audition to act in a movie and become a movie star. if your body is not healthy, find out how healthy you can make it, then do it.

yes, you can attain your dreams. dreams come true. they even come true when it comes to love. however, if you dream of having a relationship with X, you need to get to know X first on a social basis, to see if you really and honestly want that dream to come true. if s/he "fits", and likes you too, then START. TAKE ACTION. MOVE FORWARD. ATTAIN IT.

i thought and thought for a very long time on how to write up my goals, my dreams, and how to attain them. the index card is the best method. yet, each of your dreams will not come true if you do not have that BURNING DESIRE to do what it takes to make them come true.
2014-11-27 3:25 am
2014-11-27 3:23 am
Not all. That dreams should come true what i wanted
2014-11-27 2:37 am
sure, depending on the reality of your dream. I once I had a dream I was on the beach eating tacos. So I bought some beers and tacos and hit the beach the next day with two good books and my ipod. Awesome day
2014-11-27 2:37 am
Yeah, I'm in a very familiar situation some times,even I'm in a strange city. Not the same situation, but many situations, Seems I've met them in my dream before. just the real like came later.
2014-11-27 2:30 am
if you dream hard enough and work hard to achieve your dream
2014-11-27 2:24 am
2014-11-27 2:18 am
2014-11-27 2:18 am
They certainly can, yes. If I take your meaning of dreams as in the ambition in waking life type!
2014-11-27 2:17 am
Of course dreams CAN come true. Just depends if you put the effort into wanting that dream to happen. It could change you forever. But you have to remember that nightmares are dreams too.
2014-11-27 2:13 am
no if not it would be nightmare for everyone
2014-11-27 2:11 am
chhh... YA! totally! :P
2014-11-27 2:10 am
I think that dreams come true as long as you work hard for it and have determination and perseverance.
2014-11-27 1:57 am
I believe that they can
2014-11-27 1:55 am
Yes, dreams do come true, but they only come true through excessive work that pays off, or a ridiculous amount of luck (like winning the lottery).
2014-11-27 1:45 am
how do u know u are not dreaming right now?
2014-11-27 1:40 am
2014-11-27 1:30 am
I had a dream of my crush kissing me. Hasn't happen yet.
2014-11-27 1:23 am
Nope. Not everyone's dreams comes true.
2014-11-27 1:16 am
Yes, I do believe dreams come true, because if you have determination and effort and time you will achieve your goal.
2014-11-27 1:14 am
The dream is in the mind and you must work hard to bring it into reality a wise Buddhist master once said.
2014-11-27 1:13 am
2014-11-27 1:10 am
I dreamt of SLAMMING a whole bottle of whiskey. I woke up at 4am and commenced drinking. Bottle was done by 7am.
2014-11-27 1:08 am
Yes of course
2014-11-27 1:08 am
I believe that dreams DO come true, if you set your mind to it.
2014-11-27 1:06 am
Hell no
2014-11-27 1:02 am
Yes some do.
2014-11-27 12:55 am
When i was a kid i had a dream that a yellow car will show up at the house and the next day there really was a yellow car outside, it was a visitor/guest, so yes from personal experience i can easily say that i do believe dreams can sometimes come true
2014-11-27 12:44 am
Yes and no. Some dreams are based on your real life situations which could keep you thinking while others are just out of no where. When my mother was pregnant, back in 2010, we had just found out the baby was going to be a girl. Weeks later I had a dream where my mom had gave birth to her and when I held her she had blond hair and blue eyes. I woke up and told my mom, couple weeks later my aunt came over and we were all chatting and she brought up that she had a dream that the baby was going to come out with blond hair and blue eyes. I looked at my mom and I explained to my aunt that I had the same dream and sure enough when she was born she had blond hair and blue eyes and this is coming from a Hispanic family where its mainly brunettes and brown eyes.
2014-11-27 12:40 am
2014-11-27 12:40 am
Definitely. I believe it's psychological and if you believe it will hard enough, it will. It happened to me!!
2014-11-27 12:36 am
Yes! sometimes dreams do come true :)
2014-11-27 12:33 am
Dreams do come true because well, when we sleep, our minds r active and they make dreams.
2014-11-27 12:28 am
Yeah but that's rare.
2014-11-27 12:23 am
yes,because if you believe hard enough and add effort and just believe it will come true
2014-11-27 12:19 am
2014-11-27 12:13 am
2014-11-27 12:13 am
2014-11-27 12:10 am
Dreams do come true. Sometimes if you dream and don't remember, it come true. It doesn't happen right away. I am not it's a fact but it has happened. There are times when you have sequences to your dreams which can also come true. Dreams can come into reality but in very uncertain times. Sometimes, if you played a video game last night, trying playing it again in the morning. Your performance might have gotten better because that was the last thing you did before you want to bed. This is an example of dreams and reality mixing together.
參考: Experiences, research
2014-11-27 12:09 am
YES YES DREAMS COME TRUE IF YOU BELIEVE YOU BELIEVE I BELIEVE IN YOU YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111! I DESERVE A GOLD STAR HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I BELIEVE DREAMS COME TRUE <<33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
2014-11-27 12:05 am
Yes i believe
2014-11-26 11:59 pm
No they have not for me.
2014-11-26 11:57 pm
2014-11-26 11:45 pm
Can't say they ever have for me, but there's no saying they won't for you.
2014-11-26 11:09 pm
Most of the time, yes.
2014-11-26 10:47 pm
I had 2 dreams that came true. So who can really say?
2014-11-26 10:44 pm
Once I dreamed I bought myself a trench coat. The next day I went to the store and did it in reality. That's one time it happened.

I was having a hard time assembling a machine correctly and was needing to take it apart again, which I didn't want to do. That night I dreamed of a way to correct the problem without taking the machine apart. When I tried it the next day I finished the job just as in the dream.

One dream had a certain lyric and tune going in it. When I got to my instruments and recorders the next day, I composed and recorded it with three verses.

You can make some dreams come true.
2014-11-26 10:40 pm
Most of my wet dreams do not, no
2014-11-26 10:23 pm
I hope so
2014-11-26 10:16 pm
Yes, I love that. I love everything that's new and good.
2014-11-26 10:13 pm
ya, in your dream. LOL
2014-11-26 10:03 pm
Certain dreams come true such as going on vacation and a dream job which can happen when you put your mind to it and working on that goal but wanting to be an astronaut is the same as being on cloud 9. Learn to differentiate reality and fantasy which can be a struggle for anybody with mind problems.
2014-11-26 9:47 pm
i believe if u wish hard enough they will =3
i have been wishing hard lately... still waiting with BIG hope ^w^
2014-11-26 9:43 pm
no a dream is just something you have been thinking about subcouciously
2014-11-26 9:21 pm
I believe that they do, just not by themselves, if you dream about something that you want to come true, you have to help it along.. Say if you dreamed of owning your own company one day, well in reality all you have to do if work hard and save up, and your dream will come true. If your dream is to meet someone famous, go to public premieres of they films, go see they're concerts and get in the front, meet and greet. Dreams come true, but not by themselves :) x
2014-11-26 9:05 pm
I believe that dreams do come true, but some dreams you have to work hard for then to be able to come true.
2014-11-26 8:34 pm
2014-11-26 8:25 pm
Here you go, yes some of us do dream prophetic dreams. But in a world filled with so much negativity we just get laughed at. We are living in the end time scenerio according to God's word and it is written that this would surely happen. Don't be frightened it is a gift from God. Even though sometimes it may seem like a curse !
2014-11-26 8:24 pm
Yes. Everything that has ever existed came from the realm of imagination.
2014-11-26 8:18 pm
2014-11-26 8:17 pm
sometimes, like a dream of being with a hot celebrity wont likely come true.
2014-11-26 8:13 pm
Well, they certainly come true in the dream world. As the dream word is part of your mind and your mind is as much a part of reality as anything else (thus, true), then your dreams do come true by definition! :)
2014-11-26 8:11 pm
When I was a child I had dreams that I was an adult and every one of them happened. I have since had dreams of myself as an old man which I thought I would not live to see, but I am getting much closer to that age.

Dreams come true. But I don't know about daydreams.
2014-11-26 8:08 pm
Well no and yes because i will have a dream then like weeks later i will have dajavu and is like wow so yeah sometimes.....
2014-11-26 8:07 pm
I think they come true if you make them come true. I don't think that, beyond random occurrence, dreams will come true in reality without some degree of will to manifest their fruition.
2014-11-26 8:06 pm
No, dreams can't always come true, if they did then we would spend our days dreaming and not working on new ways to make the work a better place to live.
2014-11-26 8:03 pm
it might of been Deja Vue. I've had it happen to me, and quite frankly it puzzles me greatly.
2014-11-26 8:02 pm
2014-11-26 8:01 pm
yes i believe it. when i was 13 i fancied a guy, he was my first kiss and id have given anything to be with him but we lost contact. ten years later, last November we got back talking and have been seeing each other since. that was my dream come true :)
2014-11-26 8:00 pm
If you are referring to the dreams while people sleep, no, that is ridiculous of course not. If you are referring to dreams as in your goals, yes but you have to work for them
2014-11-26 7:49 pm
I you dream enough obviusky than yes.
2014-11-26 7:27 pm
Depends on the dream. If i dream about eating icecream, then chances are it will come true. If i dream about murdering Hitler, then chances are it won't come true.
2014-11-26 7:17 pm
Yes. We bring our dreams to fruition consciously or subconsciously. Meaning if we believe we are capable, deserving, and worthy - and take advantage of opportunities, and willing to work hard and take accountability - we become successful.

We have to visualize it happening in our mind first. Then we bring it to action physically.

Dreams are a self fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you are a worthy person you will become that. If you believe you are a victim, then things will happen in your life that will make you look like a victim.

We bring it to reality based on our beliefs.

So we have to become aware of our thoughts about ourselves and others.
2014-11-26 7:15 pm
Always. But you have to make an effort.
2014-11-26 7:14 pm
I think it is determined by how the person that dreamt it reacts to it for instance if they react badly to I'd and think that it's inevitable it will probably happen a wise man I knew once said that doubting yourself is the first step to failure but if you stay positive you will probably avoid it but if it's a positive dream and you believe it won't come true well you see that's doubting yourself and like halt said doubting yourself is the first step to failure but if you believe that it will and can come true it is possible even likely that it will do just that
2014-11-26 7:07 pm
2014-11-26 7:06 pm
some things never change eventually we will all become sidekick after running out of new moves just learn to savor I believe you can tell how old ones soul is by how long they saivor there food,,,youngsters don't know whats good
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-26 7:00 pm
yes from my own experience
2014-11-26 6:47 pm
2014-11-26 6:39 pm
its possible
2014-11-26 6:31 pm
Not too well for me. Shania hasn't shown up wearing nothing but a fur coat with a note from her husband saying, "Have a great time!"
2014-11-26 6:26 pm
In some ways yes and in other ways no. So for example if you have a dream that god shows you what is going to happen or tells you something there is a high chance that it is going to happen but on the other hand if you dream something totally random and something you want to happen then it will most likely not come true.
參考: What's your Source (optional)
2014-11-26 6:23 pm
Of course! You just have to believe in yourself and keep trying! Hard work is the key to success! :)
2014-11-26 6:19 pm
2014-11-26 6:11 pm
some times
2014-11-26 6:11 pm
I never thought I could memorize a piece of music on the piano. I haven't played by memory since i was around 10 years old. I finally memorized the first line of one of Bach's Sarabands and first 2 pages of Scarlatti's D-minor prelude. I realized that if you put your mind to it, anything is possible. I think dreams do come true, IF you work HARD for it!!! They won't just magically happen. Life is hard work, but if you work hard, you get rewarded. YOU are capable of rewarding your own self -- that's how you make your dreams come true. :)
2014-11-26 5:59 pm
Yes. Sometimes.
2014-11-26 5:52 pm
The idea that dreams come true, or that one may successfully fulfill aspirations, should be apprehended by more than mere belief. It needs to be more than a hope. It is not as easy in this society to become an artist as, say, a businessman or scientist. The world makes it easy for the latter two. Others must be convinced they will reach the goal they set themselves despite every impediment whatsoever. But we are not blank slates for the establishment to evaluate, assess, and turn into whatever they like - we are individual identities, unique personalities. But we must be convinced it is worth the effort to retain those gifts that others' notions of "expediency" and "cooperation" would deem worthless. Else is thought triumphant over feeling, Darwinian predation ascendant over compassion, wealth and power dominant over "the people's will." (I hope I didn't bum you out too much with this response.)
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-26 5:47 pm
if you barely want something, you can get it. that means we usually don't do what we want. we just live for people's gaze.
2014-11-26 5:44 pm
Sometimes. But dreams aren't true.
2014-11-26 5:43 pm
she la
2014-11-26 5:34 pm
2014-11-26 5:33 pm
Dream always true as long as to understanding the DREAM.
2014-11-26 5:31 pm
yes of course
2014-11-26 5:20 pm
If you mean dreams as in life goals then they can cc one tries if you work hard but if u mean dreams you get when your asleep then I've heard that when you wake up and you can remember your dream really well the opposite thing to what you've just dreamed Will happen.
2014-11-26 5:05 pm
Wet dreams may come true. (cant believe nobody said this yet)
2014-11-26 5:03 pm
Only if they're nightmares.
2014-11-26 4:59 pm
So far none of my dreams have come true, but a few of my night mares have come close.
2014-11-26 4:53 pm
I do believe that dreams come true. Like one time I dreamed of becoming a 4th Knight of Columbus and at first It didn't seem like a possibility to me but after my uncle told me that he and his son are doing it too and he included me also. So I made my dream become a reality. And now look at me, I'm a official Knight Columbus.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-26 4:42 pm
Almost anything is possible if you're talking about goals or sleeping dreams they do come true and also be a little specific next time
2014-11-26 4:41 pm
If they do, it is quite fortuitous. Very occasionally, they warn us of something that might happen; that is usually when we have been preoccupied with the event in question. I am no expert.
2014-11-26 4:32 pm
2014-11-26 4:32 pm
'Course they do! Just believe.
2014-11-26 4:27 pm
That's unfortunately kind of a "fairy tale" question. Everyone has dreams. But obviously, if you're going to take the wrong path and become an alcoholic or drug addict, I doubt very much your dreams will come true. One needs to do the right thing. Educate themselves, etc. As far as love, and meeting prince charming, you can forget that. Sorry, but I'm a realist. Life is what you make it. There's no magical potion.
2014-11-26 4:26 pm
"I remember daddy told me, dreams do come true...but you got to make them happen, it all depends on you." -The Princess and The Frog
2014-11-26 4:26 pm
2014-11-26 4:24 pm
I wish my dreams would come true but if you want your dreams coming true then make it come true
2014-11-26 4:22 pm
Realistic dreams yes unrealistic dreams no
2014-11-26 4:02 pm
If by dreams you mean what we see in our sleep, then no. They're combined pictures of what you see, think (even unconciously) during the day.
I'm pretty sure Freud has written a great book about this. you might wanna search it up.
2014-11-26 3:58 pm
I believe that dreams are linked to all parallel universes that may or may not exist. If they do exist, then i believe that dreams are visions linked through our minds of what actually goes on in other parallel universes. Do in a way, yes. According to my scientific terminology...
2014-11-26 3:58 pm
2014-11-26 3:57 pm
If you dream of anything and you want to achieve it , then you must trywww,cheapimport ,co
2014-11-26 3:51 pm
No, impossible
2014-11-26 3:41 pm
There are two types of dreams: the ones while sleeping and the ones on personal ambition, as far as the ones while sleeping, science states that its random thoughts being put together to form one big picture and thats what makes the dream far as personal ambition ummm a psycho named Adolf Hitler was able to become president and murder millions of people like it was nothing, its not right but it makes you realize anything is possible if that can happen..
2014-11-26 3:38 pm
if you work at acheveing whatever the dream is than yes otherwise no
2014-11-26 3:38 pm
Of course
2014-11-26 3:35 pm
I think so, It may not happen exactly like it did in your dream and may not happen right after you wake up.
I believe its true because it happened to me before. -deja vu.
2014-11-26 3:34 pm
Hehehehe i dont think so
2014-11-26 3:29 pm
Dreams in the sense of life-long dreams can come true if you have education and determination nightly dreams can also come true if . You have Psychic ability
2014-11-26 3:27 pm
Yes they can, but sometimes a dream become a nightmare, and it's that type that I pray does not come true, though the nightmare is far more likely to come true than the simple pleasant dream! just think back over your lifetime. Put on one side all the bad things that have happened, and all the misery you have suffered, then on the other side, put all the most wonderful moments of you life. I bet a million that the bad side wins by a mile. Sweet dreams!
2014-11-26 3:20 pm
2014-11-26 3:19 pm
2014-11-26 3:18 pm
They say dreams are the gate way into the unconscious mind; for they lead us to moments long foreseen and, yet, forgotten. Dreams in all senses are visions that, like any other thought, can influence our future action. Whether they come true or not depends on how you, the conscious part of you, decipher and act upon that vision.
2014-11-26 3:13 pm
Yes I believe that dreams do come true but there's a catch to it. Simply expecting to be successful without putting in work wont get you anywhere. You need to make an effort to fulfill your dreams. Ask any great leader or anyone who has achieved anything in the world they will tell you one thing - they all built their dreams through sheer hardwork.
2014-11-26 3:12 pm
Only if you want it to. You have to work to accomplish your dreams.
2014-11-26 3:07 pm
"Maybe I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." Dreams may come true or your efforts may get you better. Who knows? That's just life.
2014-11-26 3:04 pm
2014-11-26 3:04 pm
Since most dreams are not remembered at all, there is no way of knowing how many match future real events.
2014-11-26 3:02 pm
yes i believe
2014-11-26 2:55 pm
some yeah depends on who you are and how real your dream is if your eaten by a giant slug I don't think its real.
2014-11-26 2:53 pm
yes! and i know it will come true
2014-11-26 2:47 pm
may be yes or no
2014-11-26 2:47 pm
i dreamnt it ate a giant marshmellow,when i woke uo my pillow was gone. true story
2014-11-26 2:24 pm
nah its all rubbish
2014-11-26 2:15 pm
some of them, God willing.
2014-11-26 2:12 pm
yes i believe dreams do come true the good one and the bad ones especially
2014-11-26 2:11 pm
somebody beleives in dreams but somebody do not..
so beleive yourself that it comes true or not?
2014-11-26 2:08 pm
Yes.I believe and also that it is one of the signs to know the existence of Allah(God)
2014-11-26 2:07 pm
2014-11-26 2:07 pm
Yea true
2014-11-26 2:02 pm
Dream come true....sometime i believe but sometime i don't...coz it always come true as long as u believe it and understand the Dream....:)
2014-11-26 1:45 pm
I think the magic of life is never knowing, but driving on anyway...because sometimes it's the journey, not the destination.
2014-11-26 1:43 pm
sometimes I wish they would, sometimes i wish that all dreams came true but then i think if all dreams came true that means that life would be easy and you wouldn't have to work for anything
2014-11-26 1:36 pm
Yes they do
2014-11-26 1:35 pm
Yeah if you want to, and take it into to action.
2014-11-26 1:31 pm
2014-11-26 1:25 pm
yes o cos
2014-11-26 1:13 pm
2014-11-26 12:59 pm
Some can if you work at them
2014-11-26 12:57 pm
Yes. Whatever I see in my dreams, it happens... not literally but symbolically. I take it more as a warning if its something not nice.
2014-11-26 12:56 pm
2014-11-26 12:51 pm
yes I do believe bcz god is da 1 hu make ur dreams come true
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-26 12:48 pm
i do
2014-11-26 12:46 pm
Well i would give an ambivalent answer to this, i did get a few dream come trues, and some only managed to stay virtually, some were bad, some were annoying, but in the end it's just a fun time.
Christopher Nolan would know best (direct reference to INCEPTION).
2014-11-26 12:41 pm
參考: What's your Source (optional)
2014-11-26 12:40 pm
Dreams only come true if they are realistic portrayals of life.

For example, if your "dream" is to become a doctor, that is a tangible and realistic thought to have and completely attainable. However, if that "dream" is non-tangible and overly lofty is ceases to be attainable.

So, dreams come in two forms. Things that are attainable, otherwise known as reality; and dreams that are not attainable, otherwise known as fantasies.

For example, when a person tells you that their dream is to have a sexual relationship without any consequences, that is a fantasy.
2014-11-26 12:35 pm
Yes birds are fish
2014-11-26 12:19 pm
Some dreams become true. Its happened in my life. But its mean not to each dream.
2014-11-26 12:19 pm
which dreams are you talking about? Dreams that you dream at night or dreams in the sense of your own wishes and desires?
2014-11-26 12:14 pm
They might if you work hard for it!
2014-11-26 12:07 pm
If that happens than world isa better than i think
2014-11-26 12:04 pm
yes. i believe
2014-11-26 12:03 pm
Yes I believe that dream come true but not all dreams. Usually the dreams while you are in deep sleep come true. Late morning dreams come true quickly and midnight dreams come true later than morning dreams.
2014-11-26 11:50 am
Many times I have dreamt of normal everyday situations. When I do I write them down as I don't have a very good short term memory due to health issues. Then I find a week later I am talking to someone and I will suddenly say what their going to say and I can carry on the conversation by myself. I'd go home look at my dream book and see the exact conversation at the exact time one the exact day as it happened..
2014-11-26 11:47 am
you can catch the dream in reality..
2014-11-26 11:43 am
I think Yes, but depends on the type of dream...
Watch The Secret, it's a great documentary on this topic.
2014-11-26 11:42 am
If you work hard enough you can achieve your dreams
2014-11-26 11:34 am
Bloody yes! Maybe not all an maybe the first time when I'm 97 but still....
2014-11-26 11:32 am
Yes. But only if you work for it.
2014-11-26 11:26 am
yeah most of them do,they did to me,but if its a bad dream i pray for it not to come true and it doesn't
2014-11-26 11:26 am
I dont think they come true . still the saying holds good " If drems come true beggars would ride horses"
2014-11-26 11:15 am
According to my experiences, I can't believe it.
2014-11-26 11:12 am
Depends upon your dreams and type of dream
if you saw a dream while sleeping, it may or may not come true
and if you dreaming about achieving something, again it may come true or not depending upon many factors as
1) what the dream is about
2)are you capable of doing it and the list goes on and on
2014-11-26 11:01 am
it depends some times dreams that you dream about do some times come true but very seldom, the other dream is you have to work hard and never give in
2014-11-26 10:58 am
some times dreams come true.
2014-11-26 10:49 am
some do. I dreamt I could not find my wife whom I loved very much. some years late we divorced.
2014-11-26 10:35 am
yes under some circumstances
2014-11-26 10:23 am
yes.. i believe that dreams come true.. only when you fully focus on your dream.. put your effort on your dream.. definatly one day your dream come true.. nd you feel wonderfull that time..
2014-11-26 10:18 am
2014-11-26 10:07 am
It's a nice thought when you are younger "do dreams do come true?" 10 years ago I would have said, yes.
2014-11-26 10:06 am
2014-11-26 9:58 am
yes, we need to have dream in case of that it can come true!
2014-11-26 9:14 am
The master states that 28% are precognitive.
2014-11-26 9:07 am
sometime true and sometime false
2014-11-26 8:56 am
Dreams most definitely have a greater possibility of becoming true than anything non-dreamed. So yes, dreams can come true because you typically work towards them in some nature.
2014-11-26 8:47 am
Dreams never become true.....

But I believe some dreams are hint for some future happening....

Dreams always shows negative happenings for positive future happenings...
And positive happenings for negative future happenings...
2014-11-26 8:31 am
some dreams do.... for some people, there is thin line between dreams and visions. for most of us, it activates or triggers unconsiously
2014-11-26 8:31 am
This word is not appropriate for all dreams some come true and some are not.
2014-11-26 8:24 am
If you work hard enough and don't lose sight of your dreams they will come true, but most people usually give up on this because they deem it as "impossible". Nothing is impossible. You just have to learn to take the step forward and never give up.
2014-11-26 8:24 am
Sleeping dreams... no. Occasionally you may think so but you are probably fooling yourself.
The American Dream was killed by Wall St & the GOP years ago.
2014-11-26 8:22 am
2014-11-26 8:12 am
2014-11-26 8:10 am
2014-11-26 8:09 am
depends on what type of "dreams" your talking about
2014-11-26 8:04 am
yes, if you are believe, that the all dreams can be come true.
2014-11-26 7:55 am
yes sometimes
2014-11-26 7:44 am
yes I belive in the dream because my dream is not wrong till now.after i dont know
2014-11-26 7:44 am
I don not think..
2014-11-26 7:35 am
It depends on what kind of dream you are talking about. Theirs the dream that comes during sleep which never happens so it's not true. It's just our mind playing flashback of the past moment of our lives and activites but in a distorted way and some dreams can be pretty weird no relation to each other. I had a fantasy dream once anyways not briefing about it over here. The dream that comes true is when you want something badly and you work and struggle for it of course you won't know you won't achieve it because life is mysterious you attain it without the knowledge of it then only realize you made it that is if you are able to realize that you made it or someone tells you about their story and then you flashback into your own life. But In my case I really don't know what I wish to be but I do know what I want I guess it's kind of vague. You have to write down your goals and ambition thats what they mean by dreams come true and not the Disney fairy tale fancy dreams that never come true which are only to sell BS to audience cause ppl but it can inspire some one in a lil way.
2014-11-26 7:34 am
2014-11-26 7:33 am
2014-11-26 7:25 am
I dreamed that my fart was magical and cured the world or all illness' so lets all hope they do
2014-11-26 7:23 am
I would say no because if they do, I would be dead a couple of times by now
2014-11-26 7:23 am
yes I believe
2014-11-26 7:22 am
yup!!!!!!!!! i believed that dream always true..
2014-11-26 7:18 am
Yes dreams come true
2014-11-26 7:14 am
Occasionally, it depends on the size of the dream. The bigger the dream the less likely it comes true.
2014-11-26 7:07 am
Sometimes, dream is really true
2014-11-26 7:04 am
Pas une chance en enfer!
2014-11-26 7:01 am
Some people here and answersing as if you are asking is dreams we have in the night come true. I think you are asking if the dreams in our life come true...........
Yes , no, and some time...

I had dreams come true. I wanted to be a nurse..yep that happened, I wanted to get married and have kids, that happened but it was harder than I can ever of imagined.
Some dreams can turn in to nightmares.
It is best to hope for the best and be ready for the worst and be happy no matter what.
2014-11-26 6:47 am
What dreams are you referring to - the ones that occur when you're sleep or goals that you set in your life?

You can forget about the ones that occur in your sleep and as to the goals, well sometimes they do become true but even with the most of careful planning they can come a cropper.
參考: What's your Source (optional)
2014-11-26 6:27 am
not all of them.
2014-11-26 6:26 am
2014-11-26 6:19 am
Sure, of course. So you should have dreams, in case it come true one day.
2014-11-26 6:08 am
yes ,I believe it
2014-11-26 6:07 am
Yes. If we focus on our dreams, it definitely come true one day but we don't lose hope.
2014-11-26 6:01 am
No. I had a dream where it rained money and everyone gave it all to me and i was rich. Never happened!
2014-11-26 5:59 am
Yes,Quite many times they do come true.
2014-11-26 5:57 am
All my practical dreams come true.
The only dream i have heard that didnt come is that the one aliens ivaded the earth
2014-11-26 5:54 am
2014-11-26 5:51 am
not evryone
2014-11-26 5:39 am
2014-11-26 5:36 am
I believe
2014-11-26 5:31 am
working hard makes your dream come true, not waiting....
2014-11-26 5:24 am
should be.
2014-11-26 5:24 am
2014-11-26 5:17 am
No they never come true whether it is bad or good.
2014-11-26 5:16 am
Absolute truth to that.
2014-11-26 5:08 am
if you belive that you think dreams come true well it does not come true all time i think in my head and some guy tells me come to my house i think it looks amazing but its not when you really see it so you should not always say what you want
2014-11-26 4:58 am
I dreamed that I was raped by a turtle, I'm putting a cork in my ass for protection just to be on the safe side.
2014-11-26 4:54 am
Only if they are wish-dreams and you work your butt off to make them a reality.
2014-11-26 4:46 am
They sometimes come true
2014-11-26 4:45 am
2014-11-26 4:40 am
2014-11-26 4:40 am
I think you have to look for someone who already has what you want, then do what that person is doing. Picasso said: "Good artists copy, great artists steal." Successful people have more knowledge and knowledge is power. With support from the right people, willingness to push yourself, take risks, and learn from your mistakes, you can accomplish your goals.
2014-11-26 4:40 am
Dream always true as long as to understanding the DREAM.
2014-11-26 4:34 am
2014-11-26 4:29 am
Yes it does come true, when we really wish to our dream to come true and at the same time we work hard for it then whole universe try to make our dream come true.
2014-11-26 4:27 am
sometimes it come true.
2014-11-26 4:25 am
Sometimes dreams do come true and sometimes not.
2014-11-26 4:22 am
but don't get carried away.
2014-11-26 4:18 am
If you strive and believe :)
2014-11-26 4:16 am
Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't. The odds are never for or against your favor. Tomorrow you could be a millionaire. Or you could end up broke and homeless. Or dead. Or in some foreign country fighting aliens. You just don't know.
2014-11-26 3:59 am
of course
2014-11-26 3:58 am
2014-11-26 3:58 am
2014-11-26 3:57 am
yes,I believe it
2014-11-26 3:56 am
Yes for some people.
2014-11-26 3:55 am
Sometimes, Yes I do .
2014-11-26 3:51 am
Yes i do.
2014-11-26 3:49 am
2014-11-26 3:48 am
Just keep your head up and you'll go far. Don't let anyone ever tell you that you can't acheive your dreams because you're in charge of your life not others!
2014-11-26 3:47 am
I believe my State Lottery can help this affirmation for some people.
2014-11-26 3:39 am
Sometimes they do! Most if the times they don't.
2014-11-26 3:37 am
psh I use to :(
2014-11-26 3:34 am
i think Walt Disney said they do
2014-11-26 3:22 am
2014-11-26 3:20 am
Yes...Unless its something impossible
2014-11-26 3:16 am
2014-11-26 3:15 am
2014-11-26 3:13 am
Yes, hold on to your dreams until you LITERALLY can't achieve it anymore, don't give up until then. People give up on their dreams left and right, but it is okay and even great to hold on to them because life is way too short to just settle.
2014-11-26 3:12 am
yes its the law of attraction
2014-11-26 3:11 am
meh, not really
2014-11-26 3:10 am
Yes they do. Don't be like the majority of people in this section who have already givenn up.
2014-11-26 3:05 am
Of course. if you try your best to do everything which is about and never give up.
2014-11-26 3:02 am
Of course! If you put your mind to it and BELIEVE!
2014-11-26 2:59 am
In my opinion, I believe it depends on the dream itself. If the dream is possible, then yes. But there are some people who dream about something that's not even humanly possible. For example, my dream is to become a pony. You don't see that humanly possible (yet). So overall, it depends on the dream whether if it's humanly possible or not
2014-11-26 2:53 am
It depends on what your dream is. It all comes down to the fact if you have any skill in the area or not. I know that I could be an actor if I tried. I'm just scared. I also know that there is no way I could be a lead singer in a band, because I can't sing to save a life. If you have some skill in an area that you wish to be, you can improve on that skill and master it and reach your dream. Dreams do come true, but only with hard work and determination.
2014-11-26 2:51 am
yes sometimes become..
2014-11-26 2:51 am
2014-11-26 2:50 am
it depends on what you mean. if you mean what you dream when you go to sleep then no, those dreams probably wont come true. BUT if you are talking about big wishes and goals.. then YES the can come true! just never stop trying. and believe it will be ok. sappy, I know, but it works. I used to be a pretty negative person then I started really really trying to force myself to feel more positive about life and what I want. anyone can do or be anything.
2014-11-26 2:47 am
No, if it does, it's just a coincidence.
2014-11-26 2:40 am
well that depends on what your defenition of "dream" is, there are dreams on which you sleep and dreams like day dreams.
2014-11-26 2:37 am
Not really...
2014-11-26 2:35 am
if you work hard!!!
2014-11-26 2:34 am
Well I think it depends on your dreams.
2014-11-26 2:34 am
Any females have any intimate romantic dreams they would like to act out over email and yahoo messenger?
Erotic sex dreams?
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-26 2:33 am
Yes but not because you dreamed it. I can dream i walked outside and it was a nice day. It's possible i may walk outside and it will be a nice day.
2014-11-26 2:29 am
Honestly? No. You at least should do something for that.
2014-11-26 2:24 am
I believe dreams come true if you choose to work on your dreams. Its not just handed over to you.
2014-11-26 2:23 am
some of my dreams come true.
2014-11-26 2:20 am
Stay positive. I believe that dreams do come true. But sometimes on the way to one dream you find another.
2014-11-26 2:05 am
No, but effort, determination, and lots of hard work will enable thoughts to and actions to take form.
2014-11-26 1:54 am
Sometimes. I hope they do :)
2014-11-26 1:52 am
They never seem to. People use them, to elevate themselves.
2014-11-26 1:48 am
Of course. Now there are two types of dreams: realistic and unrealistic dreams. Any realistic dream can come true (I want to be a lawyer, doctor, teacher, etc). However unrealistic dreams will not come true (I want to walk on the sun, I want to drink lava and not feel any pain)
2014-11-26 1:48 am
no you make your own reality
2014-11-26 1:47 am
Dreams come true only if you work hard to make it true.
2014-11-26 1:32 am
2014-11-26 1:32 am
yes, in my experience some of them have become true.
2014-11-26 1:32 am
Yes, if you work hard.
2014-11-26 1:30 am
Yes, I believe that dreams do come true. Is it all my dreams? Some of my dreams do come true. So do not give up on your dreams they will come true some day! Just keep on believing
and do not give up!
2014-11-26 1:25 am
I think sometime only not always dreams come true
2014-11-26 1:20 am
I believe part of dreams may come true, but not all of them.
2014-11-26 1:15 am
If you keep dreaming then youll always beleive that dreams are possible to come true.That makes you feel energetic
2014-11-26 12:58 am
2014-11-26 12:58 am
I do not believe so. I personally had a dream just last night about my friend not bringing a flashdrive that I needed, my best "friend" coming to school, seeing an old friend of mine, and having a horrible day. That was all wrong. My friend ended up bringing the flashdrive, my best "friend" did not show up for the second time, and I had a great day today. I did hear that the dreams you have reflect on your life though and if you have a dream about a certain person it just means that they miss you. If the freams do come true then yes I believe that it is remote-vieing your life.
2014-11-26 12:57 am
they generally are based on your subconscious thoughts during the day.
2014-11-26 12:57 am
When least expected.
2014-11-26 12:55 am
yes, i do believe they come true for *some* people. that doesn't mean all the others should stop dreaming.
2014-11-26 12:54 am
Unfortunately they don't. :(
2014-11-26 12:49 am
YES! But only if they're not my dreams because I'm still dreaming with no rewards.
2014-11-26 12:45 am
Sure! I mean i guess it depends on your opinion.
2014-11-26 12:43 am
Philosophically speaking, I used to believe. But, after seeing several instances, I have changed my mind. Because nothing has so far been successful. I was hoping against hopes.
參考: own
2014-11-26 12:42 am
No you dumb piece of shet.
2014-11-26 12:34 am
No , of course not ,, that is all psycho-babble stuff designed to sell books or take you money through endless 'sessions' .
2014-11-26 12:22 am
well that depends. sometimes yes they do as long as you believe that they do!
2014-11-26 12:21 am
Depends on how much you work for the dream
2014-11-26 12:17 am
life its self is dream and we're all experiencing it; so yes.
2014-11-26 12:09 am
2014-11-26 12:09 am
all I can say is last year I dreamed of having a baby girl for a couple a days then next thing I knew that month I was pregnant :)
2014-11-26 12:07 am
2014-11-26 12:06 am
it could be coincidence if one DOES come true, but nonetheless, it's very unlikely.
2014-11-25 11:59 pm
If they did, I wouldn't be here right now.
2014-11-25 11:54 pm
Not always, they can. Although, sometimes it's mere luck as hard work isn't always enough.

My point: dreams can come true. It's just rare.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-25 11:49 pm
No they don't....
2014-11-25 11:48 pm
2014-11-25 11:44 pm
no i don't think dreams come true
2014-11-25 11:41 pm
2014-11-25 11:40 pm
2014-11-25 11:39 pm
i dreamt a dream, it dreamed of me dreaming, and so, the truth in the dream i dreamt was a dream no more.
2014-11-25 11:38 pm
To a certain extent. Some of us grow up dreaming that one day we will put on the uniform of our desired career choice, and for some of those people that dream comes true, for others, it doesn't.
2014-11-25 11:33 pm
I'd like to think they do... it would be great if they did
2014-11-25 11:30 pm
It depends on whose dreams are they!mine or yours? If it's mine,them i will fulfill it at any cost.8) and if it's yours,then may god bless you!! :P
2014-11-25 11:26 pm
2014-11-25 11:22 pm
If you find love they do! If not you better hope that your rich. Its like a second prize!
2014-11-25 11:20 pm
It depends on what that dreams is, if you have the right connections to make it come true and how hard you work to achieve it
2014-11-25 11:09 pm
boy i sure hope not. otherwise, i may have to serve some jailtime...
2014-11-25 11:09 pm
No not always.
2014-11-25 11:08 pm
possibly, but you'd need to define the vague word 'dream'
2014-11-25 11:07 pm
2014-11-25 11:05 pm
Yes and No
2014-11-25 10:57 pm
Yes because I have lived it before. Thank you Jesus.
2014-11-25 10:57 pm
I love to dream. Usually my dreams are good dreams. Can they come true? I think it's possible that dreams can come true.
參考: What's your Source (Optional)
2014-11-25 10:52 pm
Dreams CAN come true, but the common outcome of it is a big no.
2014-11-25 10:47 pm
Not for me. As I always wake from the dream before I can mutilate the ppl I killed. It sucks
2014-11-25 10:45 pm
Some of them, but not all of them.

Only the lucky ones.
2014-11-25 10:44 pm
Yes, if there aren't really unrealistic.
2014-11-25 10:42 pm
I wish they did but I am pretty sure they don't
2014-11-25 10:19 pm
A dream as in to achieve something then yes but dreams you get when your asleep,no :)
2014-11-25 10:03 pm
2014-11-25 9:53 pm
yhes, I believe that
2014-11-25 9:38 pm
it depends on what you dream about and if it can be realistic, but whatever you dream might come true
2014-11-25 9:35 pm
2014-11-25 9:34 pm
2014-11-25 9:22 pm
Dumb dreams never come true. The catch is whether you can find out before it's too late or not.
2014-11-25 9:14 pm
YES they do come true
2014-11-25 9:11 pm
Dreams and is hopes you have in life then YES! Keep your eye on what you want and you can get it. Everyone is capable!
2014-11-25 9:02 pm
It depends on how hard you try.
2014-11-25 8:57 pm
2014-11-25 8:53 pm
sometimes they do and sometimes they don't
2014-11-25 8:50 pm
they will come true if you want them to
2014-11-25 8:45 pm
Not really
2014-11-25 8:38 pm
YES they do come true
2014-11-25 8:30 pm
mine has never.
2014-11-25 8:16 pm
Yes, but you have to encourage yourself for reach to your dreams.
2014-11-25 8:15 pm
They can.....depends on the dream. If its to become the first one on the moon, no. If its to become a pro football player, probably not. If its to become a doctor, maybe. Its what you set your mind to.
2014-11-25 7:58 pm
no.not for you anyway
2014-11-25 7:52 pm
Yes, I think it is a secret place to communicate with the supernatural
2014-11-25 7:40 pm
No. Unless it is a coincidence.
2014-11-25 7:08 pm
yes, sometimes.
2014-11-25 6:51 pm
2014-11-25 4:47 pm
Yes! If you want something bad enough, have the patience and fortitude to see it come to Light, it will come. I am a living testament to this! :D
參考: Experience
2014-11-25 4:44 pm
Yes, but I'm still waiting for mine to come true,(4 years now).
2014-11-25 4:30 pm
2014-12-06 2:06 am
Carl G. Jung, famous psychologist, did not believe that telepathy was beyond the scope of reality. He asserted that dreams acted as a telepathic highway of sorts. However, it is likely that dreams typically reflect visions that are common occurrences. Therefore, if you had a dream that you felt came true; it is likely that the dream contained a number of familiar memories. I recommend the following book: . It is the most comprehensive book I have read that has been written on dreams in the last 50 years.
2014-11-26 11:36 am
It depends on what kind of dream you have dreamed.

Dreams are composed and caused by spirits for various reasons such as
1. As a part of the game they play with other spirits
2. To alert the person who dreams
3. To sooth the spirits which are angry with you
Still there may be some other reasons.

A human being is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. These spirits watch, guide and determine the destiny of a person from his/her daily activities, talks and thoughts too.

To interpret a dream one needs the complete history of a person who dreamed. Without complete details one cannot interpret properly. You know your life well, therefore, only you can guess what it is.

To interpret a dream you must have thorough knowledge of your own self. You must have the memory of all you have done in the past. For every action there will be a reaction. So also for talks and thoughts. Once you pick-up the point then you can easily guess what spirits say.

For example, many years back I had a dream. The dream was about the existing situation and alert. I was always followed by some bad spirits. They were talking all sorts of nonsense with vulgar words everyday and every minute sometimes every second. (They are still talking) These spirits are the reason for the change of mental state of human kind all over the world.

DREAM: The sky was transformed into drainage water with leaves and other things were floating and moving slowly. It was so terrifying and scary that those waters may fall on earth at any time and cause destruction.
2014-11-26 9:52 am
Yes if you believe
2014-11-26 9:44 am
Dreams that occur during sleep may or may not come true, but dreams like aspiring ones you want to accomplish will only come true if you really want the to. Dreams don't happen, you make them happen. :)
2014-11-26 9:25 am
Yap, its true that dreams may be true or may not be. Its totally depends on you.
2014-11-26 9:21 am
2014-11-26 1:19 am
2014-11-26 12:13 am
2014-11-25 11:48 pm
you mean the dreams one has when asleep, or dreams as in what one wishes about the future or of her/himself, etc? if you're talking about the sleep one, then obviously they don't all come true. if you're talking bout the ones people have, while awake, consciously, then again, they don't all come true.
2014-11-25 10:27 pm
It all depends on the dream itself, if your dream consists of you waking up and becoming a unicorn living in a land of rainbows and butterflies, then sorry to break it to you, but that's not going to happen. There are 2 types of dream, the fictional ones, and realistic ones, as in the form of a goal or lifelong achievement. If you dreams consists of you being successful, being president, being famous, or living in a mansion, then those dreams are achievable if you set you mind to it and try your hardest to achieve this goal
2014-11-25 9:15 pm
2014-11-25 8:35 pm
Nope, just deal with the harsh reality of the cold hard truth of the world.
2014-11-25 7:58 pm
It really depends on what you set your mind to do. If you have a dream of flyin, Flymetaphorically or physically, bein rich, be rich on somethin other than money. Hope dis helped in any way :D
2014-11-25 6:33 pm
Yes. Dreams sometimes do come true - it is called remote viewing.
2014-11-25 5:58 pm
Yes,it does depend on the dream though.

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