What does robber means?

2014-11-26 3:11 am
What does robber means?
(Please use Chinese to answer me.)

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First, robber is a noun.

n. 强盗,盗贼

网 络 强盗;

复数: robbers

robber+ This is a people who have stolen something

another noun: robbery------a case


1. Her younger brother was cut up by a robber last week.

2. But then the robber whipped out a gun, and everyone stopped moving. 然而那强盗突然亮出枪, 大家都不动了.

3. She grappled with the bank robber, but was thrown to the ground. 她与抢劫银行的强盗扭打, 被强盗摔倒在地上.

4. The robber stunned the guard by banging him on the head. 抢劫犯猛击那个卫兵的头部使他晕了过去.

5. A witness picked him out of an identification parade as the robber. 一名目击者将他从辨认队列中指认出来,说他就是抢匪.

The Differences between is:

robber: 指以暴力或威胁等手段强行夺取他人财物的人。
thief: 普通用词含义广泛,一般专指盗窍者。
burglar: 指夜间撬窗破门行窃的人。

2014-11-26 10:40 am
Robber 強盜, robbery (n) 搶劫, rob (v)
Thief 小偷, theft (n) 盜竊

A robber steals with force, brutality and intimidation.
A thief often does not come to contact with the person he/she steals from.
Thief 不是 含义广泛, 殺人強盜不能稱 thief

Burglar 闖入室內的竊賊 , Burglary (n) 入室行竊, burgle (v)
許多的 burglaries 在日間發生

2014-11-26 02:54:08 補充:
與 "偷搶" 有關:

Pirate = 海盜, piracy (n) 海盜行為
Mugger = 行兇搶劫的路賊, mugging (n) 搶劫, mug (v)
Shoplifter = 商店扒手, shoplifting (n) 入店行竊, shoplift (v)
Pickpocket = 扒手
Embezzler = 盜用公款者, embezzlement (n) 盜用, embezzle (v)

另外一詞, break-in (n) = 〔尤指為盜竊〕非法強行進入﹐闖入

2014-11-26 03:44:53 補充:
" robber" 不是翻譯 ""歹徒" , 根據 Yahoo 字典是 gangster = 歹徒
cut up 不是翻譯 "砍伤", 是解 "切碎, 割碎".

抄"金山XX" 的例子, cut and paste, 至少自己看一次, 決定適不適合.
坦言, 網上例子未必是對. You need to exercise your personal judgement.
2014-11-26 3:50 am
Robber: 強盜,盜賊.
跟thief (小偷) 比較robber是罪行嚴重些
2014-11-26 3:13 am
搶劫者,強盜 [c]

n. 攔路強盜

n. 掠奪者

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