Why oral english is important

2014-11-26 1:17 am
Why oral english is important for student to learn .

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3.why is learning English important

In the past, Hong Kong was a British colony so, of course, English was the official language. Hence it was a very important language if anyone wanted to work in any government department.

On the other hand, Hong Kong is a business city- state, we have to communicate with western countries or English speaking countries, so English is the most important for this reason.

Since the sovereignty of Hong Kong returned back to China, Mandarin has been becoming more important gradually. Because we learn technology from western countries and do business with these countries, English cannot be neglected.

Finally, in my opinion, in Hong Kong students have to learn at least three languages or dialects, namely Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

Hope I can help you
2014-11-26 8:13 am
能說另一種語言, 就可以多一個渠道認識另一個地方, 文化和知識, 與其他國家既人溝, 英文係西方其中一種國際語言.
係西方, 好多人都會學多一種兩種語言, 只係亞洲區既國家比較自閉, 唔想溝通, 才功能性迫人學多一種.
瑞士, 都分咗法語, 瑞語, 和德語區. 西方既交流很多, 所以發展得夠快...

另一個層面, 如果你只懂一種語言, 你只可以在本土生活, 接觸其他方的事或物, 你必需要靠別人傳譯, 而你沒法分別真偽...

互聯網, 係可以幫到人, 但到底互聯網都係由人發明, 係西方... 而非中國人....
而互聯網既基本, 是真實世界演變. 新一代既人, 沒有了電腦, 甚麼也不能.

真實笑話一, 在大陸有一間食店, 俾人拍了相片, 招牌的英文是..."translation error"
真實笑話二, 在大陸某航空公司, 也俾人拍了相片, 某一個告示牌寫著"請在一米綫後等候", 英文竟然出現..."rice noodle"..
2014-11-26 2:43 am

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