I cant stop thinking about her?

2014-11-25 3:59 am
Im 19 and i used to have a crush on a 23 year old Nancy but we couldn't date because of our age difference. But we used to hangout alot almost everyday. But one day she texted me saying we could not hangout anymore because she felt like I was liking her way too much. But now I have a girlfriend for 3 months. And Nancy and I text a bit but acts like she doesn't wanna talk...and deep down I kinda miss her, I love my girlfriend but I think of Nancy alot lately. What should I dooo???

回答 (3)

2014-11-25 4:04 am
Sorry Nancy can't reply right now.....she is too busy lickng the tip of my......
2014-11-25 4:04 am
Some girls just aren't into guys that are younger than them. I'm sorry dude but you're just gonna have to get her out of your head. Just give it some time. And it would probably help to stop talking to her, especially since you have a girlfriend.
2014-11-25 4:01 am
probably break up with your girlfriend and find someone you do like and Nancy is so not interested ---- the age gap is nothing so she is using it as an excuse
remain friendly and get on with your life

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