abused dog help?

2014-11-24 6:42 pm
so i jsut brought home a 2-3 year old female pit who was found beaten half to death. she has her ear riped, air soft pellets in her side, and shes extremely afraid of males. well shes staying with my boyfriend and his sister until i move in in a few months. my boyfriend is really hurt because of the fact that she is afraid of him and he thinks she will never get used to him. how do we get her to come around more often and be more playful and get used to my boyfriend faster. and get her to relise that he isnt going to hurt her?

just so everyone know, all her injurys are old and healed. she will walk up to my boyfriend but shes very skittish and his littleist movements scare her. shes very protective over me, we were playing around and he was fake punching me and she jumped up and got between us.


11-25-14 so yesterday my bf informed me that he was laying in his room and she came in to visit him on her own.

回答 (11)

2014-11-25 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your boyfriend needs to be the bringer of all good things. He's the one that feeds her. He always has a fanny pack on full of cheese and hotdog and bribes her at any and all opportunities. He's the one that lets her outside and takes her on walks.

The trick is to never push it. Just because she walks up to him to get the hotdog, doesn't mean she's ready for him to try to pet her. You have to go SLOW and be willing to put a lot of time and effort into making sure that she never associates anything bad with him, and that all the best things do come from him.

Expect this to take weeks to months to see much progress.
2014-11-24 6:49 pm
If he's good and gentle with her, she will learn to trust him. It's really sad when you think about what this poor dog had to endure at the hands of some heartless man.
2014-11-24 6:48 pm
Wow I can't believe how cruel people are to pits...

It'll take alot of time for an abused dog to trust again, it would be ideal if you were there too, and be there everytime your bf interacts w/ the dog, that way it's reassuring. For now, space is probably the best thing he can give her right now, just being very calm and don't mess with her aside from feeding...she'll realize he's not hurting her, and she'll start coming around.
2014-11-24 6:47 pm
He can build a bond by teamwork. I always recommend a basic obedience course for new dogs: attend classes and practice the lessons every day. Class will teach both the human and the dog about the other, how they do things, how to work together.
2014-11-24 6:46 pm
Call the police, animal welfare needs to be informed.
2014-11-26 11:13 pm
have ur bf look up on Caesar milan who is a dog specialist. With her past it takes time, have ur bf with treats, patience, lot of time, a small room with no furniture to hide from him, ask to try a feminine voice with her, he should be able to sit down with a calm position, he should not smile with teeth. have treat like a row across her, about five and plentiful in his hands. soothing feminine talk, ask ur bf to talk to her about his past or something happy or sad. nothing frighting. slowly she will read him and understand him, ask ur bf not to touch her with his palm, but back of his hand. keep talking and reward her every step closer. do that daily. she will learn to trust him.
參考: specialized and understanding with abused animals
2014-11-24 9:05 pm
Most animal abusers are men, so it's most likely why she is afraid of the BF. It takes time and patience to overcome that - she is just waiting for him to do something cruel to her. If he tries to force attention on her, it is just going to reinforce that. Have him do nothing more than talk to her, no physical contact. He must be the one who feeds her though, but he needs to back off after putting her dish down. Treats - good treats - will help. Have him just toss the treat to her - no expectations. She doesn't have to come to him to get the treat. In time, she will come to associate him with good treats and food, rather than wait for him to hurt her. Our greyhound came to us sorely neglected, and when we got her it was just me and my daughter. I started dating my future new husband, and intially she was very scared of him. In the end she became *his* dog and not mine. Patience, feeding, and treats :)
2014-11-24 8:11 pm
You can't really force something like that. The more you try to force it, the worse it will get.

You just have to give her time.
2014-11-24 7:22 pm
Wow. Smh. Can't believe how sick some people are and abuse an innocent animal.

Yes. Deff get her to a vet first and foremost so she can have her injuries dressed. When you bring her home, have your boyfriend speak very softly and kindly to her. Remember, he has to let her come to him. Eventually she'll come around and will learn to trust men. :)
2014-11-24 7:05 pm
Your first concern is getting her to a vet. NOW!

It will take a long time for her to trust men. Don't force it. Just act like nothing happened, and she'll eventually realize he won't hurt her.
2014-11-24 6:51 pm
Get him to feed her..? Get him to give her treats? I hope the dog gets better.

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