Do you really think that triple h and stephanie laid off it makes no sense because who will manage the wwe?

2014-11-24 1:36 pm

回答 (9)

2014-11-24 2:46 pm
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Triple H and Stephanie will be back that is a guarantee. Note the clause in the contract that says John Cena is the only person with the power to bring them back.
Come mania season I see Sting confronting Cena saying that he came to WWE to face the king of kings and to finish his career on the big stage of wrestlemania. Cena will respect that and will reinstate Triple H and Stephanie with the clause that Triple H faces Sting at wrestlemania. Just my guess.
2014-11-24 6:56 pm
They can now focus on wrestling instead of HHH and Steph hogging the tv time.
2014-11-24 3:55 pm
It sets up a feud with Vince...for ultimate "control" of WWE.
2014-11-24 2:53 pm
Steph is Pregnant - It's all part of the script
2014-11-24 2:24 pm
Their characters are no longer in charge on camera. Paul Levesque is still Executive Vice President, Talent, Live Events & Creative. Stephanie McMahon-Levesque is still Chief Brand Officer.
2014-11-24 1:55 pm
Triple H and Stephanie are not really being laid off from the WWE. Their online characters are probably being taken off television for a while, but they are not being laid off.
2014-11-24 1:54 pm
So why Stephanie wept there and went crazy?
2014-11-24 1:51 pm
they will still manage wwe just behind closed doors its just a storyline
2014-11-24 1:50 pm
They just needed to get off TV for a while. There's really no change to anything behind the scenes.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:18:48
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