Which Hogwarts House do you think you would be sorted into?

2014-11-24 4:03 am
Gryffindor: Values bravery, loyalty, friendship, rebellion, courage and self-sacrifice for the good of others.
Slytherin: Values ambition, determination, resourcefulness, cleverness, self-preservation and tradition.
Hufflepuff: Values loyalty, kindness, friendship, hard work, playing by the rules and fairness.
Ravenclaw: Values intelligence, wit, creativity, individuality, wisdom and originality.

回答 (3)

2014-11-24 4:22 am
I don't believe in categorizing people like that. There's no reason that you can't be smart and ambitious or kind and brave at the same time.
2014-11-24 4:20 am
2014-11-24 4:07 am
Probably slytherin haha

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