Sit for GCE-AL Exam--Chinese

2014-11-23 8:59 pm
I would like to ask the following :-

a) I am a HK student and would like to for sit for the GCE-AL Chinese Lang. paper.
I have not sit for the GCE-AS Chinese Language Paper before. In order to get the
complete AL certificate in Chinese Language.
Is it necessary to sit for the GCE-AS paper, too ?

b) How to get the past GCE AL-Chinese Lang. Exam Paper?

c) In fact, what is Edexcel ?

d) The GCE Exam is Not organised by London University ? Why by Edexcel ?

Please HELP !

回答 (2)

2014-11-27 7:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

a) I am a HK student and would like to for sit for the GCE-AL Chinese Lang. paper.I have not sit for the GCE-AS Chinese Language Paper before. In order to get the complete AL certificate in Chinese Language.
Is it necessary to sit for the GCE-AS paper, too ?

>> 要, 因為gce a level 係由as + a2 所組成, 所以你應該要考哂所有modules先算係一個完整既gce a level

b) How to get the past GCE AL-Chinese Lang. Exam Paper?

>> 你上exam board 個網上面就可以搵到了, 佢地會有past paper 提供既.

c) In fact, what is Edexcel ?

>> edexcel 係一個exam board, 即係好似hkea 咁, 你係hk 考試, 都要through hkea 報, 咁同樣地, 你想考英國既試, 都要through 英國既考評局報, 而英國其中一個考評局就係edexcel了.

d) The GCE Exam is Not organised by London University ? Why by Edexcel ?

>> gce 係英國既高考... 所以會由番英國既高考exam board 所舉辦同考核. (呢個問題就好似問緊, 點解dse 係香港考評局舉辦, 而唔係hku 舉辦一樣). 呢個例子應該會易明d.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2014-11-24 2:03 am,_Cambridge_and_RSA_Examinations

2014-11-23 18:03:23 補充:

2014-11-23 18:04:02 補充:
Edexcel is an exam board for the GCE A-level, its competitors are OCR, AQA.

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