My friend knows the last 4 digits of my social and my debit card pin!!!?

2014-11-23 3:05 am
I am flipping out!
My friend knows the last four digits of my social security code and my debit card pin!
I thought I could trust him but now I'm seeing some scary signs of wanting to get into my Business! I'll walk in my own room and he is on the phone with my bank checking my card balance and tracking orders that I have placed from stores! I am going to change my pin but I'm really paranoid! Could anything bad happen?

回答 (5)

2014-11-23 3:43 am
Part of "flipping out" means posting to an anonymous website on a Saturday night instead of calling your bank?

He's on the phone, in your room, talking to companies about your orders? That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Either that, or he's up to something or he's overly involved in your life.

Keep your purchases to yourself. Change all your website passwords. Get new account numbers for every account you have, along with new PINs. Keep your wallet with you. Keep all statements in a locked filing cabinet, along with your checkbook and any personal info. Shred anything money related that you don't need to keep.

You won't like this, but it's also time to start acting like an adult. Your money is your business. You need to handle your life without running to the Internet for support and approval.
2014-11-23 3:17 am
Get another PIN number. Report to police your card stolen, or you will pay for his stuff. Kick him out. You should keep your card with you in your pocket.
2014-11-23 3:11 am
sure, I would get a new debit card and a new pin.
2014-11-23 9:42 am
So go close your current bank account and get a new one with new debit card number and pin. At the very least - change password to your account. I doubt he can get into your account without a password.

Yes, bad things could happen. If he makes bad things happen.

Apparently you aren't "flipping out" enough - if you slowly backed out of your room - and didn't "flip out" at him.

I agree with Simpson. Pay attention to that advice.
2014-11-23 3:22 am
Yep, he COULD emphasize could be buying things on your account in no time. Doesn't matter who you trust the most, don't give them your information like that. You will learn from this trust me

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