
2014-11-22 9:29 pm

回答 (2)

2014-11-23 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not in the way how you describe.

Politics, in a simple way to understand, is basically strategies that intends to protect the interests for a group or person. There is no law or rule, but simply a principle to follow.

In politics, law is the tool used to protect such interest.
2014-11-23 7:38 am
Politicians pass regulations. They are monitored by the legal system.
At the same time, there are regulations/legislations/rules that govern the legislation process.
The United States Constitution is an example. Politicians can't pass law on firearms because the Second Constitution said that they can keep firearms and passing new law to ban firearms is against the Constitution.
Another example is the election process. How politicians are elected and for how long. That's law passed by politicians to control/constrain the legislation sector.
Sometime there are ways to overcome those constraints depending on the structure of the system. So long it is not an absolute power system, politics and law are linked in every way.
You can search on constitution/administrative law if you want to know more.
參考: Read things in History and Law in the past

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 17:16:22
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