Reply business letter

2014-11-21 4:07 am
Thank you very much for the kind and detailed answer.

1) A couple of hundreds units could be, indeed, a good target if we can sort out the technical problems.

2) However, the possibility of extending the functionality of the APP is essential for our purposes. Could you possibly put me in contact with the developers?

Best regards,

回答佢Q1: 之前已經同佢保證左一次, 話產品零件已更新左, 保證產品質量冇問題, 但佢仲有擔心, 所以想再同佢解釋多次, 生產過程中, 我地會有QC team睇住, 確保證質量冇問題.

回答佢Q2: 至於Androd app方面, 我們並不是開發人員, 但我們已經聯絡到個app的開發人員, 我們可以將你寶貴的意見反映給軟件開發人員. 但至於開發新功能的可行性, 要留待開發人員研究.

之後總結應該點埋尾可以得體D. 請各位師兄姐指教, 感激不盡…..

回答 (1)

2014-11-22 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
A1: As we have confirmed before, the components have been redesigned and the quality of the product is checked. Our quality control team will make sure the manufacturing quality.A2: We have delivered your required functionality of the APP to our software developer to explore the potential configuration, for that we’ll have to wait for their reply.We hope you can have great confidence in our product design and manufacturing team in understanding our business partner’s concerns to deliver the most market ready product to the consumers’ satisfaction.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:51:33
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