what sort of things to get a 17 year old girl for christmas?

2014-11-18 6:25 pm

回答 (3)

2014-11-18 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It depends on how much you want to spend and what her hobbies/likes are. Here are some ideas:

*Makeup - makeup, make up brushes, make up bag
*Tickets - movie, concert, sport event
*Technology - phone,camera, Ipod, computer, head phones
*Winter gear - mittens, hat, scarf
*Nail polish
*If she likes art, get art supplies - canvases, paint, brushes,
*If she has a favorite show, get her something related to that
*Nice shampoo/condition
*Bath salt, bubble bath, body wash
*CD or DVD
2014-11-18 7:04 pm
Make up & gift cards to stores she likes to shop in. Phone case.
2014-11-18 6:28 pm
Jewelry, car. Trip to Europe. Gift card from Nordstrom's or Forever 21 or both.

A subscription to Scientific American, Foreign Affairs, or Vital Speeches of the Day

A savings bond account at the US Treasury Web site.

Movie tickets, Concert tickets, Hockey tickets.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 00:40:01
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