
You are working in a clothes shop.Someone comes in who wants to buy lots of clothes.Help them to buy some pants,shoes,a shirt,and a jacket.
I would like to try on a pair of jeans in this style,please.
What size are you ?I am a 29-inch waist.
What do you think?
Do you think it lookd too big/small/tight/baggy?
It looks lovely.They suit you.
It is just your style. It does not suit you.
How much does it costs?
It costs 50 dollars.
It is on sale at the moment.
After the discount,they will be 40 dollars.
We are having a sale on these items at the moment.

回答 (2)

2014-11-20 3:46 am
✔ 最佳答案

A:Hello, How are you doing today?
B:Hi, I'm fine thank you.
A:How can I help you today?
B:I'm looking for a pair of jeans with size 29 please.
A:Okay, if you would follow me, I'll show you where there are in the store. We're having a sale on designer jeans right now.
B:Thank you very much.
A:Is there a particular style of jeans you are looking for?
B: Yes,I would like to try on a pair of jeans in this style,please.
A: Sure, how about these?
B:Thank you, I'll try them on.
A: What do you think?
B:Do you think they look too baggy?
A:I think they look just fine, they suit you well.
B:Let me try another pair on and see how they look.
B:Do you think this pair look good on me?
A:I don't think they are your style, they don't suit you.
B:Thank you. I think I'll take the first pair I tried on. How much does it cost?
A: They are 50 dollars. They happen to be on sale at the moment.
B: That's great.
A: After the discount, it will be 40 dollars.
B: Good, I'll take them.
A: Will it be cash or charge?
B: Charge, please.
A: Thank you. Here's your receipt and you have a nice day.
B: Thank you for your help. Bye now.
A: Bye, come back and see us again.

2014-11-20 04:07:07 補充:
None taken!!!! Thanks to Godfrey for pointing out my mistake. I'm way too far from perfect. Hehehe!!!!

2014-11-22 20:38:13 補充:
Dear Godfrey, Now you're making me blush. I made the mistakes and I should own up to it. My excuse is "fast fingers", I should have gone over the post before sending it out. Thanks again for your kind comment.
參考: jim
2014-11-20 7:29 am
No offence:

I'll show you where THEY are in the store.
B: Do you think this pair LOOKS good on me? ~ "this pair" 是 singular

It is more common to say:~
B: Let me try ON another pair and see how they look.

2014-11-22 08:54:30 補充:
Jim-歸鄉樂 ( 知識長 ):

不好意思, 大家都是想幫發問者

Thanks for your contribution!

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