Should USPS be shut down?

2014-11-17 11:50 pm
How many think the USPS does a good job for the amount of money they are paid.
Do they take care of your package?

I have had two packages within the last two weeks; one was a FedEx package that was to be signed for but delivered by the post office. It was left at the door, the box was damaged and so was my high tech parts that was inside was ruined due to the damage box and left in the rain.
This week I had a sweater from eBay. It took 3 weeks to come from Cali which should have taken no more than 3-9 business days. Then the mailman checks it in as delivered in our around the mail box, when it was still on the truck. I call the local post office, just a little after 5 and I tried to get them to look into it. The woman said they are closed. I said you are paid 24/7 by the Federal Government and we have an issue about a package that has been ongoing for 3 weeks. She called the mailman and found it was still on the truck, I am thinking mail theft.
Anyone else got some stories?

回答 (10)

2014-11-18 12:23 am
The post office is authorized by the Constitution. No private carrier wants to deliver any letter to every address each day for 50 cents. It is not profitable.

The lucrative next and two day delivery services should not have been privatized because they could be used to subsidize the regular and bulk mail delivery and prevent raises in the first class rate.

It's like AMTRAK. When passenger rail became unprofitable, Nixon relieved the railroads of it and let them keep the lucrative freight service, instead of nationalizing the whole railroad, as many countries of Europe have done.

In America, the government only takes the unprofitable jobs that private industry doesn't want, lets the private companies make all the money, and then everyone wonders why they are so much more efficient than government and why government can't make a profit so we have to subsidize it.
2014-11-18 12:09 am
For one or two bad experiences? Or even more than that? They're a business, and businesses screw up.

We don't pay them; the USPS is supported entirely by sales of postal supplies and services.

The only money that comes from the government is paying for overseas mail so soldiers can vote absentee.
2014-11-17 11:57 pm
They AREN'T paid by the Federal Govt though, learn what you are talking about. Also if it was theft why was it found? They would have just claimed it got lost in processing, On top of that you proved how good they can be. Do you think FedEx wouldn't be charging way more if they couldn't use the USPS to finish their work?
2014-11-18 3:24 am
First of all, we have to separate UPS, USPS, and FedEx. In my experience, all are good at delivering packages. (Why was the post office delivering a FedEx package!?!)

If you are not at home to receive a package, the carriers do the best they can.
2014-11-17 11:53 pm
Nope. Never had a damaged package and my mail is delivered on time.
2014-11-17 11:52 pm
For the price, they are excellent. Just as good as UPS or fedex with much lower cost.
2014-11-18 12:17 am
First, where the hell is Cali? It's not California, because no one but teeny boppers who have never been there call it that.

And why do you assume the first package was damaged by the PO? FedEx could have given it to them that way with no directions for signature. Why didn't FedEx deliver it, especially if signature is required? You are blaming the wrong people.

You expect post offices to be open for your whining 24/7? Wow. Are you willing to pay for that? The sorting departments are open those hours, but they are like any other business and open limited hours because of FUNDING cuts created by the GOP. (With the absurd mandate that they fund pensions for 75 years in the future.) And newsflash, the people are NOT paid 24/7 and they are not paid by the federal government. It is self funded. THe pension mandate costs it 5 billion a year, so it has had to cut staff and close locations. So if you want to complain, complain to the GOP who put the absurd requirement on them. (Guess what, people don't live 75 years after retirement.)

Without knowing the facts about the second delivery, it's hard to comment. If you had a package issue, you should have contacted the sender who is the proper person to track it. Do you know for a fact they sent it when they said they did?

How is it mail theft? That doesn't make sense if it was on the truck and you got your package.

You sure are quick to pass judgment with very little knowledge.

Your second story doesn't make sense.
2014-11-18 12:02 am
but then where would people go to get a full pension after 25 years of non work?!..there are only so many government jobs to go around, you know!
2016-08-06 3:28 am
your face should be shut down faggboy (WIDE AS A BEER CAN ENJOYS GAY SEX)
2014-11-18 12:38 am
Well for one I am 43 years old and if I want to call California Cali I can. Why the post office did the finial delivery to home I do not know it is something new I guess to help bring money in to the USPS and you Post office is subsidized by the Federal Government but I guess you’re too liberal to know that. Yes a claim was filed and it does me no good right now, I still have a damaged parts “dropped I guess” the housing could have been fixed but the box sitting in the rain got to the electronics. DEAD! So if you want to take up for stupidly go ahead.
As for my 2nd package I gave you enough info you would you like me to write out information? This is not the first time this has happen; this has been ongoing for the last year.

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