Partial Pressure and Ideal Gas Law (Chemistry Problem)?

2014-11-17 6:10 pm

Consider two flasks connected by a stopcock. One flask has a volume of 500.0 mL and contains N2(g) at a pressure of 700.0 Torr. The other flask has a volume of 400.0 mL and contains O2(g) at a pressure of 950.0 Torr. If the stopcock is opened so that the two gases mix completely - calculate the partial pressure of N2(g) and O2(g) and the total pressure of the resultant mixture. I am getting 698 Torr for N2(g) and 953 Torr for O2(g), but the answer is 388.9 Torr for N2(g) and 422.2 Torr for O2.

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2014-11-17 8:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(500.0 mL x 700.0 Torr N2) / (500.0 mL + 400.0 mL) = 388.9 Torr N2

(400.0 mL x 950.0 Torr O2) / (500.0 mL + 400.0 mL) = 422.2 Torr O2

388.9 Torr N2 + 422.2 Torr O2 = 811.1 Torr total

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