Thank you for your kind help again.
We have completed the extensive testing of the 10 sample tracker bands(運動手錶) that you have posted us about a month ago.
Our results are mixed:
-- 50% of the bands did not function satisfactorily -- i.e., their battery lasted less than 24hrs independent of the amount and method of charging we have used. Some of them were even incapable of lasting 12hrs, which made them impractical to use.
-- The other half of the bands functioned properly and provided satisfactory performance, albeit we lacked a few functions from the Android app.
Therefore, I would like to ask you a few questions:
1) Can you provide some guarantees that the battery/consumption problems can be solved in a potential future purchase? If yes, please, explain how can you ensure that the problem will not surface again?
2) Is your company the developer of the Androd app? Or are you in contact with them? I would like to discuss the possibilities of slightly extending the functionality of the App.
I am looking forward to your kind answer!
我應該點回答好, 比較得體D, 求救.....
以上兩條問題, 我想大約咁答:
Q1) 至於電量不足的問題, 我們已經和技術人員相討過了, 我們已全面更換了一批新的電池, 這批新電池已確保電池使用時間可以超過26hrs.
Q2) 至於Androd app方面, 我們並不是開發人員, 但我們可以嘗試將你保貴的意見發映給軟件發商.
至於封信的頭頭尾尾幫我諗下可以點寫呀, 小弟剛出黎做事, 加上英文不好, 請各位師兄姐指教, 感激不盡…..