Ex girlfriend isn't ready for a relationship?

2014-11-15 5:24 pm
Well we dated for 2 years and we broke up because I broke her trust taking Xanax and hanging out with a guy she doesn't like but this wasn't the first time. So we broke up and I begged her back and she mostly ignored me for about 2 weeks until she finally contacted me saying she missed me and all this stuff. Then it started to sem like she was aging mind games. Then we had sex. And where the we stand is that she says she's still in love with me and isnt looking for anyone else and I'm the only one she wants but she just isn't ready for a relationship yet. We're also made a point to know that we can still have sex. She said nobody turns her on like I do and We both know the sex is great. My problem is I'm head over heels for this girl and I want her to be mine exclusively :( what should I do?

回答 (1)

2014-11-15 5:30 pm
Focus on more important things in the world

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 23:22:56
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