
2014-11-15 7:12 am

回答 (9)

2014-11-15 8:11 pm
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Rinsing will give used banknotes a clean and fresh look, but it will cause the banknotes to drop in value.
These rings are for chaining to the wine glasses to mark who their users are.
3.非常耐用的錢包Very durable wallets

2014-11-15 12:13:52 補充:
非常耐用的錢包Very durable purse(s)
2014-11-17 10:26 am
deduct (verb) = 扣除, 不是解 "扣在"
lock (verb) = 鎖住, 拘禁 (使用鎖, with a lock)

bill = 帳單; 鈔票 (美國)
a dollar bill = 一元紙幣, 多數指美元
five-dollar bill 五元紙幣
英國用 pound, 部分歐洲用 euro, 日本用 yen

發問者只說 "鈔票"
banknote = a piece of paper money 鈔票 (應用在任何國家)

2014-11-17 02:35:33 補充:
以下使用網上翻譯, 不是本人譯.
:"Cleaning is to ensure a more dirt or dust free clean dollar bill"

"清潔是確保更多的污垢或灰塵清潔美元的鈔票" ~ Google translate
"清洗是以確保更多的污垢或灰塵免費清潔美元的鈔票" ~ Bing translate

網上翻譯, 只作參考
Here is 請翻譯以下中文成為英文:

Google translate:


1. Clean the bill in order to make a more updated look clean, but will reduce the value of money itself.
2. These key chains are deducted in the glass up to identify who the drinkers
3. very durable wallet

Bing translate:


1. cleaning is to ensure a clean bill looks to update, but it will reduce the value of money itself.

2. these key rings are around the glass to identify who is a drinker

3. very durable wallet

Super translate:


1. Clean is for the Note Printing Limited the votes came update more cadres and unclean, but the Note Printing Limited votes itself a value lower
2. These locking key chain is on glasses and came identification is to have
3. Very durable silver package
2014-11-15 10:26 pm
1. Clean the bill in order to make a more updated look clean, but will reduce the value of money itself.
2. These key chains are deducted in the glass up to identify who the drinkers
3. very durable wallet
Hope can help you!
參考: myself
2014-11-15 9:18 pm
1. Clean the bill in order to make a more updated look clean, but will reduce the value of money itself.
2. These key chains are deducted in the glass up to identify who the drinkers
3. very durable wallet

2014-11-15 6:09 pm
Cleaning is to make the bill look newer and more clean, but will reduce the value of money itself.
These key chains are deducted in the glass up to identify who the drinkers
Very durable wallet
2014-11-15 4:18 pm
lemon for 5 marks only !?
(1)Cleaning is to ensure a more dirt or dust free clean dollar bill, but will reduce the value of it.
(2)These key-chains are locked around the glasses to identify who the drinkers are.
(3)Very durable leather wallet.
2014-11-15 2:12 pm
1. Clean the bill in order to make a more updated look clean, but will reduce the value of money itself.
2. These key chains are deducted in the glass up to identify who the drinkers
3. very durable wallet
2014-11-15 7:18 am
1. Clean the bill in order to make a more updated look clean, but will reduce the value of money itself.
2. These key chains are deducted in the glass up to identify who the drinkers
3. very durable wallet

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