請問以下句子用上 v-ing form 的原因?

2014-11-15 5:20 am
以我所知,若用上 v-ing form 不外乎是gerund phrase及participle phrase
gerund phrase的用途有以下:
1) as subject
2) as object
3) as preposition 受詞
4) as subject complement
5) 簡略句子(例: after we use → after using)

但以下句子,我就唔明白為何會用上v-ing form
1) Write the article using the three headings provided.
2) The method can prevent people suffering from obesity.
3) We can let students putting things in locker

以上的(1)我估是用上了participle phrase, 用作article的adjective.
但就唔明白(2)及(3)中 v-ing form 的用法,兩句的共通點都是在 verb 後都有一個object,故在object後的 v-ing 應該唔係 gerund phrase as object.
所以,以上句子 ing form 既出現令我百思不得其解.

A disturbing childhood has twisted his mind, making him afraid of his own shadow. 想問以上making(ing form)的用法? 我估:係唔係participle phrase,用作形容childhood.


再想問 The most excuse is that they do not have time, despite the fact that they often spend long hours playing on computer games. 以上 playing on computer games 是 participle phrase 用作修飾 long hours 嗎?

回答 (1)

2014-11-15 9:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
但以下句子,我就唔明白為何會用上v-ing form
1) Write the article using the three headings provided.
2) The method can prevent people suffering from obesity.
3) We can let students putting things in locker.

(1) The sentence is not grammatical. Consider to rewrite it as follows:

a. Write the article with the three headings provided.
~ "with", which means "using something", leads a prepositional phrase (adverbial) to modify the action "write".

b. Writing the article by using the three headings provided.
~ "by" is used for showing how something is done. "using" is a gerund, as the object of preposition "by".

(2) idiomatic use of "prevent":
~ prevent somebody/something (from) doing something, where "from" is optional.
Without "from", "suffering" can be viewed as the present participle that leads the participle phrase, modifying the object "people", also called "object complement".

(3) Again, the sentence is wrong in grammar. It should be rewritten as:

a. We can let students put things in lockers. (bare infinitive "put" should be used after the causative verbs 使役動詞 "let")

b. We can allow students to put things in their lockers.

2014-11-21 02:24:10 補充:
Participle is the non-finite form of verb which has both verbal and adjectival characteristics, but sometimes it can be adverbial.

A disturbing childhood has twisted his mind (,) making him afraid of his own shadow.

2014-11-21 02:32:59 補充:
There are 3 interpretations:
1. without the comma, one may consider the participle phrase as modifier of "his mind" (adjacent)
2. with comma, one tends to think the p.p. modifies the subject "a disturbing childhood" (further apart)
3. or, the p.p. is in fact the modifier of the whole main clause.

2014-11-21 02:44:08 補充:
I tend to think the p.p. modifies the main clause in an adverbial way of "result".
That means:
~ as a result of his mind having been twisted by a disturbing childhood,
~ he is afraid of his own shadow.

2014-11-21 02:46:46 補充:
Please see "意見" because word limit exceeds.

2014-11-21 02:58:45 補充:
You can also understand it in a different angle.

"Something" makes him + "adj." (= afraid of his own shadow).
It is the sentence structure using a causative verb "make'.

So, "Something" (the main clause) is the cause, and the "adj." is the result.

2014-11-21 03:02:20 補充:
I made you angry.

The cause: I
The result: you were angry

2014-11-21 03:12:11 補充:
They often spend long hours playing on computer games.

"spend time doing something" is an idiomatic way of using the verb "spend" on its object "time" or time-related word combination.

In grammar, "doing something" is adverbial telling how the time is spent.

2014-11-21 03:15:25 補充:
以上 playing on computer games 是 participle phrase 用作修飾 spend

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