法律問題 (關於補習)

2014-11-13 9:17 pm
本人現職一間補習中心, 但只會做到 12 月尾, 現時有些法律問題想問一下。

我已經通知現有學生, 只會做到 12 月尾, 他們大多不想留下, 想我提供私補。 (而我想準備開一間, 學生都會到這上堂)

我在這公司的合約講明, 離職時不得用任何方法帶走或誘使學生離開, 我現在這樣做有否違反合約? 但合約又無指明若真有其事, 公司會採取甚麼法律。我是否會收律師信? 會否告我? 要我賠多少錢嗎? (註: 我現在的學生人數是 100 多, 應該至少有一半會走)


回答 (2)

2014-11-14 1:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. No based on the information provided.

The key is you can't ask them, explicitly or implicitly, to leave with you.

It is fine if they do that on their own.

2. Possible. As a matter of fact, you are going to get one anyway if this happens, regardless you have breached the contract or not.

It is somehow a standard procedure.

3. Yes.

4. The lost income due to students' leaving. It will be a large amount in your case.

I understand that this sounds stupid - you should get your current employer to get involved earlier, not after your departure. In this case, your employer will be put on notice that you don't ask them to leave, but they choose to leave with you. In that case, your employer can work on retaining the students. If they fail, they can't blame you.
2014-11-14 6:54 am


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