急!!!想知so同so that的意思

2014-11-13 6:30 am
急!!!想知so同so that的意思同點用.

回答 (5)

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Q : so同so that有咩分別

A :

so 可以係connective word
so that 一定係connective word



tom is rich so he can buy anything he want

tom is rich so "that" he can buy anything he want

Eg2:(passive voice都係,,,)

mr lee said he was very tried,,,or

mr lee said "that" he was very tried



問: Students are required to study Mandarin so that they are better equipped for the opportunities arising from the growing popularity of the language(學生須學習國語,以便他們較能把握國語越來越通行所帶來的機會)這一句,上司把 so之後的 that字刪去,是不是 so等於 so that?

答:作連接詞( conjunction), so一般解作「因此」, so that則是「以便」,例如:( 1) He did not study, so he failed the examination(他不讀書,因此考試不及格)。( 2) Study hard so that you may pass the examination(你要努力讀書,以求考試及格)。不過,隨便一點, so可以當作 so that,例如 Study hard so you may pass the examination。讀者那一句,用 so that是正規寫法,也較適合公文的語氣,把 that字刪去,反而不美。

So that:

1.in order that, as in I stopped so that my brother could catch up with me.

2.With the result or consequence that, as in Mail the package now so that it will arrive on time. ( for a result)

3.so ... that. In such a way or to such an extent that, as in The line was so long that I could scarcely find the end of it. All three usages date from a.d. 1000 or earlier, and the first two are sometimes put simply as so, as in I stopped so you could catch up, or Mail it now so it will arrive on time.So:


1) I am so moody.<-------------------" so" is an adverb here. so=very

2) My mother is not home so I will cook for my father.

"so" is used as a conjunction here. so =因此,所以

3) for this or that reason; hence; therefore: She is ill, and so cannot come to the party. ( because of that)

She is ill. She cannot come to the party.************

Do check out the example sentences on the website above.
2014-11-15 10:43 pm
behind so that is a purpose(目的)
behind so is a reason(原因)
If don't understand what I mean,you can send to my e-mail[Yahoo!知識+]^~^
參考: myself
2014-11-14 8:08 am
"so" as conjunction:

1. used as a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence, expressing the reason for something.
2. leading an adverb clause in a complex sentence, optionally followed by "that" to express
a. the result of something;
b. the purpose of something.

2014-11-14 00:19:46 補充:
3. used to introduce the next part of a story
e.g. So after shouting and screaming for an hour she walked out in tears.

"so" as adverb:

[+adjective/adverb]used when emphasizing the degree or amount of something by saying what the result is:
a. so ... (that)
b. so ... as to
2014-11-14 4:08 am
so and so that also mean 「所以」
After so that this word,their MUST be a reason.
After so this word,their NO NEED to have a reason
參考: me
2014-11-14 2:56 am
so that指『所以(他/她/他们)』
仲5明就send e-mail給我

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