What does black hawk down (the movie) reveal about the realities of war?

2014-11-11 3:50 am
My english exam essay question is "What does Ridley Scott’s Black Hawk Down (2001) reveal about the realities of war? In your discussion you may wish to consider, among other aspects, how the political background of the conflict is treated and the experience of everyday soldiers and civilians."

i ve got a few ideas in my head, but if you where given this essay question, what would your essay plan be?

回答 (10)

2014-11-11 5:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Questions you should be discussing in your essay. Pick one or two....

#1 "No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy." A famous quote by Helmuth von Moltke. Do you think it might apply in this case in that battle?

#2 Does it make sense to use elite military units (in this case Rangers and Delta) to act as a International police force in a region that is effectively lawless, controlled by warlords?

#3 Did the US planners underestimate the reaction to their assault and the ability of a bunch of skinnies on khat to throw a monkey wrench into their plans? Did they make a mistake by not coordinating with other Peacekeeping forces in the area? By modern standards, the RPG is a simple, relatively inexpensive weapon that can be operated by khat-chewing, illiterates. How did this weapons effect the course of the battle?

#4 Despite the huge Charlie Foxtrot and political failure that it turned out to be, did US training, weapons, and culture, keep what was a tactical failure from turning into a complete rout or even a massacre?

#5 What did the heroic act of Master Sergeant Gary Gordon and Sergeant First Class Randy Shughart mean to you and the US? http://www.badassoftheweek.com/gordonandshughart.html

#6 What political ramifications did the event have? Especially with the photos of dragging of bodies from Super Six-Four through the streets afterward?

#7 Even though the objective was not accomplished, the Somalis suffered in the neighborhood of 10x the casualties of US/UN forces. How is it that it was perceive as a significant and embarassing loss for the US?
2014-11-11 3:52 am
War sucks and $hit can happen unexpectedly (and go south real quick).
2014-11-11 4:57 am
Murphy can pop up at any time and sh!+ happens.
2014-11-11 4:33 am
If I were given this essay question, I'd do my homework my damned self instead of copying other people's ideas.
2014-11-11 4:01 am
They seriously ask these kind of questions in English...WTH is going on in our schools...
2014-11-11 9:01 am
Nothing it was a silly Movie made to Impress Americans to make Money
2014-11-11 3:58 am
It reveals how the that administration failed to give commanders what they needed in spite of an increasing hostile environment before that incident a bunch of Pakistani soldiers had been butchered and the request for more assets were denied.
2016-02-05 4:53 am
Do you go to Marist College Canberra???
2014-11-11 6:41 am
well, for one, it shows that movies and reality are two distinct things.
2014-11-11 5:23 am
Have that **** of a teacher find out for them selves

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