what is beauty measured upon?

2014-11-10 1:34 pm

回答 (5)

2014-11-10 2:00 pm
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beauty is attractive in all its forms, to believe what others see as beauty is a lie, and I know what im attracted to, like when I listen to music with my own beautiful ears
2014-11-10 1:38 pm
and let's just stick with the whole it's a personality thing
2014-11-10 1:37 pm
Average features. The more average-looking a person's face, the more beautiful it's deemed to be. They did a study where they took faces and melded them together. The more unique a face was, the less attractive people deemed it. The more mixed in with everyone else it was, the more beautiful.
2014-11-10 3:01 pm
Beauty cannot be measured. Everyone's idea of beauty if different.
2014-11-10 1:39 pm
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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