How exactly did people who virtually have nothing end up becoming very rich survive in the beginning?

2014-11-08 11:41 pm
I hear a lot of stories about how people came to the United states with as little as $100 and then they somehow end up becoming really sucessful. My question is how did they exactly live in the beginning with only $100 because that seems impossible.

回答 (3)

2014-11-09 2:25 am
It is not impossible as you have heard/read. It is people that had a great idea and worked hard and turned it into a successful product or company.
2014-11-09 12:33 am
you're talking about 1900-1920 - things didn;t cost much back then
2014-11-08 11:44 pm
visit local librarys for 'biographies' of failures poor folks
who became 'successful'.

$100 is more than enough to start out with IF
u aren't sold into mass media hypes.
參考: exstreet person, employer now, thanks librarys

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