What is your favorite flower?

2014-11-08 4:35 am
Mine is Hydrangea ♡

回答 (14)

2014-11-08 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Rose~*
2014-11-08 4:39 am
Strelitzia... more specifically, Bird of paradise.
2014-11-08 4:38 am
2014-11-08 4:37 am
I like hurricane lilies.
2014-11-08 4:44 am
Flowers from Solanaceae (Nightshade).
2014-11-08 4:40 am
My favorite flower is sunflower
2014-11-08 4:40 am
2014-11-08 4:39 am
2014-11-08 4:38 am
Zinnia dahlias
2014-11-08 4:38 am
Tulips. I go to the Netherlands every year when the tulips are at their peak.
2014-11-08 4:37 am
2014-11-08 4:36 am
Cherry blossoms
2014-11-08 4:36 am
Daisy :)
2014-11-08 4:38 am
All women like to drink and smoke and use drugs excessively.

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