電腦藍屏 懷疑同顯卡有關

2014-11-08 2:41 am
OS: Windows 7 旗艦版64-bit
CPU: AMD Athlon X4 631 Quad-Core Processor
顯卡: NVIDIA GT240
底版: ASRock A75M-HVS
DirectX 11

最近裝果個係NVIDIA 340.52更新,試過裝舊既337.88都係咁

藍屏果陣佢果句原因係attempt to reset display driver and recover from timeout failed


我個driver係由Nvidia官網果到下載返黎 BSOD之後我刪除左個driver 而家我去Device manager果到張顯卡個名係標準VGA繪圖卡而唔係GT240 但我再裝之後佢又會出BSOD

回答 (1)

2014-11-14 2:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
That's due to a faulty/corrupted graphic driver. We'll show you how to install a compatible driver for the time being. The source of your download might be the problem. Always get it direct from the official website to make sure it's proper and clean.

Note: > means left click on mouse.

1. Cold boot and hold F8 key.
2. Release the key on Safe mode list, > Safe mode. Your PC will boot into safe mode. The graphics might look a bit funny 'cause Win 7 could be using a generic graphics driver but this will serve our purpose for the time being.
3. On safe mode desktop, > Start then right click My computer.
4. > Properties > Device manger.
5. On the list, > Display adapter then right click Nvidia GT240
6. On pop up menu, > Uninstall.
7. On pop up menu, > OK.

A. Now go and restart to boot into normal mode. Make sure your computer is online. In your system tray (lower right hand corner), you'll see a message reads " Installing device driver software" . Click on it will show Win 7 is installing a compatible graphics driver for your PC. When it's finished, click OK in the system properties window.

B. Now go and restart your PC again to load the installed driver into Win 7.
Your computer graphics will run smoothly as normal for text and software interfaces. However, if you're into serious gaming, you'll have to upgrade the driver from the official website (i.e. Nvidia).

Ensure to follow all steps carefully. It should get rid of that blue BSOD.


參考: 視窗知識 Windows know how

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